
Defines functions is.periodic .fishers.g.test deseason lastPeriod lastPeriod.seasonality findPeriod periodIndex

Documented in deseason is.periodic lastPeriod

setClass("seasonality", representation = "list", S3methods = T)

#' Periodicity
#' Determine if a univariate or multivariate time series is periodic
#' using Fisher's G Test
#' @param mts either a univariate or multivariate time series
#' @export
is.periodic = function(mts) {
    if (is.vector(mts)) {
        spec = spectrum(mts, plot = F)
        g = .fishers.g.test(spec$spec)
        if (g$p <= 0.05) T else F
    else apply(mts, 2, function(j) {

.fishers.g.test = function(spec) {
    g = max(spec) / sum(spec)
    q = length(spec)
    p = 1 - sum(sapply(0:q, function(j) { (-1)^j * choose(q,j) *
                                          max(0, (1-j*g))^(q-1) }))
    list(g = max(spec) / sum(spec),
         p = p)   

#' Deseason
#' Deseasonalize a time series so that models can target the
#' unexplainable components.
#' @param mts either a vector representing 1 time series or a
#'   a data frame or matrix representing multiple time series
#' @param frequency the number of observations per period - either
#'   a single numeric in the univariate case or a vector in the
#'   multivariate case
#' @param auto if true try to use the spectral density to estimate the frequency
#' @export
deseason = function(mts, frequency = rep(NA, ncol(mts)), auto = F) {
    if (auto) frequency = findPeriod(mts)
    else if (all(is.na(frequency))) return (list(seasonal = 0, remaining = mts, freq = NA))
    bad.freq = which((2*frequency) > nrow(mts))
    if (length(bad.freq) > 0) {
        warning (paste("in order to deseasonalize a time series, it should have
                        more than 2 periods worth of measurements.  Treating
                        the following columns as not seasonal:", bad.freq))
        frequency[bad.freq] = NA
    if (is.vector(mts)) {
        if (is.na(frequency)) {
            message("time series is not periodic")
            return (structure(list(seasonal = rep(0, length(mts)),
                                   remaining = mts, freq = frequency),
                              class = "seasonality"))
        y = stl(ts(mts, frequency=frequency), na.action=na.omit,
        seasonal = y$time.series[,1]
        remaining = apply(y$time.series[,-1], 1, sum)
        return (structure(list(seasonal=seasonal, remaining=remaining,
                               freq = frequency), class = "seasonality"))
    else {
        periodic.cols = which(!is.na(frequency))
        if (length(periodic.cols) == 0) {
            message("no periodic time series found")
            return (structure(list(seasonal = matrix(0, nrow(mts), ncol(mts)),
                                   remaining = mts, freq = frequency),
                              class = "seasonality"))
        decomp = apply(as.matrix(rbind(1:ncol(mts),mts)[,periodic.cols]), 2, function(j) {
            colIndex = j[1]
            j.orig = j[-1]
            j.ts = ts(j.orig, frequency=frequency[colIndex])
            y = stl(j.ts, na.action=na.omit, s.window="periodic")
            seasonal = y$time.series[,1]
            remaining = apply(y$time.series[,-1], 1, sum)
            return (list(seasonal=seasonal, remaining=remaining))
        seasonal = matrix(0, nrow(mts), ncol(mts))
        remaining = mts
        decomp.seasonal = do.call('cbind', lapply(decomp, function(i) i$seasonal))
        decomp.remaining = do.call('cbind', lapply(decomp, function(i) i$remaining))
        seasonal[,periodic.cols] = decomp.seasonal
        remaining[,periodic.cols] = decomp.remaining
        return (structure(list(seasonal=seasonal, remaining=remaining,
                               freq = frequency), class = "seasonality"))

#' Last Period of a Time Series
#' Get the last complete period.  If a time series has 36 measurements
#' with a period of 24, then this function should only return the first
#' 24 measurements
#' @export
lastPeriod = function(x) UseMethod("lastPeriod")

lastPeriod.seasonality = function(seasonality) {
    if (length(seasonality$freq) > 1) {
        freq.indices = which(!is.na(seasonality$freq))
        if (length(freq.indices) == 0) {
            warning("object was not seasonal")
            return (NA)
        n = nrow(seasonality$seasonal)
        as.list(data.frame(apply(rbind(seasonality$freq, seasonality$seasonal), 2, function(j) {
            freq = j[1]
            j.orig = j[-1]
            if (is.na(freq)) return (NA)
            endIndex = floor(n / freq) * freq
            startIndex = endIndex - freq + 1
            j.orig[startIndex : endIndex]
    else {
        freq = seasonality$freq
        if (is.na(freq)) {
            warning("object was not seasonal")
            return (NA)
        n = length(seasonality$seasonal)
        endIndex = floor(n / freq)
        startIndex = endIndex - freq + 1
        seasonality$seasonal[startIndex : endIndex]

findPeriod = function(x) {
    if (is.vector(x)) {
        spec = spectrum(x, plot = F)
        spec.max = max(spec$spec)
        spec.max.index = which.max(spec$spec)
        p = 1 - (1 - exp(spec.max))^length(spec$spec)
        if (p <= .05) return (floor(spec$freq[spec.max] * length(spec$spec)))
        else {message("signal is not periodic"); return (NA)}
    else {
        apply(x, 2, findPeriod)

periodIndex = function(freq, i) {((i-1) %% freq) + 1 }
jeffwong/fastVAR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:02 a.m.