
Defines functions chr_to_dttm decimal_time dttm_to_dt std_dates

Documented in chr_to_dttm decimal_time dttm_to_dt std_dates

#' Parse Dates to Standard Format
#' `std_dates` standardizes a date vector and returns a vector in `Date` or
#' `POSIXct` format, depending on whether there is sub-daily information
#' available in the data.
#' @inheritParams chr_to_dttm
#' @inheritParams dttm_to_dt
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to
#'   \code{\link[janitor:convert_to_date]{convert_to_datetime()}}. These
#'   will, in turn, be passed to further methods, including
#'   \code{\link[janitor:excel_numeric_to_date]{excel_numeric_to_date()}},
#'   \code{\link[lubridate:parse_date_time]{parse_date_time()}}, and
#'   \code{\link[base:as.POSIXct]{as.POSIXct()}}.
#' @return A `Date` or `POSIXct` vector
#' @export
std_dates <- function(
  force = c("none", "dt", "dttm"),
  train = TRUE,
  orders = c("mdy",  "dmy",  "ymd",
             "mdyT", "dmyT", "ymdT",
             "mdyR", "dmyR", "ymdR",
             "mdyr", "dmyr", "ymdr",
             "mdyTz", "dmyTz", "ymdTz", "Tmdyz", "Tdmyz", "Tymdz",
             "mdyRz", "dmyRz", "ymdRz", "mdyrz", "dmyrz", "ymdrz",
             "Tmdy",  "Tdmy",  "Tymd",  "Tmdyz", "Tdmyz", "Tymdz"),
) {
  x %>%
      orders = orders,
      train = train,
      character_fun = chr_to_dttm,
      string_conversion_failure = "warning"
    ) %>%
    dttm_to_dt(force = force)

#' Coerce Datetimes to Dates if No Information is Lost
#' `dttm_to_dt()` converts `POSIXt` objects to `Date` objects when there is no
#' additional information contained in the `POSIXt` format (i.e. there is no
#' sub-daily information).
#' Specifically, `dttm_to_dt` checks whether all sub-daily information is the
#' same for each value in the datetime vector. If so, no additional information
#' is gained by using a `POSIXt` format over the simpler `Date` format, and
#' the data is coerced.
#' If the input is scalar (i.e. has length `1L`), then no conversion is
#' attempted
#' @param .x A `Date`, `POSIXct` or `POSIXlt` (i.e. a datetime) vector
#' @param force Whether to force conversion to `Date` (`force = "dt"`) or
#'   `POSIXct` (`force = "dttm"`). The default is no forcing (`force = "none"`).
#' @return Either a `POSIXct` vector or a `Date` vector
dttm_to_dt <- function(.x, force = c("none", "dt", "dttm")) {
  # If force is set, calculations aren't necessary
  force <- rlang::arg_match(force)[[1L]]
  if (force == "dt") {
  } else if (force == "dttm") {

  # If `.x` is already `Date` or is scalar `POSIXct`, return as-is
  # If `.x` is scalar `POSIXlt`, convert to `POSIXct`
  is_scalar <- vec_size(.x) == 1L
  if (lubridate::is.Date(.x) || (lubridate::is.POSIXct(.x) && is_scalar)) {
  } else if (lubridate::is.POSIXlt(.x) && is_scalar) {

  # Otherwise, check for any additional information in the variable
  t <- decimal_time(.x)
  t1 <- if (!all(is.na(t))) stats::na.omit(t)[[1L]] else NA_real_

  if (all(t == t1 | is.na(t))) {
  } else if (lubridate::is.POSIXlt(.x)) {
  } else {

#' Extract Time as a Decimal of Hours
#' @param x A vector with hour, minute, and/or second information that can be
#'   extracted by lubridate's `hour()`, `minute()`, and `second()` functions
#'   (respectively).
#' @return A `double` vector of decimal hours
decimal_time <- function(x) {
  lubridate::hour(x) +
    lubridate::minute(x) / 60 +
    lubridate::second(x) / 3600

#' Parse Dates in Character Format to Datetime Format
#' `chr_to_dttm` standardizes a datetime vector in character format and returns
#' a vector in `POSIXct` format.
#' @param x A vector of character dates
#' @param tz Optional timezone
#' @param orders The orders to use when parsing character vector with
#'   \code{\link[lubridate:parse_date_time]{parse_date_time()}}
#' @inheritParams lubridate::parse_date_time
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to
#'   \code{\link[lubridate:parse_date_time]{parse_date_time()}}
#' @return A `POSIXct` vector
chr_to_dttm <- function(
  tz = "UTC",
  orders = c("mdy",  "dmy",  "ymd",
             "mdyT", "dmyT", "ymdT",
             "mdyR", "dmyR", "ymdR",
             "mdyr", "dmyr", "ymdr",
             "mdyTz", "dmyTz", "ymdTz", "Tmdyz", "Tdmyz", "Tymdz",
             "mdyRz", "dmyRz", "ymdRz", "mdyrz", "dmyrz", "ymdrz",
             "Tmdy",  "Tdmy",  "Tymd",  "Tmdyz", "Tdmyz", "Tymdz"),
  train = TRUE,
) {
  x %>%
    stringr::str_replace(pattern = "^$", replacement = NA_character_) %>%
    lubridate::parse_date_time(orders = orders, train = train, tz = tz, ...) %>%
jesse-smith/coviData documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 11:08 a.m.