
#' Plot method for slopelm object
#' @description shows the statistics for the test on the mean and on the slope
#' @param x a slopelm object
#' @param effect a character string indicating the object to plot. Default is \code{"all"}.
#' @param type a character string indicating if the statistic of the coefficient should be plotted. Default is \code{"statistic"}.
#' @param multcomp a character string indicating which multiple comparison procedure should be plotted. Default is \code{"slope_clustermass"}.
#' @param alternative a character string indicating the alternative of the test in the case of a \code{t} test. Default is \code{"two.sided"}.
#' @param enhanced_stat a logical indicating if the enhanced statistic should be plotted instead of the univarite one. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... other argument pass to \code{plot}
#'@importFrom graphics abline lines par plot points
plot.slopelm <- function (x, effect = "all", type = "statistic", multcomp = NULL,
                          alternative = "two.sided", enhanced_stat = FALSE, ...){


  if( (multcomp%in%c("slope","glue","halfbw","slopebinder")&(alternative != "two.sided"))){
    warning("alternative argument switch to two.sided, change multcomp argument. Only the two.sided test is available for slope_clustermass")
    alternative = "two.sided"

  if(!multcomp %in%c("slope","glue","halfbw","slopebinder")){
    permuco:::plot.clusterlm(x = x, effect = effect, type = type, multcomp = multcomp,
                             alternative = alternative, enhanced_stat = enhanced_stat, ...)

    if ("all" %in% effect) {
      effect = names(x$multiple_comparison)
    }else if ((names(x$multiple_comparison) %in% effect) == 0) {
      warning(" the specified effects do not exist. Plot 'all' effects.")
      effect = names(x$multiple_comparison)
    effect_sel <- names(x$multiple_comparison) %in% effect
    multiple_comparison = x$multiple_comparison[effect_sel]

    pvalue = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
      m[[multcomp]]$main_split$pvalue[, 1]

    spvalue = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
      m[[multcomp]]$main_split$pvalue[, 2]

    statistic = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
      m$uncorrected$main_avg[, 1]

    sstatistic = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
      m$uncorrected$main_slope[, 1]

    if (enhanced_stat) {
      statistic = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
        m[[multcomp]]$main_split$statistic[, 1]
      sstatistic = t(sapply(multiple_comparison, function(m) {
        m[[multcomp]]$main_split$statistic[, 2]
    switch(type, coef = {
      data <- x$coef[effect_sel, ]
      title <- "coefficients"
      hl <- NULL
    }, statistic = {
      data <- statistic
      sdata <- sstatistic
      title <- paste(x$test, " statistic", sep = "", collapse = "")
             fisher = {hl <- x$threshold},
             t = { hl <- c(-x$threshold, x$threshold)})})

    title = paste(title, " : ", multcomp, " correction", sep = "",
                  collapse = "")

    p = sum(NROW(data))
    rnames = row.names(data)
    par0 <- list(mfcol = par()$mfcol, mar = par()$mar, oma = par()$oma)
    par(mfcol = c(p, 1), mar = c(0, 4, 0, 0), oma = c(4, 0, 4,
                                                      1), ... = ...)
    for (i in 1:p) {
      if (i == p) {
        xaxt = NULL
      else {
        xaxt = "n"
      ylim = range(data[i, ])
      if (type == "statistic"){
        ylim = range(c(0,ylim,sdata[i,]))
      plot(data[i, ], type = "l", xaxt = xaxt, xlab = "", ylab = rnames[i],ylim =ylim)
      if (type == "statistic") {
        lines(y = sdata[i, ], x = 1:length(sdata[i, ]),lty = 5)
        xi = which(pvalue[i, ] < alpha)
        y = data[i, xi]
        col = "red"
        points(x = xi, y = y, pch = par()$pch, col = col)

        xi = which(spvalue[i, ] < alpha)
        y = sdata[i, xi]
        col = "blue"
        points(x = xi, y = y, pch = par()$pch, col = col)

        if (x$test == "fisher") {
          abline(h = hl[i], lty = 3)
        }else if(x$test == "t"){
          abline(h = hl[i], lty = 3)
          abline(h = -hl[i], lty = 3)

    title(title, outer = T, cex = 2)
    par(mfcol = par0$mfcol, mar = par0$mar, oma = par0$oma)}
jaromilfrossard/permucoSlope documentation built on March 30, 2020, 4:08 p.m.