Description Usage Arguments Details Value Multiple tables/connections Limitations Auto table name DB interface dictionary Note See Also Examples
Common db interface for DBI, RJDBC, RODBC and other custom defined off-memory storage.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | db(x, ..., key, .db.preprocess = getOption("dwtools.db.preprocess"),
.db.postprocess = getOption("dwtools.db.postprocess"),
.db.conns = getOption("dwtools.db.conns"),
.db.dict = getOption("dwtools.db.dict"),
.db.batch.action = getOption("dwtools.db.batch.action"),
timing = getOption("dwtools.timing"),
verbose = getOption("dwtools.verbose"))
x |
data.table (to save in db) or character of table names or character of sql commands. |
key |
character or integer, character vector to be used to set key or integer columns position to setkey. |
.db.preprocess |
logical. |
.db.postprocess |
logical. |
.db.conns |
list of connections uniquely named. |
.db.dict |
data.table db interface dictionary. |
.db.batch.action |
character action name, use only when no recycling required, no action detection required, no timing required. |
timing |
logical measure timing, make timings for each query in case of vectorized input, read timing. |
verbose |
integer, if greater than 0 then print debugging messages. |
... |
if |
Function is designed to be slim and chainable in data.table `[`
operator. It accept vectorized input for all combinations of character arguments, see Multiple tables/connections section.
- x
is data.table: db(DT,"my_tab")
- x
character table name: db("my_tab")
- x
character with spaces and starts with "SELECT "
: db("SELECT col1 FROM my_tab1")
- x
character with spaces and not starts with "SELECT "
: db("UPDATE my_tab1 SET col1 = NULL")
In case of write / read / get the data.table object (possibly with some extra attributes). In case of send action the send query results.
Table names, sql commands, connection names can be character vectors. It allows processing into multiple connections and tables at once. The list of results will be returned, except the write action where single data.table will be always returned (for chaining). It will be named by the connection names, so if the connecion name was recycled (e.g. db(c("my_tab1","my_tab2"))
) then there will be duplicated names in the resulted list.
Table names must not contains spaces (which are accepted by some db vendors).
SQL send statements should contains spaces, e.g. sqlite .tables
command needs to be written as db("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
Below are the per driver name limitations:
: No get and send actions. Extension .csv is automatically added to provided table name character (or to if table name was not provided).
: Might not support append for all jdbc drivers.
If writing to db and table name is missing or NULL then the will be used, auto generated tablename can be catched for later use by (attr(DT,"tablename",TRUE)
, read note section.
If you read/write to non-default schema you should use "my_schema1.my_tab1"
table names, it will be translated to expected format for target db, e.g. for postgres: c("my_schema1","my_tabl1")
SQL statements are of course not unified but most of the syntax is already common across different db.
There are preprocessing and postprocessing functions available per defined db driver. Those functions can be used for seemless integration in case if write/read to db lose classes of the data. This gives R ability to act as data hub and gain value as ETL tool.
You can add new db interfaces by extending db_dict. Pull Requests are welcome.
In case of get and send actions any semicolon ; sign as the last char will be removed from query. When write is used it will also set tablename attribute by reference to a data.table which was written to database, because it is done by reference it will alter input data.table also and overwrite any previous tablename attribute, you can always use newDT <- db(copy(DT),NULL)
to keep both.
dbCopy, timing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 | suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dwtools))
# Setup db connections --------------------------------------------------------------------
##### define your connections
# csv and SQLite works out of the box without configuration outside of R.
# examples are on three instances of sqlite and a csv.
library(RSQLite) # install.packages("RSQLite")
sqlite1 = list(drvName="SQLite",dbname="sqlite1.db")
sqlite1$conn = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=sqlite1$dbname)
sqlite2 = list(drvName="SQLite",dbname="sqlite2.db")
sqlite2$conn = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=sqlite2$dbname)
sqlite3 = list(drvName="SQLite",dbname="sqlite3.db")
sqlite3$conn = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=sqlite3$dbname)
csv1 = list(drvName = "csv")
# configure connections
## external dependencies required
# library(RPostgreSQL) # install.packages("RPostgreSQL")
# psql1 <- list(drvName="PostgreSQL", host="localhost", port="5432", dbname="dwtools", user="dwtools")
# psql1$conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), host=psql1$host, port=psql1$port, dbname=psql1$dbname, user=psql1$user, password="dwtools_pass")
# library(RMySQL) # install.packages("RMySQL")
# mysql1 = list(drvName="MySQL", host="localhost", port="3306", dbname="dwtools", user="dwtools")
# mysql1$conn <-dbConnect(MySQL(), host=mysql1$host, port=mysql1$port, dbname=mysql1$dbname, user=mysql1$user, password="dwtools_pass")
# library(RODBC) # install.packages("RODBC")
# odbc1 <- list(drvName="ODBC", user="dwtools", dbname="dwtools", dsn="mydsn")
# odbc1$conn <- odbcConnect(dsn=odbc1$dsn, uid=odbc1$user, pwd="dwtools_pass")
# Basic usage --------------------------------------------------------------------
(DT = dw.populate(1e5,scenario="fact")) # fact table
### write, aka INSERT + CREATE TABLE
db(DT,"my_tab1") # write to db, using default db connection (first in list)
db(DT,"my_tab2","sqlite2") # WRITE to my_tab_alt to sqlite2 connection
db(DT,"my_tab1","csv1") # WRITE to my_tab1.csv
r1 = db(DT) # write to auto named table in default db connection (first in list)
attr(r1,'tablename',TRUE) # auto generated table name # ?
r2 = db(DT,NULL,"sqlite2") # the same above but another connection, override r1 attribute! read ?db note
l = db(DT,c("my_tab11","my_tab22"),c("sqlite1","sqlite2")) # save into different connections and different tables
### read, aka: SELECT * FROM
db("my_tab1","csv1") # READ from my_tab1.csv
r1 = db("my_tab1","sqlite1",key=c("prod_code","cust_code","geog_code","time_code")) # set key on result, useful on chaining, see 'Chaining data.table' examples below
db(DT, "my_tab2") # CREATE TABLE just for below line example
l = db("my_tab2", c("sqlite1","sqlite2")) # read my_tab2 table from two connections, return list
l = db(c("my_tab11","my_tab22"), c("sqlite1","sqlite2")) # read my_tab1 and my_tab2 table from two connections, return list
### get, aka: SELECT ... FROM ... JOIN ...
db("SELECT * FROM my_tab1")
r = db("SELECT * FROM my_tab2","sqlite2",key=c("prod_code","cust_code","geog_code","time_code"))
l = db(c("SELECT * FROM my_tab1","SELECT * FROM my_tab2"),c("sqlite1","sqlite2"))
### send, aka: UPDATE, INDEX, DROP, etc.
db(c("CREATE INDEX idx_my_tab1a ON my_tab1 (prod_code, geog_code)","CREATE INDEX idx_my_tab1b ON my_tab1 (cust_code, time_code)")) # create two indices
db(c("DROP INDEX idx_my_tab1a","DROP INDEX idx_my_tab1b")) # drop two indices
db("DROP TABLE my_tab2") # drop the table which we created in above example #CREATE TABLE
db(c("DROP TABLE my_tab1","DROP TABLE my_tab2"),c("sqlite1","sqlite2")) # multiple statements into multiple connections
# Advanced usage ------------------------------------------------------
db.conns.names = c("sqlite1","sqlite2","sqlite3")
### easy sql scripting: DROP ALL TABLES IN ALL DBs
(DT = dw.populate(1e5,scenario="fact")) # fact table
# populate 2 tables in sqlite3 while chaining: db(DT,NULL,"sqlite3"), auto table names
# populate 2 tables in each connection, then 1 table in each connection, 9 tables created
# query all tables on all connections
(tbls = db("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'",db.conns.names))
# drop all tables on all connections
ll = lapply(1:length(tbls), function(i, tbls){
if(nrow(tbls[[i]]) > 0) data.table(conn_name = names(tbls[i]), tbls[[i]])
else data.table(conn_name = character(), tbls[[i]])
}, tbls)
r = rbindlist(ll)[,list(sql=paste0("DROP TABLE ",name), conn_name=conn_name, name=name) # build statement
][,list(conn_name=conn_name, name=name, res=db(sql,conn_name)) # exec DROP TABLE ...
# verify tables dropped
db("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'",db.conns.names)
### Chaining data.table: DT[...][...]
# populate star schema to db
X = dw.populate(1e5,scenario="star") # list of 5 tables, 1 fact table and 4 dimensions
db(X$TIME,"time") # save time to db
db(X$GEOGRAPHY,"geography") # save geography to db
db(X$SALES,"sales") # save sales FACT to db
# data.table join in R directly on external SQL database
db("geography",key="geog_code")[db("sales",key="geog_code")] # geography[sales]
options("dwtools.timing"=TRUE) # turn on db auditing
## Chaining including multiple read and multiple write directly on SQL database
# 0. predefine aggregate function for later use
# 1. query sales fact table from db
# 2. aggregate to 2 dimensions
# 3. save current state of data to db
# 4. query geography dimension table from db
# 5. sales left join geography dimension
# 6. aggregate to higher geography entity
# 7. save current state of data to db
# 8. query time dimension table from db
# 8. sales left join time dimension
# 9. aggregate to higher time entity
# 10. save current state of data to db
jj_aggr = quote(list(amount=sum(amount), value=sum(value)))
r <- db("sales",key="geog_code" # read fact table from db
)[,eval(jj_aggr),keyby=c("geog_code","time_code") # aggr by geog_code and time_code
][,db(.SD) # write to db,
][,db("geography",key="geog_code" # read lookup geography dim from db
)[.SD # left join geography
][,eval(jj_aggr), keyby=c("time_code","geog_region_name")] # aggr
][,db(.SD) # write to db,
][,db("time",key="time_code" # read lookup time dim from db
)[.SD # left join time
][, eval(jj_aggr), keyby=c("geog_region_name","time_month_code","time_month_name")] # aggr
][,db(.SD) # write to db,
db("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
## Interesting to consider is
# how much effort would such 'query' requires if developing it in (leading commercial) ETL tools?
# can the classic ETL tools even compete with data.table transformation performance, and DBI loading/writing performance?
# free 'express' edition of ETL tools do have a processing row limit so cannot be well benchmarked.
### Copy tables
# dbCopy multiple tables from source to target # ?dbCopy
c("sales","geography","time"),"sqlite1", # source
c("sales","geography","time"),"sqlite2" # target
(tbls = db("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'","sqlite2")) # sqlite2 check
# Disconnecting and cleaning workspace ------------------------------------------------------
db.conns.names = c("sqlite1","sqlite2","sqlite3")
sapply(getOption("dwtools.db.conns")[names(getOption("dwtools.db.conns")) %in% db.conns.names],
function(x) dbDisconnect(x[["conn"]])) # close SQLite connections
sapply(getOption("dwtools.db.conns")[names(getOption("dwtools.db.conns")) %in% db.conns.names],
function(x) file.remove(x[["dbname"]])) # remove SQLite db files
options("dwtools.db.conns"=NULL) # reset dwtools.db.conns option
sapply(paste(c("my_tab1"),"csv",sep="."), function(x) file.remove(x)) # remove csv tables
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