
Defines functions run_models

Documented in run_models

#' Runs the predictive models for the given datasets.
#' @param datasets the datasets to run the models with. Results from [mldash::read_ml_datasets()].
#' @param models the models to run. Results from [mldash::read_ml_models()].
#' @param seed random seed to set before randomly selecting the training dataset.
#' @param training_size the proportion of the data that should be used for training.
#'        The remaining percentage will be used for validation.
#' @param print_errors if TRUE errors will be printed while the function runs.
#'        Errors will always be saved in the returned object.
#' @param metrics list of model performance metrics from the `yardstick` package.
#'        See https://yardstick.tidymodels.org/articles/metric-types.html for more information.
#' @param timeout the maximum amount of time (in seconds) a model is allowed to run
#'        before it is interrupted, can be `Inf` to never expire. Note that not
#'        all models can be interrupted. See [R.utils::withTimeout()] for more information.
#' @return a data.frame with the results of all the models run against all the datasets.
#' @export
#' @import yardstick
#' @import parsnip
#' @import RWeka
#' @importFrom sessioninfo session_info
#' @importFrom purrr quietly
#' @importFrom reticulate py_capture_output
#' @importFrom R.utils withTimeout
run_models <- function(
		seed = sample(1:2^15, 1),
		training_size = 0.7,
		print_errors = FALSE,
		metrics = mldash::get_all_metrics(),
		save_model_fits = FALSE,
		timeout = 60
) {

	# Confirm the JAVA_HOME and RETICULATE (python) environment variables
	# are defined. Otherwise, some models won't run.
	if(!check_java()) {
		msg <- paste0('JAVA_HOME is not set. Some models may not run. Do you wish to continue?')
		ans <- menu(c('Yes', 'No'), title = msg)
		if(ans == 2) {
	if(!check_python()) {
		stop("Environment variable RETICULATE_PYTHON must be defined")
		msg <- paste0('Environment variable RETICULATE_PYTHON must be defined. Some models may not run. Do you wish to continue?')
		ans <- menu(c('Yes', 'No'), title = msg)
		if(ans == 2) {

	start_time <- Sys.time()

	metric_types <- sapply(metrics, FUN = function(x) { class(x)[1] })
	numeric_metrics <- metrics[metric_types == 'numeric_metric']
	class_metrics <- metrics[metric_types == 'class_metric']
	class_probability_metrics <- metrics[metric_types == 'prob_metric']
	timeseries_metrics <- numeric_metrics

	ml_summary <- data.frame(
		dataset = character(),
		model = character(),
		type = character(),
		base_accuracy = numeric(),
		cm = list(),
		time_user = numeric(),
		time_system = numeric(),
		time_elapsed = numeric(),
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	ml_summary$cm <- as.list(NULL)
	ml_summary$train_output <- character()
	ml_summary$train_warnings <- character()
	ml_summary$train_messages <- character()
	ml_summary$python_output <- character()
	if(save_model_fits) { ml_summary$fit <- as.list(NULL) }
	ml_summary$error <- as.list(NULL)

	for(i in c(names(class_metrics),
			   names(numeric_metrics) )) {
		ml_summary[,i] <- numeric()

	cache_dir <- attr(datasets, 'cache_dir')
	# trained_models <- list()

	for(d in seq_len(nrow(datasets))) {
		datasetname <- datasets[d,]$id
		message(paste0('[', d, ' / ', nrow(datasets), '] Loading ', datasetname, ' data...'))
		# trained_models[[datasetname]] <- list()
		thedata <- readRDS(paste0(cache_dir[d], '/', datasetname, '.rds'))
		formu <- as.formula(datasets[d,]$model)
		if(!missing(seed)) {

		type <- datasets[d,]$type

		y_var <- all.vars(formu)[1]
		if(type == 'classification' & !is.factor(thedata[, y_var,drop=TRUE])) {
			thedata[, y_var] <- as.factor(thedata[, y_var])

		train_data <- NULL
		valid_data <- NULL
		data_models <- models[models$type == type,]
		if(type == 'timeseries') {
			data_n <- nrow(thedata)
			train_n <- floor(nrow(thedata) *training_size)
			valid_n <- data_n - train_n

			train_data <- thedata |> dplyr::slice(1:train_n)
			valid_data <- thedata |> dplyr::slice(train_n+1:data_n)
		} else {
			training_rows <- sample(nrow(thedata), size = training_size * nrow(thedata))
			train_data <- thedata[training_rows,]
			valid_data <- thedata[-training_rows,]

		model_args <- NULL
		if(!is.na(datasets[d,]$model_params)) {
			model_args <- eval(parse(text = datasets[d,]$model_params))

		for(m in seq_len(nrow(data_models))) {
			message(paste0('   [', m, ' / ', nrow(data_models), '] Running ', data_models[m,]$name,
						   ' (', rownames(data_models)[m], ') model...'))
			modelname <- row.names(data_models)[m]
			tmp <- attr(data_models, 'functions')
			train_fun <- tmp[[modelname]]$train
			predict_fun <- tmp[[modelname]]$predict

			results <- ml_summary[0,]
			results[1,]$dataset <- datasetname
			results[1,]$model <- modelname
			results[1,]$type <- type

				if(!is.null(data_models[m,]$packages) &
				   !is.na(data_models[m,]$packages)) {
					pkgs <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(data_models[m,]$packages, ',')))
					for(i in seq_len(length(pkgs))) {
							pkg_loaded <- require(package = pkgs[i],
												  character.only = TRUE,
												  quietly = TRUE)
						if(!pkg_loaded) {
							warning(paste0(pkgs[i], ' package could not be loaded.'))

				exec_time <- as.numeric(system.time({
						quiet_train_fun <- purrr::quietly(train_fun)
						py_output <- reticulate::py_capture_output({
							args <- list(
								formula = formu,
								data = train_data
							if(!is.null(model_args)) {
								for(i in seq_len(length(model_args))) {
									args[[names(model_args)[i]]] <- model_args[[i]]
							output <- quiet_train_fun(formu, train_data)
							# setTimeLimit(cpu = timeout, elapsed = timeout, transient = TRUE)
							# on.exit({
							# 	setTimeLimit(cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf, transient = FALSE)
							# })
							# output <- R.utils::withTimeout(
							# 	{
							# 		do.call(quiet_train_fun, args)
							# 	},
							# 	timeout = timeout,
							# 	onTimeout = 'error'
							# )
						train <- output$result
						if(save_model_fits) {
							results[1,]$fit[[1]] <- train
						results[1,]$train_output <- ifelse(length(output$output) > 0,
														   paste0(output$output, collapse = '\n'),
						results[1,]$train_warnings <- ifelse(length(output$warnings) > 0,
															 paste0(output$output, collapse = '\n'),
						results[1,]$train_messages <- ifelse(length(output$messages) > 0,
															 paste0(output$messages, collapse = '\n'),
						results[1,]$python_output <- ifelse(length(py_output) > 0,
															paste0(py_output, collapse = '\n'),
					error = function(e) {
						if(print_errors) {
						results[1,]$error[[1]] <- e

				results[1,]$time_user = exec_time[1]
				results[1,]$time_system = exec_time[2]
				results[1,]$time_elapsed = exec_time[3]

				if(is.null(train)) {
					ml_summary <- rbind(ml_summary, results[,names(ml_summary)])

				y_var <- all.vars(formu)[1]

				args <- list(
					model = train,
					newdata = valid_data
				if(!is.null(model_args)) {
					for(i in seq_len(length(model_args))) {
						args[[names(model_args)[i]]] <- model_args[[i]]

				if(type == 'timeseries') {
						validate <- data.frame(
							estimate = do.call(predict_fun, args),
							truth = valid_data[,y_var,drop=TRUE]
						if ("estimate..mean" %in% colnames(validate)) {
							validate <- validate |> dplyr::select('estimate..mean','truth')
							colnames(validate) <- c('estimate','truth')
						} else {
							validate <- validate |> dplyr::select('estimate.yhat','truth')
							colnames(validate) <- c('estimate','truth')
				} else {
						validate <- data.frame(
							# estimate = predict_fun(train, valid_data),
							estimate = do.call(predict_fun, args),
							truth = valid_data[,y_var,drop=TRUE]

				if(type == 'classification') {
					results[1,]$base_accuracy <- max(prop.table(table(validate$truth)))
					if(!is.factor(validate$truth)) {
						validate$truth <- factor(validate$truth)
					for(i in names(class_probability_metrics)) {
							quiet_metric_fun <- purrr::quietly(class_probability_metrics[[i]])

							fun_out <- quiet_metric_fun(validate,
														truth = truth,
														estimate = estimate)
							if(!is.null(fun_out$result[1,3])) {
								results[1,i] <- fun_out$result[1,3]
							# if(length(fun_out$warnings) > 0) {
							# 	model_warnings[[paste0(datasetname, '_', modelname, '_', i)]] <- fun_out$warnings
							# }
						}, error = function(e) {
							message(paste0('      Error calculating ', i, ' metric.'))
							if(print_errors) { print(e) }
					if(is.numeric(validate$estimate)) {
						validate$estimate <- as.factor(validate$estimate > 0.5) # TODO: Allow for other break points
					# if(length(levels(validate$estimate)) < length(levels(validate$truth))) {
					# 	levels(validate$estimate) <- levels(validate$truth)
					# }
					cm <- table(validate$truth, validate$estimate)
					results[1,]$cm <- list(list(cm))
					for(i in names(class_metrics)) {
							quiet_metric_fun <- purrr::quietly(class_metrics[[i]])
							fun_out <- quiet_metric_fun(validate,
														truth = truth,
														estimate = estimate)
							if(!is.null(fun_out$result[1,3])) {
								results[1,i] <- fun_out$result[1,3]
							# if(length(fun_out$warnings) > 0) {
							# 	model_warnings[[paste0(datasetname, '_', modelname, '_', i)]] <- fun_out$warnings
							# }
						}, error = function(e) {
							message(paste0('      Error calculating ', i, ' metric.'))
							if(print_errors) { print(e) }
				} else if(type == 'regression') {
					for(i in names(numeric_metrics)) {
							quiet_metric_fun <- purrr::quietly(numeric_metrics[[i]])
							fun_out <- quiet_metric_fun(validate,
														truth = truth,
														estimate = estimate)
							if(!is.null(fun_out$result[1,3])) {
								results[1,i] <- fun_out$result[1,3]
							# if(length(fun_out$warnings) > 0) {
							# 	model_warnings[[paste0(datasetname, '_', modelname, '_', i)]] <- fun_out$warnings
							# }
						}, error = function(e) {
							message(paste0('      Error calculating ', i, ' metric.'))
							if(print_errors) { print(e) }
				} else if(type == 'timeseries') {
					# TODO: David!
					for(i in names(timeseries_metrics)) {
							quiet_metric_fun <- purrr::quietly(timeseries_metrics[[i]])
							fun_out <- quiet_metric_fun(validate,
														truth = truth,
														estimate = estimate)
							if(!is.null(fun_out$result[1,3])) {
								results[1,i] <- fun_out$result[1,3]
							# if(length(fun_out$warnings) > 0) {
							# 	model_warnings[[paste0(datasetname, '_', modelname, '_', i)]] <- fun_out$warnings
							# }
						}, error = function(e) {
							message(paste0('      Error calculating ', i, ' metric.'))
							if(print_errors) { print(e) }
				} else {
					warning("Unknown predictive modeling type!")

			error = function(e) {
				message(paste0('   Error running ', modelname,' model'))
				if(print_errors) { print(e) }
				results[1,]$error[[1]] <- e
			ml_summary <- rbind(ml_summary, results[,names(ml_summary)])

	row.names(ml_summary) <- 1:nrow(ml_summary)

	attr(ml_summary, 'start_time') <- start_time
	attr(ml_summary, 'end_time') <- Sys.time()
	attr(ml_summary, 'seed') <- seed
	attr(ml_summary, 'training_size') <- training_size
	attr(ml_summary, 'models') <- models
	attr(ml_summary, 'datasets') <- datasets
	attr(ml_summary, 'metrics') <- metrics
	attr(ml_summary, 'session_info') <- sessioninfo::session_info()

	class(ml_summary) <- c('mldash_summary', 'data.frame')

jbryer/mldash documentation built on March 4, 2023, 9:35 p.m.