
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------

  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----dic_example, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
dic_itrf  |>  
  select(item_name, item_label, scale, scale_label, subscale, subscale_label, values, value_labels, missing, type) |> 
  slice(2:4)  |> 

## ----tab_dic_param, echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------
out <- tribble(
  ~Parameter, ~Meaning, ~Example,
  "item_name", "A short item name", "itrf_1",
  "item_label", "Full text of the item", "Vermeidet die Teilnahme an Diskussionen im Unterricht",
  #"scale", "Abreviation of the scale the item belongs to", "irtf",
  #"scale_label", "Name of the scale", "Integrated Teacher Report Form",
  #"subscale", "Abrevation of the sub scale", "int",
  #"subscale_label", "Name of the sub scale", "internalizing problems",
  "values", "Valid response values in an R manner", "1:5 (for integers 1 to 5) 1,2,3 (for integers 1, 2, 3)",
  "value_labels", "Labels for each response value", "0 = nicht; 1 = leicht; 2 = mäßig; 3 = stark",
  "missing", "Missing values", "-888, -999",
  "type", "Data type (factor, integer, float, real)", "integer",
  "weight", "Reversion of item and its weight", "1 (positive), -1 (reverse), 1.5 (positive, weights 1.5 times)",
kable(out, caption = "Basic columns of a dictionary file")

## ----apply_dic----------------------------------------------------------------
# Here we use the example dataset "dat_itrf" and the example dic file "dic_itrf"
dat <- apply_dic(dat_itrf, dic_itrf)

## ----list_scales--------------------------------------------------------------
list_scales(dat, paste0(c("scale", "subscale", "subscale_2"), "_label")) %>% kable()

## ----check_values-------------------------------------------------------------
dat <- check_values(dat, replace = NA)

## ----impute_missing, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
#  # Imputation for items of the subscale Ext
#  dat <- impute_missing(dat, subscale == "Ext")
#  # Imputation for items of the subscale Int
#  dat <- impute_missing(dat, subscale == "Int")

## ----impute_missing_eval, include=FALSE---------------------------------------
dat <- impute_missing(dat, subscale == "Ext")
dat <- impute_missing(dat, subscale == "Int")

## ----descriptives-------------------------------------------------------------
dat %>% 
  select_items(subscale == "Int") %>%
  descriptives(round = 1)

## ----desc_labels--------------------------------------------------------------
dat %>% 
  select_items(subscale == "Int") %>%
  rename_items() %>%
  descriptives(round = 1)  %>% 

## ----exploratory_fa-----------------------------------------------------------
dat %>%
  select_items(scale == "ITRF") %>%
  rename_items(pattern = "({reverse}){subscale}_{subscale_2}: {label}", max_chars = 70) %>%
  exploratory_fa(nfactors = 4, cut = 0.4) %>% kable()

## ----item_analysis------------------------------------------------------------
scales <- ex_itrf %>% get_scales(
  'APD' = subscale_2 == "APD",
  'OPP' = subscale_2 == "OPP",
  "SW" = subscale_2 == "SW",
  "AD" = subscale_2 == "AD"
alpha_table(dat, scales = scales) %>% kable()

## ----lavaan_model-------------------------------------------------------------
model <- lavaan_model(scales, orthogonal = FALSE)

## ----cat_lavaan_model, comment = "", echo = FALSE-----------------------------

## ----lavaan_cfa, comment = ""-------------------------------------------------
fit <- lavaan::cfa(model = model, data = dat)
lavaan::summary(fit, fit.measures = TRUE)

## ----scores-------------------------------------------------------------------
dat$itrf_ext <- score_scale(dat, scale == "ITRF" & subscale == "Ext", label = "Externalizing")
dat$itrf_int <- score_scale(dat, scale == "ITRF" & subscale == "Int", label = "Internalizing")

## ----desc_scores--------------------------------------------------------------
dat %>%
  select_scores() %>%
  rename_items() %>%
  descriptives(round = 1)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ex_normtable_int %>% slice(1:10) %>% kable()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat$raw_int <- score_scale(dat, subscale == "Int", sum = TRUE, max_na = 0)
dat$raw_ext <- score_scale(dat, subscale == "Ext", sum = TRUE, max_na = 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat$T_int <- lookup_norms(dat$raw_int, normtable = ex_normtable_int)
dat$T_ext <- lookup_norms(dat$raw_ext, normtable = ex_normtable_ext)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat$PR_int <- lookup_norms(dat$raw_int, normtable = ex_normtable_int, to = "PR")
dat$PR_ext <- lookup_norms(dat$raw_ext, normtable = ex_normtable_ext, to = "PR")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat[1:10, c("T_int", "T_ext", "PR_int", "PR_ext")] %>% kable()
jazznbass/scaledic documentation built on July 19, 2023, 12:50 a.m.