
Defines functions compare_sets compare_vecs compare_vars

Documented in compare_sets compare_vars compare_vecs

#' Pairwise element comparison of two variables in a dataframe
#' Returns a table summarising the ordering of corresponding elements of two columns in a data frame. Columns
#' can be of different type or class but will then depend on coercion.
#' @param df A data frame.
#' @param ... The two columns to be compared either by name (quoted or unquoted) or integer positions.
#' @param simple Logical. If TRUE then only checks for pairwise differences, not ordering.
#' @param tol When comparing numeric vectors, equality and inequality comparisons use this tolerance.
#' @param na.rm If `TRUE`, will ignore rows where either element is `NA`. The main reason to use
#'   this is if you want to see the proportion of non-missing entries that match/differ.
#' @export
compare_vars <- function(df, ..., simple = FALSE, tol = 1E-6, na.rm = FALSE) {
  if (!is.data.frame(df)) {
    stop("`df` must be a data frame.", call. = FALSE)
  df <- dplyr::select(df, ...)
  if (ncol(df) != 2){
    stop("Must select exactly two columns to compare.", call. = FALSE)
  vec1 <- df[, 1, drop=T]
  vec2 <- df[, 2, drop=T]
  name1 <- names(df)[1]
  name2 <- names(df)[2]
  compare_vecs(vec1, vec2, names = c(name1, name2), simple = simple, tol = tol, na.rm = na.rm)

#' Pairwise element comparison of two vectors
#' Returns a table summarising the ordering of corresponding elements of the two supplied vectors. Inputs can be
#' factors but must be atomic and the same length. If the vectors are of different classes or types then the
#' comparison will depend on coercion.
#' @param x,y The two vectors to be compared. Both vectors must be atomic and of the same length.
#' @param names Optional length 2 string vector of names for the input vectors, to be used in the output
#'   table. Otherwise, "x" and "y" are used.
#' @param simple Logical. If TRUE then only checks for pairwise differences, not ordering.
#' @param tol When comparing numeric vectors, equality and inequality comparisons use this tolerance.
#' @param na.rm If `TRUE`, will ignore indices where either vector is `NA`. The main reason to use
#'   this is if you want to see the proportion of non-missing entries that match/differ.
#' @export
compare_vecs <- function(x, y, names = NULL, simple = FALSE, tol = 1E-6, na.rm = FALSE){
  if (!(is.atomic(x) & is.atomic(y))){
    stop("Both vectors must be atomic.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(x) != length(y)){
    stop("x and y must be the same length.", call. = FALSE)
  if(is.factor(x)) x <- levels(x)[x]
  if(is.factor(y)) y <- levels(y)[y]
  name1 <- "x"
  name2 <- "y"
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    if(length(names) == 2 & is.character(names)){
      name1 <- names[1]
      name2 <- names[2]
      warning('Argument "names" must be a length 2 character vector. Using "x" and "y" instead.', call. = FALSE)
  if (class(x)[1] != class(y)[1]){
    warning("Vectors have different classes: ", class(x)[1], " and ", class(y)[1], ".", call. = FALSE)
  if (na.rm){
    either_na <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
    x <- x[!either_na]
    y <- y[!either_na]
  both_num <- is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)
  both_na <- is.na(x) & is.na(y)
  if (both_num){
    equal <- sum(abs(x - y) <= tol, na.rm = T)
    hi <- sum(x - y > tol, na.rm = T)
    lo <- sum(y - x > tol, na.rm = T)
    equal <- sum(x == y, na.rm = T)
    hi <- sum(x > y, na.rm = T)
    lo <- sum(x < y, na.rm = T)
    same = sum(both_na) + equal
    return(tibble(comparison = c("Match", "Different"),
                  count = c(same, length(x) - same),
                  prop = .data$count / length(x)))
  comparison_names <- c(paste(name1, c("==", ">", "<"), name2),
                        "Both NA",
                        paste(c(name1, name2), "NA only"))
  count_vals <- c(equal, hi, lo, sum(both_na), sum(!both_na & is.na(x)), sum(!both_na & is.na(y)))
  tbl <- tibble(comparison = comparison_names,
                count = count_vals,
                prop = .data$count / length(x))
  if (!na.rm) return(tbl)
  tbl[1:3, ]

#' Compare two sets for overlap and differences.
#' Compares two vectors and returns information on their overlap and differences, ignoring
#' ordering and duplicated elements.
#' A tibble is returned with contents dependent on the argument `summary`. If `TRUE`,
#' counts of elements in both sets and only one set is given. If `FALSE`, the returned tibble
#' will have a row for each element in the union of `x` and `y`, together with which set(s)
#' it belongs to.
#' @param x,y Vectors to compare.
#' @param summary Logical, controls what information is returned. See details.
#' @export
compare_sets <- function(x, y, summary = TRUE) {
  if (!is.atomic(x) && !is.atomic(x)){
    stop("Both `x` and `y` must be atomic vectors.", call. = FALSE)
  both <- intersect(x, y)
  just_x <- setdiff(x, y)
  just_y <- setdiff(y, x)
  union <- union(x, y)
    return(tibble(set = c("both", "just x", "just y"),
                  count = c(length(both), length(just_x), length(just_y)),
                  prop = .data$count / length(union)))
  tibble(element = union,
         both = union %in% both,
         just_x = union %in% just_x,
         just_y = union %in% just_y)
jedwards24/edwards documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 8:16 a.m.