pointToPoly: Convert points to polygons

Description Usage Arguments Value Shape scaling


Converts a vector of coordinate points to a data object that can be drawn with polygon. It calculate the values need to plot the points as polygons specified by shape. Currently only triangles pointing up and triangles pointing down can be specified. Each point can be described separately by passing in a vector for the shapes parameter. Other than x and y coordinates of the points to plot and the two scale paramters, provided values will be wrapped as needed.


pointToPoly(x, y, widths = 20, heights = 20, shapes = "triangleDown",
  sides = 5, fillColors = "red", borderColors = "black", scale = c(4,
  1), resScale = c(1, 1))



The x plot coordinates where the the poly-points should be drawn


The y plot coordinates where the the poly-points should be drawn


The widths in plot coordinates of the poly-points. Default = 5.


The height in plot coordinates of the poly-points. Default = 5.


The shape of the poly-point. Allowed shapes are 'triangleDown' (the default) and 'triangleUp'.


The position of the poly-points over the coordinate point. Can have a value from 1-9, oriented like a 3 x 3 touch pad, 1 has uper left corner of poly as the point, 5 has the middle over the point, and 9 has the lower right as the point. Default = 5, centered.


The colors filling the poly-point. Default = 'red'.


The colors of the poly-point borders. Default = 'black'.


The scale factor of the x and y axis of the plot, i.e if plot is 100x500, scale should be c(1,5) or c(0.2,1). By default this is c(1,1).


The scale factor of the device, i.e. if the screen resolution is 1024x768, this should be c(1,1024/768) or c(768/1024,1). By default this is c(1,1).


Returns a list with the data needed to plot the points as polygons. The elements of the list are:

count number of points plotted as polygons
xRadii 1/2 widths of points, after wrapping
yRadii 1/2 heights of points, after wrapping
shapes The shapes parameter, after wrapping
sides The sides parameter, after wrapping
fillColors The fillColors parameter, after wrapping
borderColors The borderColors parameter, after wrapping
x X coordinates of polygons to draw, NA separated
y Y coordinates of polygons to draw, NA separated
xRange lowest and highest x value drawn
yRange lowest and highest y values drawn

Shape scaling

The shape of a pixel is not necessarily square, so a square of 10 x 10 pixels may not be square but instead rectangular. To make the polygon shapes come out symetrical, the relative heights and widths of the pixels must be specified. This is the purpose of the scale and resScale parameters. Two parameters are provided to allow specifying the plot scaling ratio and the screen resolution scaling ratio separately.

jefferys/fusionExpressionPlot documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:59 a.m.