
plots = FALSE
ask   = FALSE

# Generate data
## Set up SIR model

## Simulate data
sys = sckm("sir", X=c(16000, 100, 0), theta=c(.5,.25))
n = 50

### True states and transitions
tl = tau_leap(sys, n)

### Sample transitions
p = c(0.99,0.99) # Sample probabilities for S->I and I->R respectively
y = cbind(rbinom(n, tl$nr[,1], p[1]), rbinom(n, tl$nr[,2], p[2]))

clrs = c("seagreen","red","blue")
plot( tl$X[,1], type="l", ylim=c(0,sys$X[1]), lwd=ld, col=clrs[1], 
      xlab="Time", ylab="Number", main="Truth")
lines(tl$X[,2], lwd=ld, col=clrs[2])
lines(tl$X[,3], lwd=ld, col=clrs[3])
legend("topright", c("S","I","R"), col=clrs, lwd=ld)

plot( y[,1], type="p", pch=19, ylim=range(y), lwd=ld, col=clrs[2], 
      xlab="Time", ylab="Number", main="Observations")
points(y[,2], lwd=ld, col=clrs[3], pch=19)
legend("topright", c("S->I","I->R"), col=clrs[2:3], lwd=ld)

### Cumulative transitions
y2 = apply(y,2,cumsum)
plot( y2[,1], type="l", ylim=range(y2), lwd=ld, col=clrs[2], 
      xlab="Time", ylab="Number", main="Cumulative Observations")
lines(y2[,2], lwd=ld, col=clrs[3])
legend("topleft", c("S->I","I->R"), col=clrs[2:3], lwd=ld)

if (plots) dev.copy2pdf(file="example2-data.pdf")

# Perform inference
cat("\nRunning sequential inference...\n")
np = 1e4

Xprior = matrix(0, sys$s, np)
Xprior[1,] = rbinom(np, sum(sys$X), sys$X[1]/sum(sys$X))
Xprior[2,] = sum(sys$X) - Xprior[1,]

prior = tlpl_prior(Xprior, 100*p, 100*(1-p), sys$theta*1, 1, sys$r)
z = tlpl(list(y=y, tau=1), sys, prior=prior, n.particles=np, engine="R", verbose=1)

cat("\nCalculating quantiles...\n")
qs = tlpl_quantile(z)

# Make figures
ld = 2
clrs = c("green","red","blue")

if (ask) readline("Hit <enter> to continue:")

## States
xx = 0:n

### Susceptible
plot( xx, qs$X[1,1,], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), main="Susceptible", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$X[1,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$X[1,3,])
lines(xx, tl$X[,1], col="red", lwd=2)

### Infecteds
plot( xx, qs$X[2,1,], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), main="Infectious", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$X[2,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$X[2,3,])
lines(xx, tl$X[,2], col="red", lwd=2)

### Recovered
plot( xx, qs$X[3,1,], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), main="Recovered", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$X[3,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$X[3,3,])
lines(xx, tl$X[,3], col="red", lwd=2)

if (plots) dev.copy2pdf(file="example2-states.pdf")

if (ask) readline("Hit <enter> to continue:")

## Sampling probabilities and reaction rates

### S->I probability
plot( xx, qs$p[1,1,], type="l", ylim=range(qs$p[1,,]), main="S -> I", ylab="Probability", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$p[1,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$p[1,3,])
abline(h=p[1], col="red", lwd=2)

### I->R probability
plot( xx, qs$p[2,1,], type="l", ylim=range(qs$p[2,,]), main="I -> R", ylab="Probability", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$p[2,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$p[2,3,])
abline(h=p[2], col="red", lwd=2)

### S->I rate
plot( xx, qs$r[1,1,], type="l", ylim=range(qs$r[1,,]), main="S -> I", ylab="Rate", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$r[1,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$r[1,3,])
abline(h=sys$theta[1], col="red", lwd=2)

### I->R rate
plot( xx, qs$r[2,1,], type="l", ylim=range(qs$r[2,,]), main="I -> R", ylab="Rate", xlab="Time")
lines(xx, qs$r[2,2,], lwd=2)
lines(xx, qs$r[2,3,])
abline(h=sys$theta[2], col="red", lwd=2)

if (plots) dev.copy2pdf(file="example2-parameters.pdf")

# Predictions
tt = 18; tt=40
#np = 100
z2 = list(X = z$X[,1:np,tt])
z2$hyper = list()
z2$hyper$rate = list(a = z$hyper$rate$a[,1:np,tt], 
                     b = z$hyper$rate$b[,1:np,tt])
z2$hyper$prob = list(a = z$hyper$prob$a[,1:np,tt], 
                     b = z$hyper$prob$b[,1:np,tt])

z3 = tlpl_predict(sys, n-tt, z2, verbose=1)

Xq = tlpl_quantile(z3, which="x")
yq = tlpl_quantile(list(X=z3$y), which="x")

if (ask) readline("Hit <enter> to continue:")

## States
x1 = xx[1:tt]
x2 = xx[tt:n]

### Susceptible
plot( x1, qs$X[1,1,1:tt], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), xlim=c(0,n), main="Susceptible", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(x1, qs$X[1,2,1:tt], lwd=2)
lines(x1, qs$X[1,3,1:tt])

lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[1,1,], col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[1,2,], lwd=2, col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[1,3,], col="blue")

lines(xx, tl$X[,1], col="red", lwd=2)

### Infecteds
plot( x1, qs$X[2,1,1:tt], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), xlim=c(0,n), main="Infected", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(x1, qs$X[2,2,1:tt], lwd=2)
lines(x1, qs$X[2,3,1:tt])

lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[2,1,], col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[2,2,], lwd=2, col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[2,3,], col="blue")

lines(xx, tl$X[,2], col="red", lwd=2)

### Recovered
plot( x1, qs$X[3,1,1:tt], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(sys$X)), xlim=c(0,n), main="Recovered", ylab="Count", xlab="Time")
lines(x1, qs$X[3,2,1:tt], lwd=2)
lines(x1, qs$X[3,3,1:tt])

lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[3,1,], col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[3,2,], lwd=2, col="blue")
lines(x2, Xq$X.quantiles[3,3,], col="blue")

lines(xx, tl$X[,3], col="red", lwd=2)

if (plots) dev.copy2pdf(file="example2-prediction.pdf")
jarad/tlpl documentation built on May 18, 2019, 3:46 p.m.