#' Standarization using a subset of the data
#' Standarization using a subset of the data
#' Standarization using a subset of the data.
#' @param data either a matrix, data frame or an EList object
#' @param sel a logical vector specifying which samples to use for standarization
#' @param min.var if not NULL, all variables with variance / IQR below this threshold will be removed
#' @param param if TRUE, mean and sd will be used; if FALSE (default), median and IQR will be used for standarization
#' @export
normtosel <- function( data, sel, min.var=1e-16, param=FALSE ) {
rg <- NULL
if( is( data, "EList" ) ) {
rg <- data
data <- rg$E
# calculate the standarization parameters
if( param ) {
catf( "Using parametric standarization\n" )
iqrs <- apply( data[,sel], 1, sd )
meds <- apply( data[,sel], 1, mean )
} else {
catf( "Using non-parametric standarization\n" )
iqrs <- apply( data[,sel], 1, IQR )
meds <- apply( data[,sel], 1, median )
data <- (data - meds) / iqrs
# get rid of low var variables
nz <- iqrs > min.var
data <- data[ nz, ]
if(!is.null( rg ) ) {
rg <- rg[ nz, ]
rg$E <- data
return( data )
#' Sample a number of samples by factor levels
#' Sample a number of samples by factor levels
#' Sample a number of samples by factor levels.
#' @param f a factor
#' @param n sample size. If n < 1, then n will be treated as fraction rather than number
#' @param sel which factor levels to choose from. Default: NULL, meaning every factor level
#' @export
getsubsets <- function( f, n= 100, sel= NULL, verbose=FALSE ) {
if( ! is(f, "factor") ) f <- factor( f )
if( is.null( sel ) ) sel <- levels( f )
nn <- n
ret <- c()
for( s in sel ) {
ff <- which( f == s )
lf <- length( ff )
if( n < 1 ) nn <- round( lf * n )
if( lf < nn ) {
cat( sprintf( "group %s: not enough samples (%d/%d)\n", s, lf, nn ) )
next ;
if(verbose) cat( sprintf( "group %s selecting N=%d out of %d\n", s, nn, lf ) )
ret <- c( ret, sample( ff, nn ) )
ret <- 1:length(f) %in% ret
return( ret )
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