Man pages for jennahamlin/Tinsel
An R Shiny Application for annotating outbreak phylogenetic trees

gene1Example Gene 1 This is a genetic distance matrix of SNPs for...
gene2Example Gene 2 This is a genetic distance matrix of SNPs for...
gene3Example Gene 3 This is a genetic distance matrix of SNPs for...
meta1Example Meta 1 This is a meta data file for tip correction...
meta2Example Meta 2 This is a meta data file for tip correction...
meta3Example Meta 3 This is a meta data file for tip correction...
mod_aboutmod_about_ui mod_about_server
mod_aboutExamplemod_aboutExample_ui mod_aboutExample_server
mod_aboutTreeParamsmod_aboutTreeParams_ui mod_aboutTreeParams_server
mod_cladeAnnotatormod_cladeAnnotator_ui and mod_cladeAnnotator_server
mod_displayTreemod_displayTree_ui and mod_displayTree_server
mod_downloadImagemod_downloadImage_ui and mod_downloadImage_server
mod_exampleDatamod_exampleData_ui and mod_exampleData_server
mod_FAQmod_FAQ_ui mod_FAQ_server
mod_paramsTreemod_paramsTree_ui and mod_paramsTree_server
mod_pushButtonsmod_pushButtons_ui mod_pushButtons_server
mod_relaunchAppmod_relaunchApp_ui mod_relaunchApp_server
mod_tipCheckmod_tipCheck_ui mod_tipCheck_server
mod_uploadDatamod_uploadData_ui and mod_uploadData_server
pipePipe operator
run_appRun the Shiny Application
tinselRtinselR: An R Shiny Application for annotating outbreak...
tree1Example Tree 1 This is a Newick phylogenetic tree for 19...
tree2Example Tree 2 #' This is a Newick phylogenetic tree for 19...
tree3Example Tree 3 This is a Newick phylogenetic tree for 19...
jennahamlin/Tinsel documentation built on Sept. 15, 2021, 9:46 a.m.