
Defines functions dynnet_adjacency assign_vattr to_dynnet to_dynnet.network graphs graphs.dynnet periods periods.dynnet c.dynnet edge_density edge_density.dynnet get_adjacency get_graph ndyads.dynnet

Documented in c.dynnet dynnet_adjacency edge_density edge_density.dynnet get_adjacency get_graph graphs graphs.dynnet ndyads.dynnet periods periods.dynnet to_dynnet to_dynnet.network

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This file is part of dynnet
## Copyright (C) 2016 Jason W. Morgan <jason.w.morgan@gmail.com>
## dynnet and is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

##' Generate a dynamic network object from a list of adjacency matrices.
##' Generate a dynamic network object from a list of adjacency matrices.
##' @title Dynamic Network from a List of Adjacency Matrices
##' @param adj List of adjacency matrixes. Single matrices, representing a
##'     static network, are also supported.
##' @param vattr List of data.frames specifying the vertex attributes. Must be
##'     the same length as \code{adj}.
##' @param mode Type of graph. See \code{\link{igraph::graph.adjacency}}.
##' @param weighted Indicates whether the network is weighted
##'     (non-binary). Default is \code{NULL}. See
##'     \code{\link{igraph::graph.adjacency}} for details.
##' @param X A list of \code{data.frame}s recording nodal covariates for each
##'     node and periods. This must either have the same number of elements as
##'     adj or contain a single \code{data.frame}, which will then be used for
##'     each time period. Default is \code{NULL}.
##' @return A \code{dynnet} object.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
##' @export
dynnet_adjacency <- function(adj, vattr=NULL, mode="lower", weighted=NULL)
    if (is.matrix(adj) || is.data.frame(adj)) {
        adj <- list(adj)
        periods <- 1
    } else {
        periods <- length(adj)

    if (!is.null(vattr) && is.data.frame(vattr)) {
        vattr <- list(vattr)

    if (!is.null(vattr) && (length(adj) != length(vattr)))
        stop("Adjacency list and vertex attribute list have different lengths")

    if (!all(sapply(vattr, is.data.frame)))
        stop("Vertex attrbutes must be in the form of a data.frame")

    g     <- lapply(adj, igraph::graph.adjacency, mode=mode, weighted=weighted)
    nodes <- sapply(g, igraph::vcount)

    if (!is.null(vattr))
        g <- mapply(assign_vattr, g=g, vattr=vattr, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

    structure(list(nodes=nodes, periods=periods, graphs=g,
                   mode=mode, weighted=weighted),

assign_vattr <- function(g, vattr)
    for (n in colnames(vattr)) {
        vertex_attr(g, name=n) <- vattr[,n]


##' Create dynnet Network Object from Another Format
##' Create dynnet Network Object from Another Format
##' @title Create dynnet Network Object from Another Format
##' @param network Network object
##' @param ... Other things
##' @return dynnet network object
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
to_dynnet <- function(network, ...)

##' @export
##' @rdname to_dynnet
to_dynnet.network <- function(network, ...)
    adj <- network::as.matrix.network(network)

    vattr <- network::list.vertex.attributes(network)
    Df <- lapply(vattr, function(a) network::get.vertex.attribute(network, a))
    Df <- as.data.frame(Df)
    colnames(Df) <- vattr

    dynnet_adjacency(adj, vattr=Df)

##' The graph object making up the network.
##' The graph object making up the network.
##' @title Extract Graphs from Network
##' @param network dynnet network object.
##' @return List of graphs representing each period in the network.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
##' @export
graphs <- function(network)

##' @export
##' @rdname graphs
graphs.dynnet <- function(network)

##' The number of periods in the dynamic network.
##' The number of periods in the dynamic network.
##' @title Number of Periods in the Network
##' @param network dynnet network object.
##' @return Number of periods in the (possibly dynamic) network.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
##' @export
periods <- function(network)

##' @export
##' @rdname periods
periods.dynnet <- function(network)

##' Concatenate dynnet objects into a single composite network.
##' Currently, no checking is done to verify the homogeneity of the networks
##' with respect to the number of vertices, directionality, type of ties,
##' etc. User beware.
##' @title Concatenate dynnet Objects into Single Composite Network
##' @param ... dynnet objects to be concatenated.
##' @param recursive Logical. If recursive = TRUE, recursively descend through
##'     lists of dynnet objects, combining all their elements into a single
##'     dynnet object.
##' @return dynnet object.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
c.dynnet <- function(..., recursive=FALSE)
    nets <- list(...)
    tmp  <- nets[[1]]
    tmp$graphs   <- do.call(c, lapply(nets, graphs))
    tmp$periods  <- length(tmp$graphs)
    tmp$nodes    <- sapply(tmp$graphs, igraph::vcount)
    tmp$mode     <- lapply(nets, `[[`, "mode")
    tmp$weighted <- lapply(nets, `[[`, "weighted")

##' Get the edge density of each graph in the network
##' Get the edge density of each graph in the network
##' @title Network Edge Density
##' @param network dynnet network object.
##' @return Edge densities
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
##' @export
edge_density <- function(network)

##' @export
##' @rdname edge_density
edge_density.dynnet <- function(network)
    gapply(network, igraph::edge_density)

##' Extract adjacency matrices from dynnet object.
##' Extract adjacency matrices from dynnet object.
##' @title Extract Adjacency Matrices from dynnet Object
##' @param net dynnet network.
##' @param period Numeric vector.
##' @return List of adjacency matrices, unless a single \code{period} is
##' specified, then a matrix is returned.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
##' @export
get_adjacency <- function(network, period=NULL)
    if (is.null(period))
        lapply(network[["graphs"]][], `[`)
    else if (length(period) == 1)

##' Returns an \code{\link{igraph}} graph or list of graphs composing the
##' dynamic network.
##' If \code{period} is \code{NULL}, a list of all graphs in the specified
##' object is returned. If an integer is provided, then the graph associated
##' with that period is returned. Supplying a vector of integers will return a
##' list of the specified graphs.
##' @title Select Graph from a \code{dynnet} Object
##' @param object \code{\link{dynnet}} object
##' @param period Integer, numeric, or \code{NULL} indicating which graph to or
##'     set of graphs to return. See Details.
##' @return An \code{\link{igraph}} graph or the list of graphs.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
get_graph <- function(object, period=NULL)
    if (is.null(period))
    else if (length(period) == 1)

##' Calculates the number of unique dyads in a network.
##' Calculates the number of unique dyads in a network.
##' @title Calculate the Number of Unique Dyads in a Network
##' @param network A \code{dynnet} network.
##' @return The number of unique dyads in a network.
##' @author Jason W. Morgan \email{jason.w.morgan@@gmail.com}
ndyads.dynnet <- function(network)
    n <- network$nodes * (network$nodes - 1)
    if (!isTRUE(network$directed))
        n <- n / 2

jason-morgan/dynnet documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:53 p.m.