
Defines functions ssl_options

Documented in ssl_options

#' Connection SSL options
#' Set SSL options to connect to the MongoDB server.
#' @useDynLib mongolite R_default_ssl_options
#' @export
#' @param cert path to PEM file with client certificate, or a certificate as
#' returned by [openssl::read_cert()]
#' @param key path to PEM file with private key from the above certificate, or
#' a key as returned by [openssl::read_key()]. This can
#' be the same PEM file as cert.
#' @param ca a certificate authority PEM file
#' @param ca_dir directory with CA files
#' @param crl_file file with revocations
#' @param allow_invalid_hostname do not verify hostname on server certificate
#' @param weak_cert_validation disable certificate verification
ssl_options <- function(cert = NULL, key = cert, ca = NULL, ca_dir = NULL,
    crl_file = NULL, allow_invalid_hostname = NULL, weak_cert_validation = NULL){
  opts <- .Call(R_default_ssl_options)
  names(opts) <- c("pem_file", "ca_file", "ca_dir", "crl_file", "allow_invalid_hostname", "weak_cert_validation")
    key <- openssl::read_key(key)
    cert <- openssl::read_cert(cert)
    if(!identical(as.list(key)$pubkey, as.list(cert)$pubkey))
      warning("Key does not seem to match certificate!")
    tmp <- tempfile()
    passwd <- paste(openssl::sha1(openssl::rand_bytes(100)), collapse = "")
    keystring <- if(inherits(key, 'rsa')){
      openssl::write_pkcs1(key, password = passwd)
    } else {
      openssl::write_pem(key, password = passwd)
    writeLines(c(keystring, openssl::write_pem(cert)), con = tmp)
    opts$pem_file = tmp
    opts$pem_pwd = passwd
    opts$ca_file = normalizePath(ca, mustWork = TRUE)
    opts$ca_dir = normalizePath(ca_dir, mustWork = TRUE)
    opts$crl_file = normalizePath(crl_file, mustWork = TRUE)
    opts$allow_invalid_hostname = allow_invalid_hostname
    opts$weak_cert_validation = weak_cert_validation
  structure(as.list(opts), class = "miniprint")
jeroenooms/mongolite documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 10:02 a.m.