
Defines functions as.cube as.cube.default as.cube.array as.cube.matrix process.dim as.cube.data.table as.cube.list as.cube.environment as.array.cube as.data.table.cube as.list.cube

Documented in as.cube process.dim

# as.cube -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Cast to OLAP cube
#' @param x R object
#' @param \dots arguments passed to methods
#' @description Converts arguments to \emph{cube} class. Supports \emph{list}, \emph{array} (no hierarchies), \emph{data.table}.
#' @note This class will be deprecated, use \code{\link{data.cube}} class instead.
#' @return \emph{cube} class object.
as.cube = function(x, ...){

as.cube.default = function(x, ...){
    as.cube.array(as.array(x, ...))

as.cube.array = function(x, fact = "fact", na.rm=TRUE, ...){
    stopifnot(is.character(fact), length(fact)==1L)
    dims = selfNames(names(dimnames(x)))
    as.cube.data.table(as.data.table(x, na.rm = na.rm), fact = fact, dims = lapply(selfNames(names(dimnames(x))), function(x) x))

as.cube.matrix = function(x, ...){
    stop("matrix method is not available for as.cube, force your matrix into array or use as.data.cube function.")

#' @title Process dimension
#' @param dim character scalar name of dimension
#' @param x list value for element \emph{dim}
#' @description Helps in processing dimension data for results of \emph{dimnames.array} function. It also check \emph{key} and it's uniqueness.
process.dim = function(dim, x){
        if(is.atomic(x)) x = setDT(setNames(list(unique(x)), dim))
        else if(is.data.frame(x)) setDT(x)
        else stop("Unsupported type of dimension values.")
    if(!identical(key(x), names(x)[1L])) setkeyv(x, names(x)[1L])
        nr_before = nrow(x)
        x = unique(x, by = key(x))
        nr_after = nrow(x)
        warning(sprintf("'%s' dimension hierarchy is broken, table key is not unique. Some entries in dimension hierarchy has been dropped to enforce unique key on %s. Input rows %s while cardinality is %s.", dim, key(x), nr_before, nr_after))

# @param fact name for fact table
# @param dims list of vectors columns names for each dimension
as.cube.data.table = function(x, fact = "fact", dims, fun.aggregate = sum, ...){
    stopifnot(is.data.table(x), is.character(fact), is.list(dims), as.logical(length(dims)), !anyDuplicated(names(dims)), all(sapply(dims, is.character)), all(sapply(dims, length)), is.function(fun.aggregate))
    key_cols = sapply(dims, `[`, 1L)
    measure_cols = names(x)[!names(x) %in% unlist(dims)]
        fact = setNames(list(x[, lapply(.SD, fun.aggregate, ...), c(key_cols), .SDcols = measure_cols]), fact), 
        dims = lapply(setNames(nm = names(dims)), function(dim) process.dim(dim, x = unique(x, by = dims[[dim]])[, .SD, .SDcols = dims[[dim]]]))

# @param dims list of data.table dimension tables
as.cube.list = function(x, fact, dims, fun.aggregate = sum, ...){
    if(!missing(fact) & !missing(dims)){
        stopifnot(is.list(fact), length(fact)==1L, is.data.table(fact[[1L]]), is.list(dims))
        x = list(fact = fact, dims = dims)
    stopifnot(is.list(x), all(c("fact","dims") %in% names(x)))
    # - [ ] decode base R *dimnames* structure `list(dim1=c(...),dim2=c(...))` to support it as an input
    x$dims = lapply(selfNames(names(x$dims)), function(dim) process.dim(dim, x = x$dims[[dim]]))
    fact = names(x$fact)
        if(missing(fun.aggregate)) stop(sprintf("Fact table is not sub-aggregated and the `fun.aggregate` argument is missing. Sub-aggregated your fact table or provide aggregate function to be used on all measures."))
        if(!is.function(fun.aggregate)) stop(sprintf("Fact table is not sub-aggregated and the `fun.aggregate` argument is not a function. Sub-aggregated your fact table or provide aggregate function to be used on all measures."))
        # - [x] sub-aggregate fact table
        key_cols = sapply(x$dims, key)
        x$fact[[fact]] = x$fact[[fact]][, lapply(.SD, fun.aggregate, ...), c(key_cols)]

# @description internally used for performance, no basic validation, used when returning cube from query on cube which was already validated
as.cube.environment = function(x, ...){

# as.*.cube ---------------------------------------------------------------

as.array.cube = function(x, measure, na.fill = NA, ...){
        fact_colnames = names(x$env$fact[[x$fact]])
        measure = fact_colnames[!fact_colnames %in% unlist(x$dapply(key))]
        if(length(measure) > 1L) stop("Your cube seems to have multiple measures, you must provide column name as 'measure' argument to as.array.")
    r = as.array(x = x$env$fact[[x$fact]], dimcols = as.character(unlist(x$dapply(key))), dimnames = x$dapply(`[[`, 1L), measure = measure)
    # below will be removed after data.table#857 resolved, logic will goes into cb$denormalize method
    if(!is.na(na.fill)) r[is.na(r)] = na.fill

as.data.table.cube = function(x, na.fill = FALSE, dcast = FALSE, ...){
    r = x$denormalize(na.fill = na.fill)
    if(isTRUE(dcast)) dcast.data.table(r, ...) else r

as.list.cube = function(x, fact = "fact", ...){
    list(fact = setNames(list(x$env$fact[[x$fact]][]), fact), 
         dims = x$dapply(function(x) x))
jangorecki/data.cube documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 4:15 p.m.