
Defines functions print.scdf

Documented in print.scdf

#' Print an scdf
#' @param x An scdf object
#' @param cases Number of cases to be printed. "fit" fits the number to the current screen width.
#' @param rows Number of rows to be printed. 
#' @param cols Columns to be printed. "Main" only prints the dependent, measurement-time and phase variable.
#' @param long Logical. If TRUE cases are printed in one by a time.
#' @param digits Number of digits.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the print function. 
#' @details Print options for scdf objects could be set globally:
#' option(scan.print.cases = "all"), 
#' option(scan.print.rows = 10), 
#' option(scan.print.cols = "main"),
#' option(scan.print.long = TRUE),
#' option(scan.print.digits = 0),
#' option(scan.print.scdf.name = FALSE)
#' @export
print.scdf <- function(x, 
                       cases  = getOption("scan.print.cases"), 
                       rows   = getOption("scan.print.rows"), 
                       cols   = getOption("scan.print.cols"), 
                       long   = getOption("scan.print.long"), 
                       digits = getOption("scan.print.digits"), ...) {
  v_bar <- getOption("scan.print.bar")
  row.names <- FALSE
  N <- length(x)

  names(x) <- revise_names(x)

  if (identical(cases, "all")) cases <- N
  if (is.numeric(cases) && cases > N) cases <- N
  if (N == 1) cat("#A single-case data frame with one case\n\n")
  if (N > 1)  
    cat("#A single-case data frame with", number_word(N), "cases\n\n")
  if (identical(cols, "main")) {
    cols <- c(attr(x, opt("dv")), attr(x, opt("phase")), attr(x, opt("mt")))
  if (!identical(cols, "all")) for(i in 1:N) x[[i]] <- x[[i]][, cols]
  if(getOption("scan.print.scdf.name")) {
    for(i in 1:N) {
      names(x[[i]])[1] <- paste0(names(x)[i], ": ", names(x[[i]])[1])
  if(identical(cases, "fit")) {
    tmp_func <- function(case) nchar(paste0(names(case), collapse = " ")) + 3
    tmp_width <- cumsum(lapply(x, tmp_func))
    cases <- length(which(getOption("width") >= tmp_width))
    if(cases == 0) cases <- 1
  max_row <- max(unlist(lapply(x, nrow)))
  if(!long) {
    for(i in 1:cases) {
      n_row <- nrow(x[[i]])
      # round and change to character
      for(j in names(x[[i]])) {
        if(is.numeric(digits) && is.numeric(x[[i]][, j])) {
          x[[i]][, j] <- round(x[[i]][, j], digits)
        #x[[i]][, j] <- as.character(x[[i]][, j])
        x[[i]][[j]] <- as.character(x[[i]][[j]])
      if (n_row < max_row) x[[i]][(n_row + 1):max_row, names(x[[i]])] <- ""
  if (rows == "all") long <- TRUE
  if (!long) {
    if (max_row < rows) rows <- max_row
    out <- lapply(x[1:cases], function(x) x[1:rows, ])
    #if (cases > 1) out <- lapply(out, function(x) {x$"|" <- "|"; x})
    if (cases > 1) out <- lapply(out, function(x) {x[[v_bar]] <- v_bar; x})

    names <- lapply(out, names)
    out <- as.data.frame(out)
    names(out) <- unlist(names[1:cases])
    print(out, row.names = row.names, ...)
  if (long) {
    for(case in 1:N) {
      print(x[[case]], row.names = row.names, digits = digits, ...)
  if (max_row > rows) 
    cat("# ... up to", number_word(max_row - rows), "more rows\n")
  if ((N - cases)  > 1) cat("# ", number_word(N - cases), "more cases\n")
  if ((N - cases) == 1) cat("# One more case\n")
jazznbass/scan_develop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:23 a.m.