
Defines functions rr_est

Documented in rr_est

#' Estimate the parameters of a spatial mixed effects model
#' @description
#' Computes estimates of parameters for spatial mixed effects models using either EM algorithm or
#' a Method of Moments estimation.
#' @param method string describing the type of parameter estimation; currently 
#'        supported are Expectation-Maximization ("EM") and Method of Moments ("MOM").
#' @param em_type string describing further specification for the EM algorithm. See details.
#' @param empirical string identifying which empirical estimate to used for the empirical binned covariance matrix. See details.
#' @param fitting   string identifying which fitting method to use for MOM estimation. See details.
#' @param Y the observed data.
#' @param X the fixed-effects design matrix.
#' @param S the matrix of basis functions.
#' @param X2 for constrained EM algorithm, optional design matrix for unconstrained fixed-effects.
#' @param cone for constrained EM algorithm, matrix of -1, 0, and 1's defining the order restriction.
#' @param coords the matrix of observed locations.
#' @param knots the matrix of knot locations.
#' @param epsilon the stopping condition for EM algorithms.
#' @param max_iter for EM algorithms, the maximum number of iterations.
#' @param ... space for additional arguments to be passed to the estimation function (see especially \code{rr_em_constrained}).
#' @details
#' \code{method} is used to define a general type of estimation method.
#' For \code{method="EM"}, the supported options for \code{em_type} are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"default"}{A standard EM algorithm to estimate all model parameters.}
#' \item \code{"nobeta"}{Similar to the default method, but the fixed-effects parameter is treated not estimated.}
#' \item \code{"constrained"}{An EM algorithm in which the fixed effects parameter is subject to linear order constraints.}
#' }
#' The Method of Moments (MOM, \code{method="MOM"}) estimation is a two-step procedure. 
#' First, an empirical binned covariance matrix is computed (see \code{\link{mom_bec}}), 
#' and then the covariance matrix is fitted (see \code{\link{mom_fit}}. Different options 
#' for the empirical estimate can be selected using \code{empirical}. Currently the options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"cj"}{The Cressie-Johanneson empirical binned covariance matrix.}
#' \item \code{"robust"}{A robust empirical binned estimator based on the median absolute deviation. }
#' \item \code{"dispersion"}{A robust empirical binned estimator based on a more efficient robust variance (computationally intensive). }
#' \item \code{"wt_dispersion"}{A weighted version of the dispersion estimate (computationally intensive). }
#' }
#' Additionally, there are multiple options for the fitting method (\code{fitting}):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"frobenius"}{The covariance is fitted by minimizing the Frobenius norm.}
#' \item \code{"robust"}{The covariance is fitted by minimizing a robust norm (using quantile regression). }
#' }
#' @note
#' Some of the estimation functions do not estimate the fixed effects parameter (e.g., 
#' \code{rr_em_nobeta}, and several of the MOM estimation functions). In this case, \code{bhat} 
#' in the return object is \code{NULL}. In the estimation functions of \pkg{RRSM}, if \code{bhat}
#' is \code{NULL}, then a GLS estimate will be computed automatically.
#' @return
#' A list with elements \code{bhat} (estimate of beta), \code{V}, \code{ssq}, \code{niter}, 
#' and \code{method}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{rr_em}}
#' \code{\link{mom_bec}}
#' \code{\link{mom_fit}}
#' \code{\link{rr_universal_krige}}
#' @export


rr_est <- function( method="EM", em_type="default", empirical="cj", fitting="frobenius",
                    Y, X, S, X2=NULL, cone=NULL, coords=NULL, knots=NULL, ... ){
  cc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE )  
  ## Some error-catching
  if( missing(Y) ){
    stop("The data vector 'Y' is missing")
  if( missing(X) ){
    stop("The design matrix 'X' is missing")
  if( missing(S) ){
    if( is.null(knots) || is.null(coords) ){
      stop("Either matrix of basis functions 'S', or both 'coords' and 'knots' are required")
    warning("Matrix of basis functions 'S' was not provided. Constructing 'S' based on 'coords' and 'knots', but unsupervised construction of 'S' is not recommended.")
    S <- basis_mat( coords , knots , ... )    
  ## Capitalize the text parameters
  method   <- toupper(method)
  matchMth <- charmatch( method, c("EM","MOM") , nomatch = 0)
  if( matchMth==0 ){
    stop( "Argument 'method' does not match a supported value ('EM' or 'MOM')" )
  ## Start the estimation procedures
  if( method=="EM" ){
    ## Some error-fixing for the function calls
    em_type <- tolower(em_type)
    all_types <- c("default", "nobeta", "constrained")
    matchType <- charmatch( em_type, all_types, nomatch = 0)
    if( matchType > 0 ){ em_type <- all_types[matchType]
    } else{ stop("Fitting method cannot be determined") }
    if( em_type=="default" ){
      return_obj <- rr_em(Y=Y, X=X, S=S, ... )
    } else if( em_type=="nobeta" ){
      return_obj <- rr_em_nobeta(Y=Y, X=X, S=S, ... )
    } else if( em_type=="constrained" ){
      return_obj <- rr_em_constrained(Y=Y, X=X, X2=X2, S=S, cone=cone, ...)
    } else{
      stop( "argument 'em_type' does not match a supported value (default, nobeta, constrained)" )
    full_method         <- list()
    full_method$type    <- "Estimation type: EM"
    full_method$em_type <- paste0( "EM method: ", em_type )  
    full_method$m_iter  <- paste0( "EM algorithm finished after ", return_obj$niter, " iterations" )
  } else if( method=="MOM" ){
    ## Some error-fixing for the function calls
    all_emps <- c("cj", "robust", "dispersion", "wt_dispersion" )
    empirical <- tolower(empirical)
    matchEmp <- charmatch( empirical, all_emps, nomatch = 0)
    if( matchEmp > 0 ){ empirical <- all_emps[matchEmp]
    } else{ stop("Fitting method cannot be determined") }
    all_fits <- c("frobenius", "robust")
    fitting   <- tolower(fitting)
    matchFit <- charmatch( fitting, all_fits, nomatch = 0)
    if( matchFit > 0 ){ fitting <- all_fits[matchFit]
    } else{ stop("Fitting method cannot be determined") }
    ## Get the Empirical binned covariance matrix
    if( empirical %in% all_emps ){
      emp_cov <- mom_bec( empirical=empirical, coords=coords, Y=Y, X=X, S=S, ... )  
    ## Fit the covariance matrix
    return_obj <- mom_fit( fitting=fitting, SigM=emp_cov$SigM, Sbar=emp_cov$Sbar, ... )
    full_method           <- list()
    full_method$type      <- "Estimation type: MOM"
    full_method$fitting   <- paste0( "Fitting method: ", fitting )
    full_method$empirical <- paste0( "Empirical binned covariance matrix: ", empirical )
  ## Estimate tau vs. sigma
  ## Add some values to the output object
  return_obj$full_method <- full_method
  if( is.null(return_obj$niter) ){ return_obj$niter <- NULL }
  class(return_obj) <- "rr_est"
  return( return_obj )
jelsema/RRSM documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:02 a.m.