#' Estimates a series of robust regressions for a specified regression model.
#' @param data The dataset for the analysis.
#' @param model A regression model from lm()
#' @param R The number of resamples to be conducted.
#' @param conf The confidence level for intervals.
#' @return Returns (1) the lm() regression model with HC4 heteroscedastic covariance consistent standard errors
#' (2) p-values based on the wild bootstrap (and HC4 standard errors) under the null hypothesis.
#' (3) percentile and BCa confidence intervals using case-wise resampling
#' (4) Robust regression analysis from rlm() under the default Huber loss function.
#' (5) Robust regression with resampled wild bootstrap standard errors.
#' @export
#' @import MASS
#' @import boot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
#' y <- c(2.1,1.9,2.1,1.8,10,2.2)
#' temp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x))
#' lm_model <- lm(y~x, data=temp_data)
#' robust_lm_inferences(data=temp_data, model=lm_model)
#' }
robust_lm_inferences <- function(data, model, R=9999, conf=.95){
formula <- formula(model)
reg <- lm(formula, data=data, model=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
x <- reg$x
y <- reg$y
p1 <- ncol(x)
HC4 <- lm_HC4(x, y, alpha = (1-conf))
Wild_Boot_pvalues <- HC4_wildboot_pvalues(x, y, R)
resampling <- boot(data=x, statistic= lm_boot_casewise,
R=R,y=y, parallel ="multicore", ncpus=(detectCores()-1))
boot_out <- matrix(NA, nrow=p1, ncol=5)
for (i in 1:p1){
perc <- boot.ci(resampling, index=i,conf=conf, type="perc")
bca <- boot.ci(resampling, index=i,conf=conf, type="bca")
boot_out[i,1] <- coef(reg)[i]
boot_out[i,2] <- perc$percent[4]
boot_out[i,3] <- perc$percent[5]
boot_out[i,4] <- bca$bca[4]
boot_out[i,5] <- bca$bca[5]
rownames(boot_out) <- names(coef(reg))
r_lm <- rlm(formula, data)
r_output <- as.data.frame(summary(r_lm)$coefficients)
colnames(r_output) <- c("Estimate","Std_Error","t_statistic")
r_output$df <- length(y) - p1
r_output$p_value <- 2*pt(abs(r_output[,3]), df= length(y) - p1, lower.tail=FALSE)
r_wild_output <- r_output
r_wild_output$Std_Error <- robust_wild_se(x, y, R=R)
r_wild_output$t_statistic <- r_wild_output$Estimate/r_wild_output$Std_Error
r_wild_output$p_value <- 2*pt(abs(r_wild_output$t_statistic), df= r_wild_output$df, lower.tail=FALSE)
list(OLS_HC4_Results = HC4[[1]],
wild_HC4_pvalues = Wild_Boot_pvalues[[1]],
Robust_Regression = r_output,
Wild_Robust_Regression = r_wild_output)
lm_boot_casewise <- function(data, y, indices){
x <- as.matrix(data[indices,]) #data here is the predictor matrix
y <- y[indices]
ols <- lsfit(x[,-1], y, intercept=TRUE) #Using lsfit to speed up the resampling
lm_HC4 <- function(x, y, alpha=.05){
# Compute confidence intervals via least squares
# regression using heteroscedastic method HC4
# recommended by Cribari-Neto (2004).
x <- as.matrix(x)
p1 <- ncol(x) #number of coefficients in the regression model
if (p1 == 1) ols <- lm(y ~ 0 + x)
if (p1 > 1) ols <- lsfit(x[,-1], y, intercept=TRUE) #faster than lm()
xtx <- solve(t(x)%*%x)
h <- diag(x%*%xtx%*%t(x))
n <- length(h)
d <- (n*h)/sum(h)
d[d > 4] <- 4 #d is the minimum of {4, d}
hc4 <- xtx%*%t(x)%*%diag(ols$res^2/(1-h)^d)%*%x%*%xtx
df <- nrow(x) - p1
crit <- qt(1-alpha/2,df)
ci <- matrix(NA,nrow=ncol(x),ncol=7)
for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
dimnames(ci)<-list(colnames(x),c("Estimate","Std. Error","lower.ci","upper.ci","t-statistic","df","p-value"))
list(OLS_HC4 = ci, cov = hc4)
HC4_wildboot_pvalues <- function(x, y, R=9999){
x <- as.matrix(x)
p1 <-ncol(x) #number of coefficients in the regression model
if (p1 == 1) temp <- lm(y ~ 0 + x)
if (p1 > 1) temp <- lsfit(x[,-1], y, intercept=TRUE) #faster than lm()
yhat <- 0 #set equal to 0 to provide inferences for the intercept.
res <- temp$residuals
s <- lm_HC4(x, y)$cov
b <- temp$coef
sample_ttest <- abs(b)/sqrt(diag(as.matrix(s)))
vstar <- matrix(ifelse(rbinom(length(y)*R,1,0.5)==1,-1,1),nrow=R)
wild_tstar <- apply(vstar,1,olswbtest.sub,yhat,res,x) #rvalb is a p by R matrix
if(p1==1) abs_wild_tstar <- t(as.matrix(abs(wild_tstar)))
if(p1 > 1) abs_wild_tstar <- as.matrix(abs(wild_tstar))
for(j in 1:p1) pvals[j] <- mean(abs_wild_tstar[j,] >= sample_ttest[j])
wildHC4_pvalue <- cbind(b,pvals)
colnames(wildHC4_pvalue) <- c("Estimate","p-value")
list(wild_HC4_pvalue = wildHC4_pvalue)
ystar <- yhat + res*vstar
p1 <- ncol(x)
if (p1 == 1) vals <- t(as.matrix(lm(ystar ~ 1)$coef[1:p1]))
if (p1 > 1) vals <- t(as.matrix(lsfit(x[,-1],ystar)$coef[1:p1]))
sa <- lm_HC4(x, ystar)$cov
test <- vals/sqrt(diag(as.matrix(sa)))
robust_wild_se <- function(x, y, R=9999){
r_lm <- rlm(y ~ 0 + x)
resid <- r_lm$residuals
yhat <- r_lm$fitted
vstar <- matrix(ifelse(rbinom(length(y)*R,1,0.5)==1,-1, 1),nrow=R) #R by n matrix
r_wild_tstar <- apply(vstar, 1, rlm.sub, yhat, resid, x) #rvalb is a p1 by R matrix
#Robust regression wild standard errors
if (ncol(x) ==1 ) r_wild_se <- var(r_wild_tstar)
if (ncol(x) > 1 ) r_wild_se <- sqrt(diag(cov(t(r_wild_tstar))))
rlm.sub <- function(vstar, yhat, resid, x){
ystar <- yhat + resid*vstar
r_lm_star <- rlm(ystar ~ 0 + x)
#' Estimates the robust standardized mean difference based on trimmed means and pooled winsorized standard deviation.
#' @param x Vector of observations from the first group.
#' @param y Vector of observations from the second group.
#' @param trim The proportion of observations to trim from each tail within each group.
#' @return Returns the robust standardized mean difference $d_r$ from Algina, Keselman, and Penfield (2005)
#' based on the trimmed means and the pooled winsorized standard deviation. The estimate for the robust standardized
#' mean difference is adjusted to be equal to that of the standardized mean difference based on normal distribution
#' with equal variances. The adjustment factor depends on the level of trimming.
#' @export
#' @import psych
#' @examples
#' x <- c(-2.40, -1.87, -0.60, -0.54, -0.12, -0.02, 0.12, 0.34, 0.40, 0.53, 0.55, 0.62, 0.92, 1.21,
#' 1.49, 1.55, 1.57, 1.57, 1.82, 1.87, 1.90, 1.91, 1.93, 2.34, 2.37)
#' y <- c(-1.32, -1.25, -0.91, -0.62, -0.55, -0.41,-0.40, -0.31, -0.28, -0.21, -0.18, -0.16, -0.03,
#' -0.02, 0.04, 0.22, 0.38, 0.51, 0.53, 0.61, 1.09, 1.47, 1.59, 2.39, 2.47)
#' d_robust(x, y, trim=.20)
d_robust <- function(x, y, trim=.20){
n_x <- length(x)
n_y <- length(y)
x_trim_mean <- winsor.mean(x, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
y_trim_mean <- winsor.mean(y, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
x_win_var <- winsor.var(x, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
y_win_var <- winsor.var(y, trim=trim, na.rm=TRUE)
win_var_pooled <- ((n_x-1)*x_win_var+(n_y-1)*y_win_var)/(n_x+n_y-2)
#The formula for the adjustment as a function of the level of trimming was determined through extensive simulation
#for trim levels ranging from .01 to .48.
adj <- .9993 -1.7402*trim -.0512*trim^2 -.9266*trim^3
d_r <- adj*(x_trim_mean - y_trim_mean)/sqrt(win_var_pooled)
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