

#' Create a connection to the job control database
#' This function is called behind the scenes by any function that needs to 
#' access the job contol database.You will probably only need it yourself if you
#' want to do reporting on the database (see examples). However the details
#' selection below explains how default connection parameters can be set,
#' something that you will need to do at least once.
#' @param ... Named arguments to pass to the \code{dbConnect} function, 
#'   combined with any set in \code{options(Rgridengineswarm.connpararams)} (see
#'   details).
#' @export
#' @rdname jobcontrol_connection
#' @examples
#' # get current default connection parameters
#' getOption('Rgridengineswarm.connpararams')
#' @details By default, the details of the database connection are read from the
#'   ``Rgridengineswarm`` group in the current user's \code{.my.cnf} (usually 
#'   located at \code{$HOME/.my.cnf}). Here is an example of what this might
#'   look like:
#'   \verb{ [Rgridengineswarm] database = jobcontrol user = fred password =
#'   supersecure host = }
#'   You can change the name of the default connection group using the option 
#'   \code{Rgridengineswarm.connpararams} e.g.
#'   \verb{options(Rgridengineswarm.connpararams=list(group='myspecialjobdb'))}
#' @examples
#' # get current default connection parameters
#' getOption('Rgridengineswarm.connpararams')
#' \dontrun{
#' conn=.jobcontrol_connection()
#' # list tables in current connection
#' library(RMySQL)
#' dbListTables(conn)
#' dbReadTable(conn, 'chunks')
#' }
.jobcontrol_connection <- function(...) {
  do.call(dbConnect, c(list(MySQL()), connparams))

#' Create a chunk of work for a specified job
#' @param stufftodo The work that should be done by a worker working on this chunk
#' @param job_id The id of the job that this chunk should be part of
#' @param con The database connection to use to create the chunk
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to the connection
#' @export
create_chunk <- function(stufftodo, job_id=1, con=NULL, ...) {
    con <- .jobcontrol_connection(...)
  dbWriteTable(con, 'chunks', data.frame(job_id=job_id, stuff_to_do=stufftodo), append=TRUE, row.names=F)

#' Get a chunk of work to do from a specified job
#' @param worker_id The id of the worker requesting a chunk
#' @param job_id The id of the job for which chunks are being requested
#' @param worker_name The name of the worker requesting a chunk. Default: 
#'   \code{<nodename>:<worker_id>}
#' @param nchunks The number of chunks requested
#' @param con The database connection to use for the chunk request or
#'   \code{NULL} to indicate that the function should make and close a
#'   connection just for this request.
#' @param nullchunk The object to return if no chunks are returned
#' @return A data.frame with \code{nchunks} rows (some of which may contain 
#'   \code{NA}s) or if no chunks at all were available a matrix with 
#'   \code{nchunks} rows and 1 column, filled with \code{NA}s.
#' @param ... Other arguments for creating the connection when \code{NULL}
#' @export
get_chunk <- function(worker_id, job_id=1,
                      nchunks=1, con=NULL, nullchunk=NA_character_, ...) {
  if(is.null(con)) {
    con <- .jobcontrol_connection(...)
  if(nchunks > 1) {
    l <- lapply(seq.int(nchunks), function(x)
  if(is.na(worker_id)) stop("worker_id must be an integer")
  if(is.na(job_id)) stop("job_id must be an integer")
  cmd <- sprintf("SELECT get_chunk(%d,%d,'%s')", worker_id, job_id, worker_name)
  res <- dbSendQuery(con, cmd)
  next_chunk_id <- fetch(res, n=-1)
  if(!length(next_chunk_id) || next_chunk_id[1,1] < 0) return(nullchunk)
  cmd <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM chunks WHERE id=%d ", next_chunk_id[1, 1])
  res <- dbSendQuery(con, cmd)
  chunkinfo <- fetch(res, n=-1)

#' Set a chunk as done
#' @param worker_id The id of the worker that has completed the chunk
#' @param chunk_id The id of the chunk
#' @inheritParams get_chunk
#' @return TRUE on success
#' @export
set_chunk_done <- function(worker_id=NULL, job_id=1, con=NULL, chunk_id=NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(con)) {
    con <- .jobcontrol_connection(...)
  if(is.na(worker_id)) stop("worker_id must be an integer")
  if(is.na(job_id)) stop("job_id must be an integer")
  if(is.na(chunk_id)) stop("chunk_id must be an integer")
  cmd <- sprintf("SELECT set_chunk_done(%d, %d, %d)", worker_id, job_id, chunk_id);
  res <- dbSendQuery(con, cmd)
  updated_chunk_id <- fetch(res, n=-1)
  if(!length(updated_chunk_id) || updated_chunk_id[1, 1] < 0) return(FALSE)

#' Delete all the chunks associated with a specific job
#' @param job_id The id of the job from which to delete all chunks
#' @param con The database connection to use for the deletion
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to the connection
#' @return TRUE on success
#' @export
delete_job <- function(job_id, con=NULL, ...) {
    con <- .jobcontrol_connection(...)
  if(length(job_id) > 1) return(sapply(job_id, delete_job, con))
  if(is.na(job_id)) stop("job_id must be an integer")
  cmd <- sprintf("DELETE FROM chunks where job_id=%d", job_id)
  res <- try(dbSendQuery(con, cmd))
  !inherits(res, 'try-error')

#' Query Grid Engine to see if we can add more workers to the swarm
#' @param cpusToLeave The number of CPUs in the pool to leave available for others
#' @param workerScript The filepath of the Rscript to call
#' @param availabilityDivisor The number with which to divide cpusToLeave to determine how many CPUs it is reasonable to assign to our task
#' @export
consider_adding_workers <- function(cpusToLeave, workerScript, availabilityDivisor=1) {
  message("Consider adding more workers.")
  # Find total number of CPUs available via Grid Engine
  qstat <- paste(system("qstat -g c -ext", intern=T), collapse="")
  match <- regexpr("all.q\\s+[0-9]*.[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*", qstat)
  cpusAvailLine <- substr(qstat, match, match+attr(match, "match.length")-1)
  match <- regexpr("all.q\\s+[0-9]*.[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*\\s*", cpusAvailLine)
  cpusAvailable <- as.numeric(substr(cpusAvailLine, match+attr(match, "match.length"), nchar(cpusAvailLine)))
  # Make sure we don't use too many CPUs from the pool
  cpusAvailable <- floor(cpusAvailable / availabilityDivisor)
  message("  CPUs available (availability divisor [", availabilityDivisor, "] applied): ", cpusAvailable)
  message("  CPUs we should leave available: ", cpusToLeave)
  # Find the number of CPUs we are already using via Grid Engine
  username <- system("whoami", intern=T)
  quserstat <- system(paste0("qstat -u \"", username, "\""), intern=T)
  userCPUs <- 0
  for (i in 3:length(quserstat)) {
    match <- regexpr(paste0(username, "\\s*[a-z, A-Z]\\s*[0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\s*[^\\s]*\\s*[0-9]"), quserstat[i])
    userCPUsLine <- substr(quserstat[i], match, match+attr(match, "match.length")-1)
    match <- regexpr(paste0(username, "\\s*[a-z, A-Z]\\s*[0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*\\s*[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\s*[^\\s]*\\s*"), userCPUsLine, perl=T)
    userCPUsSubLine <- substr(userCPUsLine, match+attr(match, "match.length"), nchar(userCPUsLine))
    match <- regexpr("[0-9]+", userCPUsSubLine)
    userCPUs <- userCPUs + as.numeric(substr(userCPUsSubLine, 1, match+attr(match, "match.length")))
  message("  CPUs used by user: ", userCPUs)
  # Add more workers, if we can
  if (cpusAvailable > cpusToLeave) {
    add_workers(cpusAvailable, cpusToLeave, userCPUs, workerScript)
  } else {
    message("We should not add more workers.")

#' Use Grid Engine to add more workers
#' @param cpusAvailable The number of CPUs available in the Grid Engine pool
#' @param cpusToLeave The number of CPUs in the pool to leave available for others
#' @param userCPUs The number of cpus
#' @param workerScript The filepath of the Rscript to call
add_workers <- function(cpusAvailable, cpusToLeave, userCPUs, workerScript) {
  message("We can add more workers.")
  message("  CPUs grabbable: ", cpusGrabbable <- cpusAvailable - cpusToLeave)
  message("  Num workers to add: ", numWorkersIncSize <- floor(cpusGrabbable / 2))
  message("  Grid Engine command: ", qsubCmd <- paste0("qsub -t ", userCPUs + 1, ":", userCPUs + numWorkersIncSize, " -b yes -cwd ", workerScript))
  message("  New total num workers: ", userCPUs + numWorkersIncSize)
jefferislab/Rgridengineswarm documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:58 a.m.