
Defines functions mlpsa.logistic getPropensityScores

Documented in getPropensityScores mlpsa.logistic

#' Estimates propensity scores using logistic regression.
#' This method will estimate a separate logistic regression model for each level 2
#' (or cluster).
#' @param vars data frame containing the variables to estimate the logistic regression
#' @param formula the logistic regression formula to use
#' @param level2 the name of the column containing the level 2 specification
#' @param stepAIC if true, the \code{\link{stepAIC}} from the \code{MASS} package
#'        will be used within each level.
#' @param ... currently unused.
#' @return a list of glm classes for each level 2 or stepwise-selected model if stepAIC is true.
#' @seealso getPropensityScores
#' @export
mlpsa.logistic <- function(vars, formula, level2, stepAIC=FALSE, ...) {
	#if(stepAIC) { require(MASS) }
	lrPlyr <- function(x) {
		excludeVars = names(x) %in% c(level2)
		x = x[,!excludeVars]
		missing = apply(x, 2, function(c) sum(is.na(c))) / nrow(x)
		haveMissing = names(missing)[which(missing > 0)]
		x = x[,!names(x) %in% haveMissing]
		if(length(haveMissing) > 0) {
			warning(paste('The following variable(s) have been removed due to missingness: ',
						  paste(haveMissing, sep=', '), sep=''))
		lr = glm(formula, data=x, family=binomial)
		if(stepAIC) {
			step = stepAIC(lr, trace=FALSE)
		} else {
	lr.results = dlply(vars, level2, lrPlyr, .progress='text')

#' Returns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the level 2 variable
#' and the fitted value from the logistic regression.
#' @seealso mlpsa.logistic
#' @param lr.results the results of \code{\link{mlpsa.logistic}}
#' @param nStrata number of strata within each level.
#' @return a data frame
#' @export getPropensityScores
getPropensityScores <- function(lr.results, nStrata=5) {
	df = data.frame(level2 = character(), ps=numeric)
	for(i in names(lr.results)) {
		ps = fitted(lr.results[i][[1]])
		df = rbind(df, data.frame(level2 = rep(i, length(ps)), ps=ps))
	df$strata <- NA
	for(l in unique(df$level2)) {
		rows <- which(df$level2 == l)
		for(i in 5:1) {
			if(i == 1) {
				df[rows,]$strata <- 1
			} else {
				tryCatch( {
					df[rows,]$strata <- cut(df[rows,]$ps, 
								breaks=quantile(df[rows,]$ps, seq(0,1,1/i), na.rm=TRUE), 
				error=function(e) { warning(paste0('Could not use ', i, ' strata for ', l)) }
				) #end try
jbryer/multilevelPSA documentation built on April 10, 2020, 1:20 a.m.