
Defines functions as.character.hash print.hash parse_hash hex_to_raw is_hexraw hash_type rawstringhash connectionhmac connectionhashes stringhash rawhash multihash ripemd160 blake2s blake2b md5 md4 sha3 sha2 sha512 sha384 sha256 sha224 sha1

Documented in blake2b blake2s md4 md5 multihash ripemd160 sha1 sha2 sha224 sha256 sha3 sha384 sha512

#' Vectorized hash/hmac functions
#' All hash functions either calculate a hash-digest for `key == NULL` or HMAC
#' (hashed message authentication code) when `key` is not `NULL`. Supported
#' inputs are binary (raw vector), strings (character vector) or a connection object.
#' The most efficient way to calculate hashes is by using input [connections],
#' such as a [file()][base::connections] or [url()][base::connections] object.
#' In this case the hash is calculated streamingly, using almost no memory or disk space,
#' regardless of the data size. When using a connection input in the [multihash]
#' function, the data is only read only once while streaming to multiple hash functions
#' simultaneously. Therefore several hashes are calculated simultanously, without the
#' need to store any data or download it multiple times.
#' Functions are vectorized for the case of character vectors: a vector with `n`
#' strings returns `n` hashes. When passing a connection object, the contents will
#' be stream-hashed which minimizes the amount of required memory. This is recommended
#' for hashing files from disk or network.
#' The sha2 family of algorithms (sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512) is generally
#' recommended for sensitive information. While sha1 and md5 are usually sufficient for
#' collision-resistant identifiers, they are no longer considered secure for cryptographic
#' purposes.
#' In applications where hashes should be irreversible (such as names or passwords) it is
#' often recommended to use a random *key* for HMAC hashing. This prevents attacks where
#' we can lookup hashes of common and/or short strings. See examples. A common special case
#' is adding a random salt to a large number of records to test for uniqueness within the
#' dataset, while simultaneously rendering the results incomparable to other datasets.
#' The `blake2b` and `blake2s` algorithms are only available if your system has
#' libssl 1.1 or newer.
#' @param x character vector, raw vector or connection object.
#' @param key string or raw vector used as the key for HMAC hashing
#' @param size must be equal to 224 256 384 or 512
#' @references Digest types: <https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/openssl-dgst.html>
#' @export
#' @aliases hash hmac mac
#' @rdname hash
#' @name hashing
#' @useDynLib openssl R_digest_raw R_digest
#' @examples # Support both strings and binary
#' md5(c("foo", "bar"))
#' md5("foo", key = "secret")
#' hash <- md5(charToRaw("foo"))
#' as.character(hash, sep = ":")
#' # Compare to digest
#' digest::digest("foo", "md5", serialize = FALSE)
#' # Other way around
#' digest::digest(cars, skip = 0)
#' md5(serialize(cars, NULL))
#' # Stream-verify from connections (including files)
#' myfile <- system.file("CITATION")
#' md5(file(myfile))
#' md5(file(myfile), key = "secret")
#' \dontrun{check md5 from: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/old/3.1.1/md5sum.txt
#' md5(url("http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/old/3.1.1/R-3.1.1-win.exe"))}
#' # Use a salt to prevent dictionary attacks
#' sha1("admin") # googleable
#' sha1("admin", key = "random_salt_value") #not googleable
#' # Use a random salt to identify duplicates while anonymizing values
#' sha256("john") # googleable
#' sha256(c("john", "mary", "john"), key = "random_salt_value")
sha1 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "sha1", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha224 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "sha224", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha256 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "sha256", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha384 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "sha384", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha512 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "sha512", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha2 <- function(x, size = 256, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, paste0("sha", size), key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
sha3 <- function(x, size = 256, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, paste0("sha3-", size), key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
md4 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "md4", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
md5 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "md5", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
blake2b <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "blake2b512", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
blake2s <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "blake2s256", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
ripemd160 <- function(x, key = NULL){
  rawstringhash(x, "ripemd160", key)

#' @rdname hash
#' @export
#' @param algos string vector with names of hashing algorithms
multihash <- function(x, algos = c('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512')){
  if(inherits(x, 'connection')){
    connectionhashes(x, algos = algos)
  } else if(is.raw(x)){
    out <- lapply(algos, function(algo){rawstringhash(x, algo = algo, key = NULL)})
    structure(out, names = algos)
  } else if(is.character(x)){
    m <- vapply(algos, function(algo){stringhash(x, algo = algo, key = NULL)}, FUN.VALUE = x)
    if(length(x) == 1)
      m <- t(m)
    data.frame(m, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Low level interfaces, not exported.
rawhash <- function(x, algo, key = NULL){
  stopifnot(is.null(key) || is.raw(key))
  .Call(R_digest_raw, x, as.character(algo), key)

#' @useDynLib openssl R_digest
stringhash <- function(x, algo, key = NULL){
  stopifnot(is.null(key) || is.raw(key))
  .Call(R_digest,x, as.character(algo), key)

connectionhashes <- function(con, algos){
    open(con, "rb")
  mds <- lapply(algos, function(algo){
    structure(md_init(algo), algo = algo)
  if(summary(con)$text == "binary"){
    while(length(data <- readBin(con, raw(), 512*1024))){
      lapply(mds, md_feed, data = data)
  } else {
    while(length(data <- readLines(con, n = 1L, warn = FALSE))){
      lapply(mds, md_feed, data = charToRaw(data))
  hashes <- lapply(mds, function(md){
    structure(md_final(md), class = c("hash", attr(md, 'algo')))
  structure(hashes, names = algos)

connectionhmac <- function(con, algo, key){
    key <- charToRaw(key)
  hmac <- hmac_init(algo, key);
    open(con, "rb")
  if(summary(con)$text == "binary"){
    while(length(data <- readBin(con, raw(), 1024))){
      hmac_feed(hmac, data)
  } else {
    while(length(data <- readLines(con, n = 1L, warn = FALSE))){
      hmac_feed(hmac, charToRaw(data))

rawstringhash <- function(x, algo, key){
    key <- charToRaw(key)
  hash <- if(inherits(x, "connection")){
      connectionhashes(x, algo)[[algo]]
    } else {
      connectionhmac(x, algo, key)
  } else if(is.raw(x)){
    rawhash(x, algo, key)
  } else if(is.character(x)){
    stringhash(x, algo, key)
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'x' must be raw or character vector.")
  out <- structure(hash, class = c("hash", algo))
    class(out) <- c(class(out), "hmac")

hash_type <- function(hash){
    stop("hash must be raw vector or hex string")
  if(inherits(hash, "md5") || length(hash) == 16){
  } else if(inherits(hash, "sha1") || length(hash) == 20){
  } else if(inherits(hash, "sha256") || length(hash) == 32){
  } else{
    stop("Hash of length ", length(hash), " not supported")

is_hexraw <- function(str){
  is.character(str) &&
  (length(str) == 1) &&
  grepl("^[a-f0-9 :]+$", tolower(str))

hex_to_raw <- function(str){
  stopifnot(length(str) == 1)
  str <- gsub("[ :]", "", str)
  len <- nchar(str)/2
  out <- raw(len)
  for(i in 1:len){
    out[i] <- as.raw(as.hexmode(substr(str, 2*i-1, 2*i)))

parse_hash <- function(x){
  if(is.raw(x)) return(x)
  if(is.character(x)) return(hex_to_raw(x[1]))
  stop("Invalid hash: ", x)

#' @export
print.hash <- function(x, sep = ":", ...){
    cat(class(x)[-1], as.character(x, sep = sep), "\n")
    print(unclass(x, ...))

#' @export
as.character.hash <- function(x, sep = "", ...){
    structure(paste(unclass(x), collapse = sep), class = class(x))
  else if(is.character(x))
  else x
jeroen/openssl documentation built on April 24, 2024, 8:12 a.m.