
Defines functions stmv_discretize_coordinates

stmv_discretize_coordinates = function(coo, z=NULL, discretized_n=100, ntarget=30, minresolution=NULL, coord_is_time=FALSE, ti.offset=NULL, ti.min=NULL, FUNC=mean, method="default", ...) {

  if (is.vector(coo)) {
    ncoo = 1
    icoo = 1:length(coo)
  } else {
    ncoo = ncol(coo)
    icoo = 1:nrow(coo)

  if ( !is.data.table(coo)) coo = data.table(coo)

  ntarget = min( ntarget, length(icoo))

  if (ncoo==1) {

    if (coord_is_time) {
      # not used  yet  and not tested
      if (!is.null(ti.offset)) coo = coo + lubridate::dyears(ti.offset)
      if ( minresolution < 1 ) {
        brks = seq( 0, 1, by=minresolution )
        center = brks + minresolution / 2
        center = center[ - length(center) ]
        ti = cut( lubridate::yday( coo ) / 366, breaks=brks, labels=center , include.lowest=TRUE )
        ti = as.numeric(levels( ti ))[ as.integer( ti )]
        out = lubridate::year( coo ) + ti
      if (minresolution == 1 ) {
        out = year( coo )
      if (minresolution > 1 ) {
        if (is.null( ti.min)) ti.min = lubridate::year(min(coo) )
        brks = seq( ti.min -minresolution /2 , lubridate::year( max(coo) ) + minresolution /2 , by=minresolution )
        center = brks + minresolution / 2
        center = center[ - length(center) ]
        ti  = cut( lubridate::year(coo) , breaks=brks, labels=center, include.lowest=TRUE  )
        out  = levels( ti )[ as.integer( ti )]
      return( as.numeric(out) )

    } else {

      if (is.null(minresolution)){
        xr = range( coo, na.rm=TRUE )
        dmin = diff(xr)
        minresolution = diff(xr) / discretized_n

      coo = trunc( coo  / minresolution + 1) * minresolution
      coo = data.table(coo)

      if ( method=="default" ) {
        # basic discretization in 1D

      if ( method=="aggregate" ) {
        # basic aggregation in 2D
        if (is.null(z)) stop("z is required if aggregating")
        names(coo) = c("x"  )
        coo$z = z
        res = coo[, FUNC(z), by=x]
        names(res) =c("x", "z")
        return( res)

      if (method=="thin") {
        if (is.null(minresolution)) stop("minresolution is required")
        names(coo) = c("x"  )
        coo$z = icoo
        res = coo[, .N, by=x]
        names(res) =c("x", "n")
        ressum = sum(res$n, na.rm=TRUE)

        invcount = 1/res$n * ntarget / ressum  # proportion to remove to make each cell equal in weight
        tokeep = NULL
        for (o in 1:nrow(res)) {
          oo = which( coo[["x"]] == res[["x"]][o]  )
          noo = length(oo)
          if ( noo > 1) {
            okeep = max(1, trunc(invcount[o] * noo))
            if (okeep >= 1) {
              ss = oo[ .Internal( sample( noo, okeep, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]
              tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[ss] )
          } else {
            tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[oo] )
        nk = length(tokeep)
        if (nk > ntarget) tokeep = tokeep[ .Internal( sample( nk, ntarget, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]
        return( tokeep )

  if (ncoo==2) {
    # 2 dims assuming spatial only
    if (is.null(minresolution)){
      xr = range( coo[[1]], na.rm=TRUE )
      yr = range( coo[[2]], na.rm=TRUE )
      dmin = min( diff(xr),  diff(yr) )
      minresolution = rep( dmin / discretized_n, 2)

    coo[[1]] = trunc( coo[[1]] / minresolution[1] + 1) * minresolution[1]
    coo[[2]] = trunc( coo[[2]] / minresolution[2] + 1) * minresolution[2]

    if ( method=="default" ) {
      # basic discretization in 2D

    if ( method=="aggregate" ) {
      # basic aggregation in 2D
      if (is.null(z)) stop("z is required if aggregating")
      names(coo) = c("x", "y" )
      coo$z = z
      res = coo[, FUNC(z), by=.(x, y)]
      names(res) =c("x", "y", "z")
      return( res)

    if (method=="thin") {
      if (is.null(minresolution)) stop("minresolution is required")
      names(coo) = c("x", "y" )
      coo$z = icoo
      res = coo[, .N, by=.(x, y)]
      names(res) =c("x", "y", "n")
      ressum = sum(res$n, na.rm=TRUE)
      invcount = 1/res$n * ntarget / ressum  # proportion to remove to make each cell equal in weight
      tokeep = NULL
      for (o in 1:nrow(res)) {
        oo = which( coo[["x"]] == res[["x"]][o] & coo[["y"]] == res[["y"]][o] )
        noo = length(oo)
        if ( noo > 1) {
          okeep = max(1, trunc(invcount[o] * noo))
          if (okeep >= 1) {
            ss = oo[ .Internal( sample( noo, okeep, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]
            tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[ss] )
        } else {
          tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[oo] )
      nk = length(tokeep)
      if (nk > ntarget) tokeep = tokeep[ .Internal( sample( nk, ntarget, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]

      return( tokeep )


  if (ncoo==3) {
      # assume third dim is time .. find an more elegant solution when required
      if (is.null(minresolution)){
        xr = range( coo[[1]], na.rm=TRUE )
        yr = range( coo[[2]], na.rm=TRUE )
        tr = range( coo[[3]], na.rm=TRUE )
        dmin = min( diff(xr),  diff(yr) )
        tmin = diff(tr)
        minresolution = c( dmin / discretized_n, dmin / discretized_n, tmin/discretized_n )

      coo[[1]] = trunc( coo[[1]] / minresolution[1] +1 ) * minresolution[1]
      coo[[2]] = trunc( coo[[2]] / minresolution[2] +1 ) * minresolution[2]
      coo[[3]] = trunc( coo[[3]] / minresolution[3] +1 ) * minresolution[3]

      if ( method=="default" ) {
        # basic discretization in 2D

      if ( method=="aggregate" ) {
        # basic aggregation in 2D
        if (is.null(z)) stop("z is required if aggregating")
        names(coo) = c("x", "y", "t")
        coo$z = z
        res = coo[, FUNC(z), by=.(x, y, t)]
        names(res) =c("x", "y", "t", "z")
        return( res )

      if (method=="thin") {
        names(coo) = c("x", "y", "t")
        coo$z = icoo
        res = coo[, .N, by=.(x, y, t)]
        names(res) =c("x", "y", "t", "n")
        ressum = sum(res$n, na.rm=TRUE)

        invcount = 1/res$n * ntarget / ressum  # proportion to remove to make each cell equal in weight
        tokeep = NULL
        for (o in 1:nrow(res)) {
          oo = which( coo[,1] == res[o,1] & coo[,2] == res[o,2] & coo[,3] == res[o,3] )
          noo = length(oo)
          if ( noo > 1) {
            okeep = max(1, trunc(invcount[o] * noo))
            if (okeep >= 1) {
              ss = oo[ .Internal( sample( noo, okeep, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]
              tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[ss] )
          } else {
            tokeep = c(tokeep, icoo[oo] )
        nk = length(tokeep)
        if (nk > ntarget) tokeep = tokeep[ .Internal( sample( nk, ntarget, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)) ]

        return( tokeep )

jae0/stmv documentation built on June 8, 2024, 7:40 a.m.