
Defines functions transform.scdf

Documented in transform.scdf

#' Transform every single case of a single case data frame
#' Takes an scdf and applies transformations to each individual case. This is
#' useful to calculate or modify new variables.
#' This function is a method of the generic transform function. Unlike the
#' generic function, it calculates expressions serially. This means that the
#' results of the calculation of one expression are the basis for the following
#' computations. The \code{n} function returns the number of measurements in a
#' case. The \code{all_cases} function is a helper function that extracts the
#' values of a variable from all cases. It takes an expression as an argument.
#' For example, \code{mean(all_cases(values))} calculates the mean of the values
#' from all cases. \code{mean(all_cases(values[phase == "A"]))} will calculate
#' the mean of all values where phase is A. The function \code{across_cases}
#' allows to calculate new variables or replace existing variables across all
#' cases. E.g., \code{across_cases(values_ranked = rank(values, na.last =
#' "keep"))} will calculate a new variable with values ranked across all cases.
#' @param _data An scdf.
#' @param ... Expressions.
#' @return An scdf.
#' @family data manipulation functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Creates a single-case with frequency distributions. The proportion and
#' ## percentage of the frequencies are calculated with transform:
#' design <- design(
#'  n = 3,
#'  level = 5,
#'  distribution = "binomial",
#'  n_trials = 20,
#'  start_value = 0.5
#' )
#' study <- random_scdf(design)
#' transform(study, proportion = values/trials, percentage = proportion * 100)
#' ## Z standardize the dependent variable and add two new variables:
#' exampleAB |>
#'   transform(
#'     values = scale(values),
#'     mean_values = mean(values),
#'     sd_values = sd(values)
#'   )
#' ## Use `all` to calculate global variables.
#' exampleAB |>
#'   transform(
#'     values_center_case = values - mean(values[phase == "A"]),
#'     values_center_global = values - mean(all(values[phase == "A"])),
#'     value_dif = values_center_case - values_center_global
#'   )
#' ## Use `across_cases` to calculate or replace a variable with values from
#' ## all cases. E.g., standardize the dependent variable:
#' exampleABC |>
#'   transform(
#'     across_cases(values = scale(values))
#'   )
#' ## Rank transform the values based on all cases vs. within each case:
#' exampleABC |>
#'   transform(
#'     across_cases(values_across = rank(values, na.last="keep")),
#'     value_within = rank(values, na.last="keep")
#'   )
#' ## Three helper functions to smooth the data
#' Huber2014$Berta |>
#' transform(
#'   "compliance (moving median)" = moving_median(compliance),
#'   "compliance (moving mean)" = moving_mean(compliance),
#'   "compliance (local regression)" = local_regression(compliance, mt)
#' )
#' ## Function first_of() helps to set NAs for specific phases.
#' ## E.g., you want to replace the first two values of phase A and the first
#' ## value of phase B and its preceding value.
#' byHeart2011 |>
#'   transform(
#'     values = replace(values, first_of(phase == "A", 0:1), NA),
#'     values = replace(values, first_of(phase == "B", -1:0), NA)
#'   )
#' @export
transform.scdf <- function(`_data`, ...) {
  expressions <- substitute(list(...))
  original_attr <- attributes(`_data`)
  .df <- as.data.frame(`_data`)
  for(i_expression in 2:length(expressions)) {
    if(startsWith(deparse(expressions[[i_expression]]), "across_cases(")) {
      .list_env <- as.list(.df)
      # across cases
      .list_env$across_cases <- function(...) {
        exp_across <- substitute(list(...))
        for (i in 2:length(exp_across)) {
          new <- eval(exp_across[c(1,i)], .list_env)
          .df[[names(new)]] <- new[[1]]
          .list_env[[names(new)]] <- new[[1]]
      new <- eval(expressions[c(1,i_expression)], .list_env, parent.frame())
      .df <- new[[1]]
      `_data` <- suppressMessages(as_scdf(.df))
      #attributes(`_data`) <- original_attr
    } else {
      .df <- as.data.frame(`_data`)
      for(i_case in seq_along(`_data`)) {
        .list_env <- as.list(`_data`[[i_case]])
        .list_env$all_cases <- .list_env$all <- function(x) {
          x <- substitute(x)
          eval(x, .df)
        .list_env$n <- function() {nrow(`_data`[[i_case]])}
        new <- eval(expressions[c(1,i_expression)], .list_env, parent.frame())
        `_data`[[i_case]][[names(new)]] <- new[[1]]
      .df <- as.data.frame(`_data`)
jazznbass/scan_develop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:23 a.m.