
Defines functions evaluateValidation

Documented in evaluateValidation

#' @export
#' @title Utility function for evaluating validation rules
#' @description evaluationValidation will accept a vector
#' of combis (data elements.category optioncombinations) and values
#' and evaluate it against the supplied validation rules
#' @param combis Data elements and category option combinations
#' @param values Values
#' @param vr Validation rule object
#' @param return_violations_only Only return validation rule violations
#' @return Returns a data frame of validation rule evaluations
evaluateValidation <- function(combis, values, vr, return_violations_only = TRUE) {

  validation.results_empty <-
      name = character(),
      id = character(),
      periodType = character(),
      description = character(),
      operator = character(),
      leftSide.expression = numeric(),
      leftSide.missingValueStrategy = character(),
      rightSide.expression = numeric(),
      rightSide.ops = integer(),
      leftSide.ops = integer(),
      leftSide.count = integer(),
      rightSide.count = integer(),
      formula = character(),
      result = logical()

  #TODO: Improve the filtering here. The #{ adornment seems to still be present.
  this.des <-
    vapply(combis, function(x) {
      unlist(strsplit(x, "\\."))[[1]]
    }, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  #Calculate the totals for later use

  totals_df <- data.frame(exp = this.des, values = values, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(exp) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(values = sum(values)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(exp = paste0(exp, "}"))

  matches_vr_rule <- function(x) {

    agrepl(x, vr$leftSide.expression) |
    agrepl(x, vr$rightSide.expression)

  this.des <- unique(this.des)
  matches_v <- Reduce("|", lapply(this.des, matches_vr_rule))
  matches <- vr[matches_v, ]

  #Empty data frame
  if (nrow(matches) == 0) {

  #TODO: Functionalize this for both sides to remove repetitive code

  values <- as.character(values)

  matches$leftSide.expression <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(matches$leftSide.expression,
                                                               combis, values, vectorize_all = FALSE)

  matches$rightSide.expression <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(matches$rightSide.expression,
                                                                combis, values,
                                                                vectorize_all = FALSE)

  #Substitute totals
  matches$leftSide.expression <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(matches$leftSide.expression,
                                                               totals_df$exp, totals_df$values, vectorize_all = FALSE)

  matches$rightSide.expression <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(matches$rightSide.expression,
                                                                totals_df$exp, totals_df$values,
                                                                vectorize_all = FALSE)

  #We should have exact matches now
  expression.pattern <- "#\\{[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{10}(\\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{10})?\\}"
  left_side_misses <- stringr::str_count(matches$leftSide.expression, expression.pattern)
  right_side_misses <- stringr::str_count(matches$rightSide.expression, expression.pattern)
  #Total number of actual data points in the expression. Everything else should
  #still be an expression.
  matches$leftSide.count <- matches$leftSide.ops - left_side_misses
  matches$rightSide.count <- matches$rightSide.ops - right_side_misses

  #We need to zero out anything with a category option combo at this point,
  #as there is no exact match.
  matches$leftSide.expression <-
    gsub(expression.pattern, "0", matches$leftSide.expression)
  matches$rightSide.expression <-
    gsub(expression.pattern, "0", matches$rightSide.expression)

  #Keep rules which should  be evaluated
  keep_these_rules <- (
      matches$leftSide.missingValueStrategy == "NEVER_SKIP" |
        (matches$leftSide.missingValueStrategy == "SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING" &
        matches$leftSide.ops != matches$leftSide.count) |
        (matches$leftSide.missingValueStrategy == "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING" &
        matches$leftSide.count != 0)
        matches$rightSide.missingValueStrategy == "NEVER_SKIP" |
          (matches$rightSide.missingValueStrategy == "SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING" &
          matches$rightSide.ops != matches$rightSide.count) |
          (matches$rightSide.missingValueStrategy == "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING" &
          matches$rightSide.count != 0)

  matches <- matches[keep_these_rules, ]

  if (nrow(matches) > 0) {

    #Special handling for exclusive operators
    matches_ex <- matches[matches$operator %in% c("|"), ]
    #Do the sides have data?
    if (nrow(matches_ex) > 0)  {
      #Need special handling when the rule is never skip
      #but both sides are present with no data?
      matches_ex$leftSide.expression <- matches_ex$leftSide.count
      matches_ex$rightSide.expression <- matches_ex$rightSide.count
      matches_ex$formula <-
          as.character(matches_ex$leftSide.count > 0),
          as.character(matches_ex$rightSide.count > 0),
          #Corner case for when both sides are zero
          #but the rule is marked as don't skip
          # ") || (",
          # as.character(matches_ex$leftSide.count == 0),
          # "&&",
          # as.character(matches_ex$rightSide.count == 0),
          # ")"
          }  else {
          matches_ex <- validation.results_empty

    #Special handling for compulsory pairs
    matches_cp <- matches[matches$operator %in% c("&"), ]
    #Do the sides have data?
    if (nrow(matches_cp) > 0)  {
      #Need special handling when the rule is never skip
      #but both sides are present with no data?
      matches_cp$leftSide.expression <- matches_cp$leftSide.count
      matches_cp$rightSide.expression <- matches_cp$rightSide.count
      matches_cp$formula <-
          as.character(matches_cp$leftSide.count > 0),
          as.character(matches_cp$rightSide.count > 0),
          #Corner case for when both sides are zero
          #but the rule is marked as don't skip
          # "|| (",
          # as.character(matches_cp$leftSide.count == 0),
          # "&&",
          # as.character(matches_cp$rightSide.count == 0),
          # ")"
    }  else {
      matches_cp <- validation.results_empty

    #Normal operators
    matches_normal <- matches[!(matches$operator %in% c("&", "|")), ]

    if (nrow(matches_normal) > 0) {
      matches_normal$leftSide.expression <-
        gsub(expression.pattern, "0", matches_normal$leftSide.expression)
      matches_normal$rightSide.expression <-
        gsub(expression.pattern, "0", matches_normal$rightSide.expression)
      matches_normal$leftSide.expression <-
        vapply(matches_normal$leftSide.expression, function(x) {
        }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
      matches_normal$rightSide.expression <-
        vapply(matches_normal$rightSide.expression, function(x) {
        }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
      matches_normal$formula <-
          } else {
          matches_normal <- validation.results_empty

    matches <- rbind(matches_normal, matches_ex, matches_cp)

    matches$result <- vapply(matches$formula,
     \(x) eval(str2expression(x)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

    if (return_violations_only == TRUE) {
      matches <- matches[!matches$result, ]
    } else {
jason-p-pickering/datim-validation documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:32 a.m.