Description Usage Arguments Details Note See Also Examples
Collect expressions, timings, nrows in-out when possible. Optionally log to database.
1 2 3 4 | timing(expr, in.n = NA_integer_, tag = NA_character_, .timing = TRUE, = getOption(""), = getOption(""),
verbose = getOption("dwtools.timing.verbose"))
expr |
expression. |
in.n |
integer manually provided input object nrow. |
tag |
character custom processing message to be logged with that entry. Vector will be collapse to scalar by |
.timing |
logical easy escape timing function without timing. | |
character | |
character, when NULL then timings logs are stored in-memory, see get.timing. |
verbose |
integer, if greater than 0 then print debugging messages. It will use tag argument. It is designed to serve verbose functionallity for user processes, not for the dwtools functions. |
Use option options("dwtools.timing"=TRUE)
to turn on timing measurment in functions which supports timing measurement (e.g. db, build_hierarchy). To log timing to db connection, setup options("dwtools.db.conns"
, provide connection name to options(""="sqlite1")
and target table options(""="dwtools_timing")
(default) otherwise timing will logged to in-memory table, which can be accessed by get.timing()
Timing as attribute is available for non NULL results of expr, to make timing of NULL result function provide connection name in getOption("")
, may be also csv connection, read more at db.
When using verbose user should use either dwtools.timing.verbose
option or dwtools.verbose
option, using both at the same time may result a mess, see last example.
get.timing, db, build_hierarchy, dbCopy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 | suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dwtools))
# populate DT
DT = dw.populate(N=1e5, scenario="fact")
# classic time measurement
# timing to R session memory
options(""=NULL) # default
r = timing(
in.n = nrow(DT)
get.timing() # trunc expression field
get.timing(FALSE) # return full expression field
get.timing(TRUE) # omit expr field
# some more timing
invisible(sapply(1:3/10, function(time) timing(Sys.sleep(time))))
# timing and keep parameters value instead of variable symbol
invisible(sapply(3:1/10, function(time) eval(bquote(timing(Sys.sleep(.(time)))))))
purge.timing() # clear in-memory timing logs
# timing to db
sqlite1 = list(drvName="SQLite",dbname="sqlite1.db")
sqlite1$conn = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=sqlite1$dbname)
#options(""="dwtools_timing") # default, timing table name
r = timing(
get.timing() # no in-memory logs
db("dwtools_timing") # query timing log from db
# timing db function, scalar
r = timing(db(DT, "sales"), nrow(DT))
db("DROP TABLE sales")
# timing vectorized db function
r = db(DT, c("sales","sales_20141211"),timing=TRUE) # insert DT to two tables, including timing
# auto timing, supported functions: db, build_hierarchy, dbCopy
r = db(DT, "sales")
# timing logs to in-memory (still by auto timing option)
r = db(DT, c("sales","sales_20141211")) # insert DT to two tables
## clean up
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