
Defines functions as.data.table.array as.array.data.table swap.on lookup lookupv

Documented in as.array.data.table as.data.table.array

## data.table helper to be not dependend on data.cube pkg

#' @title Convert array to data.table
#' @param x array
#' @param keep.rownames ignored
#' @param na.rm logical default TRUE, NA value of a measure is not included into resulting data.table
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @note Array should not have a dimension named \emph{value} because this name will be used for a measure in data.table.
#' @return A data.table object with (by default) non-NA values of a measure for each dimension cross.
#' @method as.data.table array
as.data.table.array = function(x, keep.rownames = FALSE, na.rm=TRUE, ...) {
    stopifnot(is.array(x), is.logical(na.rm)) # keep.rownames ignored here
    d = dim(x)
    if (!length(d) >= 1L) stop("as.data.table.array should be called only for array object, not matrix, so expects to have 3+ dimensions")
    dn = dimnames(x)
    if (is.null(dn)) dn = lapply(d, seq.int)
    else if (any(dn.nulls <- sapply(dn, is.null))) { # decode NULL in dimnames to character(0) so CJ will handle it properly
        dn[dn.nulls] = lapply(1:sum(dn.nulls), function(i) character(0))
    r = do.call(CJ, c(dn, list(sorted=TRUE, unique=TRUE)))
    dim.cols = copy(names(r))
    if ("value" %in% dim.cols) stop("Array to convert must not already have `value` character as dimension name. `value` name is reserved for a measure, rename dimname of input array.")
    value = NULL # check NOTE
    jj = as.call(list(
        as.call(lapply(c("[","x", dim.cols), as.symbol)) # lookup to 'x' array for each row
    )) # `:=`("value", x[V1, V2, V3])
    r[, eval(jj), by=c(dim.cols)]
    if (na.rm) r[!is.na(value)] else r[]

#' @title Convert data.table to array
#' @description Converts single measure of data.table into array dimensioned by columns provided as argument.
#' @param x data.table
#' @param dimcols character vector of key column for all dimensions, if named then names will be used as dimension names, example \code{c(product = "prod_id", x = "x_id")}.
#' @param measure character scalar column name of a measure, is automatically detected if it is the only data.table columns not in \emph{dimcols} or names of \emph{dimnames}.
#' @param dimnames list of named dimension key values, the same as \link{array} \emph{dimnames} argument. If missing then dimension key values will be computed from \emph{x} data.table.
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @note When using \emph{dimcols} arg the function will extract dimension key values from \emph{x} data.table. If you have unique values for each dimension on hand, you can use \emph{dimnames} argument to skip potentially heavy task of extract dimensions, also combine with \emph{dimcols} if you need remap column name to custom dimension name.
#' @return An array, when using \emph{dimnames} the length will be \code{prod(sapply(dimnames, length))}, when using \emph{dimcols} only the length will be \code{x[, prod(sapply(.SD, uniqueN)), .SDcols = dimcols]}.
#' @method as.array data.table
as.array.data.table = function(x, dimcols, measure, dimnames, ...) {
    stopifnot(!missing(dimcols) | !missing(dimnames))
    # zero dims fast escape
    if (!missing(dimcols) && !length(dimcols) && !missing(dimnames) && !length(dimnames)) {
        if (length(x) > 1L) stopifnot(is.character(measure), length(measure)==1L, measure %in% names(x))
    if (!missing(dimcols)) stopifnot(is.character(dimcols), !anyDuplicated(names(dimcols)), !anyDuplicated(dimcols), dimcols %in% names(x))
    if (!missing(dimnames)) stopifnot(is.list(dimnames), !is.null(names(dimnames)), !anyDuplicated(names(dimnames)))
    if (!missing(dimcols) && !missing(dimnames)) {
        if (length(dimcols) && is.null(names(dimcols))) dimcols = setNames(dimcols, names(dimnames))
    if (missing(dimcols) && !missing(dimnames)) {
        stopifnot(names(dimnames) %in% names(x))
        dimcols = setNames(nm = names(dimnames))
    if (missing(measure)) {
        if (length(x)==length(dimcols)+1L) measure = names(x)[length(x)] # if only one measure then use it as default for `measure` arg
    stopifnot(is.character(measure), length(measure)==1L)
    if (!length(dimcols)) return(x[, eval(as.name(measure))])
    if (!missing(dimcols) && missing(dimnames)) {
        if (is.null(names(dimcols))) names(dimcols) = dimcols
        dimnames = lapply(dimcols, function(dimcol) unique(x[[dimcol]]))
    revkey = rev(unname(dimcols))
    if (nrow(x)) {
        crossdims = quote(setkeyv(setnames(do.call(CJ, c(dimnames, list(sorted=TRUE, unique=TRUE))), unname(dimcols)), revkey)[])
        # check if `on` cols exists to avoid 1.9.6 Error in forderv - fixed in 1.9.7 already - data.table#1376
        if (!all(revkey %in% names(x))) stop(sprintf("Columns to join on does not exists in data.table '%s'.", paste(revkey[!revkey %in% names(x)], collapse=", ")))
        r = array(data = x[eval(crossdims), eval(as.name(measure)), on = unname(revkey)],
                  dim = unname(sapply(dimnames, length)),
                  dimnames = lapply(dimnames, sort)) # dim keys order is lost
    } else {
        r = array(data = x[, eval(as.name(measure))],
                  dim = unname(sapply(dimnames, length)),
                  dimnames = dimnames)
    if (length(dimnames)==1L) c(r) else r

# used with data.table join `on` argument - used in `cube$denormalize`
swap.on = function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x), length(names(x))==length(x))
    structure(names(x), names = x)

# join and lookup chosen columns
lookup = function(fact, dim, cols) {
    if (missing(cols)) {
        cols = setdiff(names(dim), key(dim))
    if (!length(cols)) return(TRUE)
    if (any(cols %in% names(fact))) stop(sprintf("Column name collision on lookup for '%s' columns.", paste(cols[cols %in% names(fact)], collapse=", ")))
    fact[dim, (cols) := mget(paste0("i.", cols)), on = c(key(dim))]

lookupv = function(dims, fact) {
    if (!length(dims)) return(logical(0))
    sapply(dims, function(dim) {
        nd = copy(names(dim))
        nf = copy(names(fact))
        lookup(fact, dim, setdiff(nd, nf))
jangorecki/data.cube documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 4:15 p.m.