#' Create a Contingency Table with One or Two Summary Functions
#' This function creates a contingency table by grouping the data into unique
#' levels of \code{rows} and \code{columns}, then applies one or more summary
#' functions (by default \code{mean} and a count via \code{length}) to summarize
#' the variable of interest (\code{var}). Labels can be assigned manually or
#' automatically retrieved from variable attributes if available.
#' @param rows A vector or factor for the row grouping variable. If \code{columns}
#' and \code{var} are missing, \code{rows} can be a list where its first element
#' is the row variable, second is the column variable, and third is the variable
#' of interest.
#' @param columns A vector or factor for the column grouping variable. If missing,
#' it will be extracted from the second element of \code{rows} (if \code{rows}
#' is a list).
#' @param var A numeric vector containing the values to be summarized. If missing,
#' it will be extracted from the third element of \code{rows} (if \code{rows}
#' is a list).
#' @param fn A named list of functions to apply to \code{var} for each combination
#' of \code{rows} and \code{columns}. Defaults to
#' \code{list(Mean = mean, n = \(.) length(.))}. If only one function is
#' provided, the table will display that result. If two are provided, the results
#' will be concatenated (e.g., \code{"Mean (n)"}).
#' @param auto_labels A logical value indicating whether to automatically retrieve
#' labels from attributes of \code{rows}, \code{columns}, or \code{var}.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param var_label An optional character string specifying the label for
#' \code{var}.
#' @param rows_label An optional character string specifying the label for
#' \code{rows}.
#' @param columns_label An optional character string specifying the label for
#' \code{columns}.
#' @param fn_label An optional character vector specifying the labels for
#' the functions listed in \code{fn}. If not provided, defaults to the names
#' of \code{fn}.
#' @param title An optional character string specifying the title of the table.
#' By default, it is constructed from \code{fn_label} and \code{var_label}.
#' @param footnote An optional character string specifying a footnote for the
#' table.
#' @param file An optional path to a file where the table output should be saved.
#' @param remove_missing A logical value indicating whether rows with missing
#' values (\code{NA}) in \code{var} should be removed. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param sort A logical value indicating whether to sort the unique levels of
#' \code{rows} and \code{columns}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{nice_table}}.
#' @details
#' If \code{rows}, \code{columns}, and \code{var} are provided separately, the
#' function will group the data by \code{rows} and \code{columns}, then apply the
#' functions in \code{fn} to \code{var} within each combination of row and column
#' levels.
#' If \code{columns} and \code{var} are not specified, you can instead provide a
#' list to \code{rows} whose elements are (1) the row variable, (2) the column
#' variable, and (3) the variable to be summarized.
#' If two functions are provided via \code{fn}, the resulting table will show
#' the first function's value followed by the second function's value in
#' parentheses. For example, if the first function is \code{mean} and the second
#' is a count function, a cell might display \code{"3.45 (10)"}.
#' The function attempts to automatically retrieve labels from the data if
#' \code{auto_labels = TRUE} and the variables have \code{"label"} attributes. If
#' labels are not found or if \code{var_label}, \code{rows_label}, or
#' \code{columns_label} is explicitly specified, those provided labels will be
#' used.
#' Any \code{NA} values in \code{var} are removed before performing calculations
#' if \code{remove_missing = TRUE}.
#' By default, the function also sorts the levels of the row and column variables.
#' @return An html table.
#' @examples
#' nice_contingency_table(wmisc:::mtcars_labeled[, c("cyl", "carb", "mpg")])
#' nice_contingency_table(
#' wmisc:::mtcars_labeled[, c("cyl", "am", "mpg")],
#' fn = list(Median = median, "mean average deviation" = mad),
#' label_na = "-",
#' )
#' @export
nice_contingency_table <- function(rows,
fn = list(
Mean = mean,
n = \(.) length(.)
auto_labels = TRUE,
var_label = NULL,
rows_label = NULL,
columns_label = NULL,
fn_label = NULL,
title = NULL,
footnote = NULL,
file = NULL,
remove_missing = TRUE,
sort = TRUE,
...) {
if (missing(columns) && missing(var)) {
columns <- rows[[2]]
var <- rows[[3]]
rows <- rows[[1]]
if (auto_labels && is.null(var_label))
var_label <- attr(var, "label")
if (auto_labels && is.null(columns_label))
columns_label <- attr(columns, "label")
if (auto_labels && is.null(rows_label))
rows_label <- attr(rows, "label")
if (is.null(var_label))
var_label <- deparse(substitute(var))
if (is.null(fn_label))
fn_label <- names(fn)
if (is.null(rows_label))
rows_label <- deparse(substitute(rows))
if (is.null(columns_label))
columns_label <- deparse(substitute(columns))
if (is.null(title)) {
if (length(fn) == 1) {
title <- paste0(fn_label, " table for '", var_label, "'")
} else {
title <- paste0(fn_label[1], " (", fn_label[2], ") table for '", var_label, "'")
if (remove_missing) {
rows <- rows[!is.na(var)]
columns <- columns[!is.na(var)]
var <- var[!is.na(var)]
x_levels <- unique(rows)
y_levels <- unique(columns)
if (sort) x_levels <- sort(x_levels)
if (sort) y_levels <- sort(y_levels)
out <- matrix(
rep(NA, length(x_levels) * length(y_levels)),
nrow = length(x_levels),
dimnames = list(x_levels, y_levels)
for(row in seq_along(x_levels)) {
for(col in seq_along(y_levels)) {
dat <- var[rows == x_levels[row] & columns == y_levels[col]]
if (length(fn) == 1) {
out[row, col] <- round(fn[[1]](dat), 2)
} else {
value_1 <- round(fn[[1]](dat), 2)
value_2 <- round(fn[[2]](dat), 2)
if (is.na(value_2)) {
value_2 <- ""
} else {
value_2 <- paste0("(", value_2, ")")
if (!is.na(value_1)) {
out[row, col] <- paste0(value_1, " ", value_2)
out <- as.data.frame(out)
rownames(out) <- NULL
out <- cbind(Value = x_levels, out)
names(out)[1] <- rows_label
spanner <- list(var = 2:ncol(out))
names(spanner)[1] <- columns_label
out <- set_wmisc_attributes(
title = title,
footnote = footnote,
file = file,
spanner = spanner
nice_table(out, ...)
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