

ageMixing <- TRUE
R0 <- 1.8
TR <- 2.6
gamma <- 1/TR
pop <- 10000*matrix(1,5,1)#Popuation
X <- pop
n <- length(X)
propRisk <- c(.25,.5,.4,.5)#Proportion of each age group at risk
risk <- matrix(1,4,1);#Risk multiplication factor - migth want to re-structure********
K <- matrix(1,n,n)+999*diag(n)#Travel coupling - assumed independent of age (but can be changed)
ndays <- 100#Number of days to simulate
div=24#Time interval = day/div
gamma <- gamma/div

age_boundaries <- c(5,14,45,16)
maxAge <- 8

contactRates <- c(6.92,.25,.77,.45,.19,3.51,.57,.2,.42,.38,1.4,.17,.36,.44,1.03,1.83)
contactDur <- c(3.88,.28,1.04,.49,.53,2.51,.75,.5,1.31,.8,1.14,.47,1,.85,.88,1.73)

ageProp <- matrix(c(5,14,45,16)/80,4,1)#Assumed uniform between 0 and 79 - option to change/make country dependent
ageProp <- matrix(.25,4,1)

#Cnum <- matrix(,4,4)
#Cnum=t(Cnum)#Contact number
#Cdur <- matrix(,4,4)
#Cdur=t(Cdur)#Contact duration
#Age off:
Cnum <- matrix(1,4,4)
Cdur <- Cnum

C1 <- Cnum*Cdur#Number x duration (4x4)


#Account for risk in dimensionality:
k2 <- matrix(1,2,2);
C2 <- kronecker(C1,k2);

#Risk (binary for each age group):
nonrisk <- matrix(1,4,1)-propRisk
Rx <- matrix(c(propRisk,nonrisk),4,2)
Rx <- t(Rx)
Rx <- matrix(Rx,8,1)*kronecker(ageProp,matrix(1,2,1))#a1r,a1x,a2r,a2x,...
X <- kronecker(Rx,X)#Population in each country/age/risk class
X <- trunc(X)

#Risk factor:
nonrisk <- matrix(1,4,1)
Rf <- matrix(c(risk,nonrisk),4,2)
Rf <- t(Rf)
Rf <- matrix(Rf,8,1)
Rrep <- matrix(1,1,8)
Rf <- kronecker(Rrep,Rf)
C <- C2*Rf#THE age/risk matrix

Krow <- rowSums(K)
Knorm <- kronecker(matrix(1,1,n),matrix(Krow,n,1))
K <- K/Knorm
Kdelta <- kronecker(diag(8),K)
K1 <- kronecker(matrix(1,8,8),t(K))
KC <- kronecker(C,t(K))

V <- matrix(0,n,n)#Vaxine distribution

#Force of Infection - dual mobility
M <- K1%*%X#Normalisation factor (multiply)
Mm1 <- 1/M
Mm1[M==0] <- 0
Mm1 <- kronecker(matrix(1,8*n,1),t(Mm1))
Xover[X==0] <- 0
L1 <- (kronecker(matrix(1,1,8*n),X)*Kdelta*Mm1)%*%KC

#Beta calcualtion (global):
XX <- 1/gamma*L1
ev <- eigen(XX)
ev <- ev$values
Rstar <- max(abs(ev))
beta <- R0/Rstar
LD <- beta*(Kdelta*Mm1)%*%KC

seedC <- 1#Seed country
seedN <- 10#Seed number
sigma <- matrix(0,n*8,1)#Seed
sigma[(seedC-1)*8+3,1] <- seedN#Seed in an adult
I <- sigma
S <- X-I

Smat <- matrix(0,8*n,ndays*div)
Imat <- Smat
Smat[,1] <- S
Imat[,1] <- I

tend <- ndays*div
for (i in 2:tend){
  lambda <- LD%*%I
  Pinf <- 1-exp(-lambda)
  infect <- rbinom(8*n,S,Pinf)
  S <- S-infect
  Prec <- 1-exp(-gamma)
  recover <- rbinom(8*n,I,Prec)
  I <- I-recover
  Smat[,i] <- S
  Imat[,i] <- I

##Crude plot:
Splot <- colSums(Smat)
Iplot <- colSums(Imat)
attack <- 1-Splot[ndays*div]/sum(X)
toplot <- Iplot
ymax <- max(toplot)

# p1 <- plot_age_group(Imat, 1, n)
# print(p1)

plot(seq(1/div,ndays,by=1/div), Imat[seq(1,nrow(Imat),by=n),], xlim=c(0,ndays), ylim=c(0,ymax), xlab='Days', ylab='Proportion of population')
jameshay218/vaxedemic documentation built on Jan. 30, 2020, 2:58 a.m.