
Defines functions covHall

Documented in covHall

#' covHall
#' Internal function for estimation of the covariance matrix of the latent
#' process using the Hall et al. approach
#' @param data tha data as described in \code{\link{gfpca_Mar}},
#' \code{\link{gfpca_TwoStep}}, and \code{\link{gfpca_Bayes}}
#' @param u grid for evaluation
#' @param bf number of basis functions for smoothing
#' @param pve percentage of explained variance
#' @param eps small constant used for the diagonal if diagonal elements are
#' smaller
#' @param nu additional shrinkage parameter for the estimated mean function
#' (should usually be 1)
#' @param mu fitted mean function (if available)
#' @author Jan Gertheiss \email{jan.gertheiss@@agr.uni-goettingen.de} and
#' Ana-Maria Staicu \email{astaicu@@ncsu.edu}
#' @import mgcv
covHall <- function(data, u, bf = 10, pve = .9, eps = 0.01, nu = 1, mu = NULL){
  Y.vec <- data['value'][[1]]
  t.vec <- data['index'][[1]]
  id.vec <- data['id'][[1]]
  grid <- unique(t.vec)
  D <- length(grid)
  I <- length(unique(id.vec))
  Y_miss <- matrix(NA, nrow = I, ncol = D)
  if (length(mu) == 0) {
    out <- gam(Y.vec ~ s(t.vec), family = "binomial")
    mu <- as.vector(predict.gam(out, newdata = data.frame(t.vec = u)))
  for (i in 1:I) {
    Yi <- Y.vec[id.vec == i]
    ti <- t.vec[id.vec == i]
    indexi <- sapply(ti, function(t) which(grid == t))
    Y_miss[i,indexi] <- Yi
  Yi_2 <- sapply(c(1:I), function(k)  Y_miss[k,] %x%   Y_miss[k,])
  Yi_2mom <- matrix(rowMeans(Yi_2, na.rm=TRUE), ncol=D)
  diag(Yi_2mom) <- NA
  row.vec <- rep(grid, each = D)       # set up row variable for bivariate smoothing
  col.vec <- rep(grid, D)              # set up column variable for bivariate smoothing
  Yi_2mom_sm <- matrix(predict.gam(gam(as.vector(Yi_2mom)~te(row.vec,col.vec,k=bf)) ,
                                   data.frame(row.vec =rep(u, each=length(u)),col.vec=rep(u, length(u)) )), ncol=length(u))
  Yi_2mom_sm <- (Yi_2mom_sm +t(Yi_2mom_sm))/2
  Y_miss_mean <- colMeans(Y_miss, na.rm=TRUE)
  Y.mean_sm <- as.vector(predict(gam(Y_miss_mean~s(grid), method="REML"),
  Yi.cov_sm <- Yi_2mom_sm - matrix(Y.mean_sm, ncol=1)%*%matrix(Y.mean_sm, nrow=1)
  Zi.cov_sm <- diag(1/deriv.inv.logit(nu*mu)) %*% Yi.cov_sm %*%diag(1/deriv.inv.logit(nu*mu))
  ddd <- diag(Zi.cov_sm)
  diag(Zi.cov_sm) <- ifelse(ddd<eps, eps, ddd)
jeff-goldsmith/gfpca documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:45 a.m.