
#' @title split bams into nucleosome free, mononucleosome,
#' dinucleosome and trinucleosome
#' @description use random forest to split the reads into nucleosome free,
#'              mononucleosome, dinucleosome and trinucleosome. 
#'              The features used in random forest including 
#'              fragment length, GC content, and 
#'              UCSC phastCons conservation scores.
#' @param obj an object of \link[GenomicAlignments]{GAlignments}
#' @param txs GRanges of transcripts
#' @param genome an object of BSgenome
#' @param conservation an object of \link[GenomicScores]{GScores}.
#' @param breaks a numeric vector for fragment size of nucleosome freee,
#' mononucleosome, dinucleosome and trinucleosome. The breaks pre-defined
#' here is following the description of Greenleaf's paper (see reference).
#' @param labels a character vector for labels of the levels 
#' of the resulting category.
#' @param labelsOfNucleosomeFree,labelsOfMononucleosome character(1). The label
#' for nucleosome free and mononucleosome.
#' @param trainningSetPercentage numeric(1) between 0 and 1. Percentage of 
#' trainning set from top coverage.
#' @param cutoff numeric(1) between 0 and 1. cutoff value for prediction.
#' @param halfSizeOfNucleosome numeric(1) or integer(1). Thre read length will
#' be adjusted to half of the nucleosome size to enhance the signal-to-noise
#' ratio.
#' @return a list of GAlignments
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom Biostrings letterFrequency
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom ChIPpeakAnno annotatePeakInBatch
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments coverage 
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom GenomicScores scores
#' @export
#' @references Buenrostro, J.D., Giresi, P.G., Zaba, L.C., Chang, H.Y. and 
#' Greenleaf, W.J., 2013. Transposition of native chromatin for fast and 
#' sensitive epigenomic profiling of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins and 
#' nucleosome position. Nature methods, 10(12), pp.1213-1218.
#' Chen, K., Xi, Y., Pan, X., Li, Z., Kaestner, K., Tyler, J., Dent, S., 
#' He, X. and Li, W., 2013. DANPOS: dynamic analysis of nucleosome position 
#' and occupancy by sequencing. Genome research, 23(2), pp.341-351.
#' @examples 
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "GL1.bam", 
#'                        package="ATACseqQC", mustWork=TRUE)
#' tags <- c("AS", "XN", "XM", "XO", "XG", "NM", "MD", "YS", "YT")
#' gal1 <- readBamFile(bamFile=bamfile, tag=tags, 
#'                     which=GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 1e6)), 
#'                     asMates=FALSE)
#' names(gal1) <- mcols(gal1)$qname
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' txs <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' library(phastCons100way.UCSC.hg19)
#' splitGAlignmentsByCut(gal1, txs=txs, genome=Hsapiens, 
#'                       conservation=phastCons100way.UCSC.hg19)
splitGAlignmentsByCut <- function(obj, txs, genome, conservation,
                          breaks=c(0, 100, 180, 247, 315, 473, 558, 615, Inf),
                          labels = c("NucleosomeFree", "inter1",
                                     "mononucleosome", "inter2",
                                     "dinucleosome", "inter3",
                                     "trinucleosome", "others"),
                          cutoff = .8, halfSizeOfNucleosome=80L){
  stopifnot(labelsOfMononucleosome %in% labels)
  stopifnot(labelsOfNucleosomeFree %in% labels)
  stopifnot(is(obj, "GAlignments"))
  stopifnot(is(txs, "GRanges"))
  stopifnot(is(conservation, "GScores"))
  stopifnot(is(genome, "BSgenome"))
  seqlev <- unique(seqlevels(obj))
  seqlev <- seqlev[seqlev %in% unique(seqnames(obj))]
    stop("no reads in the obj.")
  objs <- split(obj,
                    breaks = breaks,
                    labels = labels))
  nf.old <- objs[[labelsOfNucleosomeFree]]
  nc.old <- objs[[labelsOfMononucleosome]]
  nf.cvg <- coverage(nf.old)
  nc.cvg <- coverage(nc.old)
  nf.cvg <- nf.cvg[seqlev]
  nc.cvg <- nc.cvg[seqlev]
  nf.cvg.quantile <- sapply(nf.cvg, function(.ele) {
    .ele <- table(.ele)
    .ele <- .ele[-1]
    .x <- cumsum(.ele)/sum(.ele)
  nc.cvg.quantile <- sapply(nc.cvg, function(.ele) {
      .ele <- table(.ele)
      .ele <- .ele[-1]
      .x <- cumsum(.ele)/sum(.ele)
  cvg.quantile <- ifelse(nf.cvg.quantile < nc.cvg.quantile,
                         nf.cvg.quantile, nc.cvg.quantile)
  #names(cvg.quantile) <- seqlev
  nf.cvg.view <-
    as(IRangesList(mapply(function(x, y) as(Views(x, x>y), "IRanges"),
                          nf.cvg, cvg.quantile)), "GRanges")
  nc.cvg.view <-
    as(IRangesList(mapply(function(x, y) as(Views(x, x>y), "IRanges"),
                          nc.cvg, cvg.quantile)), "GRanges")
  #annotation the GRanges to get the strand info
  TSS <- promoters(txs,
                   upstream = 0,
                   downstream = 1)
  TSS <- TSS[seqnames(TSS) %in% seqlev]
  seqlev <- seqlev[seqlev %in% unique(seqnames(TSS))]
  seqlevels(TSS) <- seqlev
  seqinfo(TSS) <- Seqinfo(seqlev, seqlengths = seqlengths(TSS))
  TSS <- unique(TSS)
  nf.anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(nf.cvg.view, AnnotationData=TSS,
  nc.anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(nc.cvg.view, AnnotationData=TSS,
  strand(nf.anno) <- nf.anno$feature_strand
  strand(nc.anno) <- nc.anno$feature_strand
  mcols(nf.anno) <- DataFrame(score=1)
  mcols(nc.anno) <- DataFrame(score=1)
  nx <- GRoperator(nf.anno, nc.anno, operator = "-")
  nx <- nx[width(nx)>=40]
  nf <- nx[nx$score>0]
  nc <- nx[nx$score<0]
  nf <- reCenterPeaks(nf, width=halfSizeOfNucleosome)
  nc <- reCenterPeaks(nc, width=halfSizeOfNucleosome)
  coverage.nf <-
    Views(nf.cvg[seqlev], split(ranges(nf),
  coverage.nf <- IRangesList(lapply(coverage.nf, function(.ele){
    ir <- as(.ele, "IRanges")
    mcols(ir)$coverage <- viewMeans(.ele)
  nf <- as(coverage.nf, "GRanges")
  nf$score <- unlist(lapply(coverage.nf, function(.ele)
  nf <- nf[order(nf$score, decreasing=TRUE)]
  nf <- nf[seq_len(min(100000, length(nf)))]
  coverage.nc <-
    Views(nc.cvg[seqlev], split(ranges(nc),
  coverage.nc <- IRangesList(lapply(coverage.nc, function(.ele){
    ir <- as(.ele, "IRanges")
    mcols(ir)$coverage <- viewMeans(.ele)
  nc <- as(coverage.nc, "GRanges")
  nc$score <- unlist(lapply(coverage.nc, function(.ele)
  nc <- nc[order(nc$score, decreasing=TRUE)]
  nc <- nc[seq_len(min(100000, length(nc)))]
  obj <- obj[seqnames(obj) %in% seqlev]
  newdata <- split(as(obj, "GRanges"), names(obj))
  newdata <- range(newdata, ignore.strand=TRUE)
  newdata <- unlist(newdata)
  seqlevels(newdata) <- seqlev
  seqinfo(newdata) <- seqinfo(TSS)
  nd <- trim(newdata)
  nf.seq <- getSeq(genome, nf)
  nc.seq <- getSeq(genome, nc)
  nd.seq <- getSeq(genome, nd)
  # gc ratios
  nf.gc <- letterFrequency(nf.seq, letters="CG", as.prob = TRUE)
  nc.gc <- letterFrequency(nc.seq, letters="CG", as.prob = TRUE)
  nd.gc <- letterFrequency(nd.seq, letters="CG", as.prob = TRUE)
  # conservation
  getScoresFromCons <- function(cons, gr){
      gr.cons <- scores(object=cons, ranges=gr, scores.only=FALSE)
      stopifnot(identical(ranges(gr), ranges(gr.cons)))
      gr.cons <- gr.cons$scores
      gr.cons[is.na(gr.cons)] <- 0
  nf.conservation <- getScoresFromCons(conservation, nf)
  nc.conservation <- getScoresFromCons(conservation, nc)
  nd.conservation <- getScoresFromCons(conservation, nd)
  # median fragment length
  nf.old <- as(nf.old, "GRanges")
  nc.old <- as(nc.old, "GRanges")
  nf.ol <- findOverlaps(nf, nf.old)
  nc.ol <- findOverlaps(nc, nc.old)
  nf.ol <- split(width(nf.old)[subjectHits(nf.ol)], queryHits(nf.ol))
  nc.ol <- split(width(nc.old)[subjectHits(nc.ol)], queryHits(nc.ol))
  nf.frag.len <- sapply(nf.ol, median)
  nc.frag.len <- sapply(nc.ol, median)
  nf.frag.len <- nf.frag.len[order(as.numeric(names(nf.frag.len)))]
  nc.frag.len <- nc.frag.len[order(as.numeric(names(nc.frag.len)))]
  nd.frag.len <- width(nd)
  x.nf <- cbind(nf.frag.len, nf.conservation, nf.gc)
  x.nc <- cbind(nc.frag.len, nc.conservation, nc.gc)
  x <- rbind(x.nf, x.nc)
  testdata <- cbind(nd.frag.len, nd.conservation, nd.gc)
  colnames(testdata) <- colnames(x) <- NULL
  y <- as.factor(rep(c("f", "n"), c(length(nf), length(nc))))
  fit <- randomForest(x, y,
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata=testdata, type='prob')
  pred.free <- pred[, "f"]
  pred.bind <- pred[, "n"]
  nucleosome <- names(obj) %in% names(nd[pred.bind >= cutoff])
  nucleosomefree <- names(obj) %in%
    names(nd[pred.free>= cutoff & pred.bind < cutoff])
  NucleosomeFree <- obj[nucleosomefree]
  Nucleosome <- obj[nucleosome]
  left <- obj[!(nucleosome | nucleosomefree)]
  objs <- split(left,
                    breaks = breaks,
                    labels = labels))
  Nucleosome <- split(Nucleosome,
                          breaks = breaks,
                          labels = labels))
  Nucleosome[[labelsOfNucleosomeFree]] <- NucleosomeFree
  for(i in seq_along(objs)) objs[[i]] <- c(Nucleosome[[i]], objs[[i]])

GRbin <- function(A, B, col){
    A1 <- B1 <- C <- disjoin(c(A, B), ignore.strand=FALSE)
    ol1 <- findOverlaps(C, A, maxgap=0L, minoverlap=1L,
                        type="any", ignore.strand=FALSE)
    ol2 <- findOverlaps(C, B, maxgap=0L, minoverlap=1L,
                        type="any", ignore.strand=FALSE)
    A1$value <- B1$value <- 0
    A1$value[queryHits(ol1)] <- mcols(A)[subjectHits(ol1), col]
    B1$value[queryHits(ol2)] <- mcols(B)[subjectHits(ol2), col]
    GRangesList(A=A1, B=B1)
GRoperator <- function(A, B, col="score", 
                       operator=c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%")){
    if(!is(A, "GRanges") || !is(B, "GRanges")){
        stop("A and B must be objects of GRanges")
    operator <- match.arg(operator)
    if(!(col %in% colnames(mcols(A)))){
        stop("col is not in metadata of A")
    if(!(col %in% colnames(mcols(B)))){
        stop("col is not in metadata of B")
    C <- GRbin(A, B, col)
    A <- C$A
    B <- C$B
    out <- A
    operator <- .Primitive(operator)
    out$value <- operator(A$value, B$value)
    colnames(mcols(out)) <- col
jaime11/Transcription-Factor-Footprinting documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:48 p.m.