
Defines functions stmv_interpolate_polygons

stmv_interpolate_polygons = function( ip=NULL, p, debugging=FALSE, global_sppoly=NULL, stmv_au_buffer_links=1, localrange_interpolation=NULL, stmv_au_distance_reference="completely_inside_boundary", just_testing_variablelist=FALSE, eps=1e-6, ... ) {
  #\\ core function to interpolate (model and predict) in parallel

  if (0) {
    # for debugging  runs ..
    currentstatus = stmv_statistics_status( p=p )
    p = parallel_run( p=p, runindex=list( locs=sample( currentstatus$todo )) )
    ip = 1:p$nruns
    localrange_interpolation = p$pres * 10
    stmv_au_distance_reference="completely_inside_boundary"  # distance filter on "boundary" of polygon or "centroids"
    stmv_au_buffer_links=1  # number of additional links to nearest neighbourhoods

  p = parameters_add( p, list(...) ) # add passed args to parameter list, priority to args

  if (exists( "libs", p)) suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )

  if (is.null(ip)) if( exists( "nruns", p ) ) ip = 1:p$nruns

  local_fn = ifelse (p$stmv_local_modelengine=="userdefined", p$stmv_local_modelengine_userdefined,
    stmv_interpolate_function_lookup( p$stmv_local_modelengine ) )

  Sloc = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Sloc )
  Yloc = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Yloc )
  Y = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Y )

  if (p$nloccov > 0) Ycov = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Ycov )
  if ( exists("TIME", p$stmv_variables) ) Ytime = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Ytime )

  # misc intermediate calcs to be done outside of parallel loops

  # pre-calculate indices and dim for data to use inside the loop
  dat_names = unique( c(  p$stmv_variables$Y, p$stmv_variables$LOCS, p$stmv_variables$local_all,  "weights") )  # excludes p$stmv_variables$TIME
  # if (p$stmv_local_modelengine %in% c("fft", "tps", "twostep") ) {
    if ( exists("TIME", p$stmv_variables)) {
      dat_names = c(dat_names, p$stmv_variables$TIME)
  # }
  # unless it is an explicit covariate and not a seasonal component there is no need for it
  # .. prediction grids create these from a time grid on the fly

  dat_nc = length( dat_names )

  iY = which(dat_names== p$stmv_variables$Y)
  ilocs = which( dat_names %in% p$stmv_variables$LOCS )

  if (p$nloccov > 0) {
    icov = which( dat_names %in% p$stmv_variables$local_cov )
    icov_local = which( p$stmv_variables$COV %in% p$stmv_variables$local_cov )
  if (exists("TIME", p$stmv_variables)) {
    ti_cov = setdiff(p$stmv_variables$local_all, c(p$stmv_variables$Y, p$stmv_variables$LOCS, p$stmv_variables$local_cov ) )
    itime_cov = which(dat_names %in% ti_cov)

  # construct prediction/output grid area ('pa')
  if (exists("stmv_distance_prediction_limits", p)) {
    localrange_interpolation = min( max( localrange_interpolation, min(p$stmv_distance_prediction_limits) ), max(p$stmv_distance_prediction_limits), na.rm=TRUE )

  windowsize.half =  trunc( localrange_interpolation / p$pres ) + 1L

  if (just_testing_variablelist) {

    # purpose: to obtain param names from a model run
    # param names vary depending upon the model form
    # only possible to run a model to see waht gets exported ..
    # just a simplified version of the below with no use of Sflag nor S

    # message("testing a run of the model to check for output")

    p = parallel_run( p=p, runindex=list( locs=sample( stmv_statistics_status( p=p )$todo )) )
    ip = 1:100

    for ( iip in ip ) {
      Si = p$runs[ iip, "locs" ]
      sloc = Sloc[Si,]
      data_subset = stmv_select_data( p=p, Si=Si, localrange=localrange_interpolation )
      if ( !is.null( data_subset )) {

        unique_spatial_locations = data_subset$unique_spatial_locations
        ndata = length(data_subset$data_index)
        if (unique_spatial_locations > p$stmv_nmin) {

          dat = matrix( 1, nrow=ndata, ncol=dat_nc )
          dat[,iY] = Y[data_subset$data_index] # these are residuals if there is a global model
          dat[,ilocs] = Yloc[data_subset$data_index,]

          if (p$nloccov > 0) dat[,icov] = Ycov[data_subset$data_index, icov_local] # no need for other dim checks as this is user provided
          if (exists("TIME", p$stmv_variables)) {
            dat[, itime_cov] = as.matrix(stmv_timecovars( vars=ti_cov, ti=Ytime[data_subset$data_index,] ) )
            itt = which(dat_names==p$stmv_variables$TIME)
            dat[, itt ] = Ytime[data_subset$data_index,]
            # crude check of number of time slices
            n_time_slices = stmv_discretize_coordinates( coo=dat[, itt], ntarget=p$nt, minresolution=p$minresolution[3], method="thin"  )
            if ( length(n_time_slices) < p$stmv_tmin )  next()
          dat = data.table(dat)
          names(dat) = dat_names
          dat_range = range( dat[,..iY], na.rm=TRUE )  # used later

          pa = try( stmv_predictionarea_polygons( 
          ) )

          if ( is.null(pa) ) next()
          if ( inherits(pa, "try-error") ) next()

          res =NULL
          res = try( local_fn ( p=p, dat=dat, pa=pa ) )

          if ( is.null(res))  next()
          if ( inherits(res, "try-error") ) next()
          if (!exists("predictions", res))  next()
          if (!exists("mean", res$predictions)) next()
          if (length(which( is.finite(res$predictions$mean ))) < 1) next()

          return( res )
        }  # unique sp locations
      }  # null data_subset
    }  # end for iip
    if (is.null(res)) stop( "Initial testing of methods did not result in a viable solution. Check your model and constraints.Hint: p$stmv_nmin, p$stmv_tmin, p$stmv_au_buffer_links, p$pres, stmv_au_distance_reference, p$stmv_distance_statsgrid, p$stmv_distance_interpolation  etc. "  )

  # ---------------------

  # p = parameters_add(p, list(...)) # add passed args to parameter list, priority to args

  # if (exists( "libs", p)) suppressMessages( RLibrary( p$libs ) )

  # if (is.null(ip)) if( exists( "nruns", p ) ) ip = 1:p$nruns

  # data for modelling
  E = stmv_error_codes()
  Sflag = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Sflag )
  S = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$S )

  i_ndata = match( "ndata", p$statsvars )

  if (length(ip) < 100) {
    nlogs = length(ip) / 5
  } else {
    nlogs = ifelse( length(ip) > (p$nlogs*5), p$nlogs, length(ip) / 5  )
  logpoints  =  sort( sample( ip, round( max(1, nlogs) ) ) )  # randomize

  savepoints =  sort( sample( ip,  3  ) )  

# main loop over each output location in S (stats output locations)
  for ( iip in ip ) {
    if ( iip %in% logpoints )  slog = stmv_logfile(p=p, flag= paste("Interpolation", p$runoption) )
    if ( iip %in% savepoints )  {
      stmv_db(p=p, DS="save_current_state", runmode=p$current_runmode, datasubset=c("P", "Pn", "Psd", "statistics") )  

    Si = p$runs[ iip, "locs" ]
    print( paste("index =", iip, ";  Si = ", Si ) )
    if ( Sflag[Si] == E[["complete"]] ) next()
    sloc = Sloc[Si,]

    data_subset = stmv_select_data( p=p, Si=Si, localrange=localrange_interpolation )
    if (is.null( data_subset )) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["insufficient_data"]]
    unique_spatial_locations = data_subset$unique_spatial_locations
    if (unique_spatial_locations < p$stmv_nmin) {
      data_subset = NULL;
      Sflag[Si] = E[["insufficient_data"]]

    # ndata abovev is for unique locations .. now ndata is for dim of input data
    ndata = length(data_subset$data_index)
    S[Si, i_ndata] = ndata

    # if here then there is something to do
    # NOTE:: data_subset$data_index are the indices of locally useful data

    # prep dependent data
    # reconstruct data for modelling (dat)
    dat = matrix( 1, nrow=ndata, ncol=dat_nc )
    dat[,iY] = Y[data_subset$data_index] # these are residuals if there is a global model
    # add a small error term to prevent some errors when duplicate locations exist;  offsets to positive values

    dat[,ilocs] = Yloc[data_subset$data_index,]
    dat[,ilocs] = dat[,ilocs] + p$pres * runif(2*ndata, -eps, eps)

    if (p$nloccov > 0) dat[,icov] = Ycov[data_subset$data_index, icov_local] # no need for other dim checks as this is user provided
    if (exists("TIME", p$stmv_variables)) {
      dat[, itime_cov] = as.matrix(stmv_timecovars( vars=ti_cov, ti=Ytime[data_subset$data_index,] ) )
      itt = which(dat_names==p$stmv_variables$TIME)
      dat[, itt ] = Ytime[data_subset$data_index,]
      # crude check of number of time slices
      n_time_slices = stmv_discretize_coordinates( coo=dat[, itt], ntarget=p$nt, minresolution=p$minresolution[3], method="thin"  )
      if ( length(n_time_slices) < p$stmv_tmin )  next()
    dat = data.table(dat)
    names(dat) = dat_names
    dat_range = range( dat[,..iY], na.rm=TRUE )  # used later

    # remember that these are crude mean/discretized estimates
    if (debugging) {
      # check data and statistical locations
      plot( Sloc[,], pch=20, cex=0.5, col="gray")
      points( Yloc[,], pch=20, cex=0.2, col="green")
      points( Yloc[data_subset$data_index,], pch=20, cex=1, col="yellow" )
      points( Sloc[Si,2] ~ Sloc[Si,1], pch=20, cex=5, col="blue" )

     pa = try( stmv_predictionarea_polygons( 
      ) )

    if ( is.null(pa) ) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["prediction_area"]]

    if ( inherits(pa, "try-error") ) {
      pa = NULL
      Sflag[Si] = E[["prediction_area"]]
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction grid ... try-error .. this should not happen.  check this")

    if (debugging) {

      # check that position indices are working properly
      Ploc = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Ploc )
      Sloc = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Sloc )
      Yloc = stmv_attach( p$storage_backend, p$ptr$Yloc )
      plot( Yloc[data_subset$data_index,2] ~ Yloc[data_subset$data_index,1], col="red", pch=".",
        ylim=range(c(Yloc[data_subset$data_index,2], Sloc[Si,2], Ploc[pa$i,2]) ),
        xlim=range(c(Yloc[data_subset$data_index,1], Sloc[Si,1], Ploc[pa$i,1]) ) ) # all data
      points( Yloc[data_subset$data_index,2] ~ Yloc[data_subset$data_index,1], col="green" )  # with covars and no other data issues
      points( Sloc[Si,2] ~ Sloc[Si,1], col="blue" ) # statistical locations
      # statistical output locations
      grids= spatial_grid(p, DS="planar.coords" )

      points( grids$plat[trunc( (Sloc[Si,2]-p$origin[2])/p$pres) + 1]
            ~ grids$plon[trunc( (Sloc[Si,1]-p$origin[1])/p$pres) + 1] , col="purple", pch=25, cex=5 )

      points( Ploc[pa$i,2] ~ Ploc[ pa$i, 1] , col="black", pch=6, cex=0.7 ) # check on pa$i indexing -- prediction locations

    data_subset = NULL

    # model and prediction .. outputs are in scale of the link (and not response)
    # the following permits user-defined models (might want to use compiler::cmpfun )

    res =NULL
    res = try( local_fn ( p=p, dat=dat, pa=pa, sloc=sloc ) )

    dat =  NULL
    pa  =  NULL

    if ( is.null(res)) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["local_model_error"]]   # modelling / prediction did not complete properly
      if (debugging) message("Error: local model error")

    if ( inherits(res, "try-error") ) {
      Sflag[Si] =  E[["local_model_error"]]   # modelling / prediction did not complete properly
      res = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: local model error")

    if (!exists("predictions", res)) {
      Sflag[Si] =  E[["prediction_error"]]   # modelling / prediction did not complete properly
      res = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction error")

    if (!exists("mean", res$predictions)) {
      Sflag[Si] =  E[["prediction_error"]]   # modelling / prediction did not complete properly
      res = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction error")

    if (length(which( is.finite(res$predictions$mean ))) < 1) {
      Sflag[Si] =  E[["prediction_error"]]   # modelling / prediction did not complete properly
      res = NULL
      if (debugging) {
        message("Error: prediction error")
      next()  # looks to be a faulty solution

    if (grepl( Sflag[Si], paste0( c("local_model_error", "prediction_error", "prediction_area", "insufficient_data" ), collapse=" " )) ) next()

    tolimit = which( res$predictions$mean < dat_range[1])
    if (length(tolimit) > 0 ) {
      res$predictions$mean[tolimit] = dat_range[1]
      res$predictions$sd[tolimit] = NA

    tolimit = which( res$predictions$mean > dat_range[2])
    if (length(tolimit) > 0 ) {
      res$predictions$mean[tolimit] = dat_range[2]
      res$predictions$sd[tolimit] = NA

    for ( vv in 1:length(res$stmv_stats) ) {
      vn = names(res$stmv_stats)[vv]
      vi = match(vn, p$statsvars)
      if (is.finite(vi)) {
        if ( is.finite(res$stmv_stats[[ vn ]] ) ) {
          S[Si, vi] = res$stmv_stats[[ vn ]]

    sf = try( stmv_predict_update(p=p, preds=res$predictions ) )

    res = NULL

    if ( is.null(sf) ) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["prediction_update_error"]]
      sf = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction update error .. is null")
    if ( inherits(sf, "try-error") ) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["prediction_update_error"]]
      sf = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction update error .. try-error")
    if ( sf=="error" ) {
      Sflag[Si] = E[["prediction_update_error"]]
      sf = NULL
      if (debugging) message("Error: prediction update error .. general")

    # ----------------------
    # do last. it is an indicator of completion of all tasks
    # restarts would be broken otherwise
    Sflag[Si] = E[["complete"]]  # mark as complete without issues

  }  # end for loop


    if (0) {


      # kriged
      fit = Krig( dat[, c("plon", "plat")], dat$z, Covariance="Matern", theta=phi, smoothness=0.5)
      op = predict(fit)
      tst = cbind( dat[, c("plon", "plat")], op )
      mba.int <- mba.surf( tst, 300, 300, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
      image(mba.int, xaxs="r", yaxs="r")

      # raw data + mba
      tst = cbind(  dat[, c("plon", "plat")], dat$z )
      mba.int <- mba.surf( tst, 300, 300, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
      image(mba.int, xaxs="r", yaxs="r")

      # default
      tst = cbind( res$predictions$plon,  res$predictions$plat,  res$predictions$mean )
      tst = na.omit(tst)
      mba.int <- mba.surf( tst, windowsize.half *2, windowsize.half *2, extend=TRUE)$xyz.est
      image(mba.int, xaxs="r", yaxs="r")

      # kernel-based
      tst = as.image( Z=dat$z, x=dat[, c("plon", "plat")], nx=300, ny=300, na.rm=TRUE)
      out = fields::image.smooth( tst, theta=phi/300, xwidth=p$pres, ywidth=p$pres )
      dev.new(); image(out)

      print( str(res) )

      lattice::levelplot( mean ~ plon + plat, data=res$predictions[res$predictions[,p$stmv_variables$TIME]==2012.05,], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE) , aspect="iso" )
      lattice::levelplot( mean ~ plon + plat, data=res$predictions, col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=TRUE) , aspect="iso" )
      for( i in sort(unique(res$predictions[,p$stmv_variables$TIME])))  print(lattice::levelplot( mean ~ plon + plat, data=res$predictions[res$predictions[,p$stmv_variables$TIME]==i,], col.regions=heat.colors(100), scale=list(draw=FALSE) , aspect="iso" ) )

      plot(  dat[,iY] ~ dat$yr, col="red"  )
      points( mean~tiyr, res$predictions, pch=20, col="gray", cex=0.5 )


jae0/emei documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 10:57 p.m.