
Defines functions geocode

Documented in geocode

#' Geocode addresses in a dataframe
#' @description
#' Takes a dataframe containing addresses as an input and returns
#' the results from a specified geocoding service in a dataframe format using the
#' [geo] function. See example usage in `vignette("tidygeocoder")`.
#' This function passes all additional parameters (`...`) to the
#' [geo] function, so you can refer to its documentation for more details
#' on possible arguments.
#' Note that the arguments used for specifying address columns (`address`,
#' `street`, `city`, `county`, `state`, `postalcode`, and `country`) accept either
#' quoted or unquoted column names (ie. `"address_col"` and `address_col` are
#' both acceptable).
#' @param .tbl dataframe containing addresses
#' @param address single line street address column name. Do not combine with
#'  address component arguments (`street`, `city`, `county`, `state`, `postalcode`, `country`)
#' @param street street address column name
#' @param city city column name
#' @param county county column name
#' @param state state column name
#' @param postalcode postal code column name (zip code if in the United States)
#' @param country country column name
#' @param lat latitude column name. Can be quoted or unquoted (ie. `lat` or `"lat"`).
#' @param long longitude column name. Can be quoted or unquoted (ie. `long` or `"long"`).
#' @param return_input if TRUE then the input dataset will be combined with the geocoder query results
#'   and returned. If FALSE only the geocoder results will be returned.
#' @param return_addresses if TRUE return input addresses. Defaults to TRUE if `return_input` is FALSE
#'   and FALSE if `return_input` is TRUE. This argument is passed to the `geo()` function.
#' @param unique_only if TRUE then only unique results will be returned and
#'   return_input will be set to FALSE.
#' @param limit `r get_limit_documentation(reverse = FALSE, df_input = TRUE)`
#' @param ... arguments passed to the [geo] function
#' @inherit geo return
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' sample_addresses %>%
#'   slice(1:2) %>%
#'   geocode(addr, method = "arcgis")
#' louisville %>%
#'   head(2) %>%
#'   geocode(
#'     street = street, city = city, state = state,
#'     postalcode = zip, method = "census", full_results = TRUE
#'   )
#' sample_addresses %>%
#'   slice(8:9) %>%
#'   geocode(addr,
#'     method = "osm", limit = 2,
#'     return_input = FALSE, full_results = TRUE
#'   )
#' sample_addresses %>%
#'   slice(4:5) %>%
#'   geocode(addr,
#'     method = "arcgis",
#'     lat = latitude, long = longitude,
#'     full_results = TRUE
#'   )
#' }
#' @seealso [geo]
#' @export
geocode <-
           address = NULL,
           street = NULL,
           city = NULL,
           county = NULL,
           state = NULL,
           postalcode = NULL,
           country = NULL,
           lat = "lat",
           long = "long",
           return_input = TRUE,
           limit = 1,
           return_addresses = NULL,
           unique_only = FALSE,
           ...) {

    # Non-standard evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Quote unquoted vars without double quoting quoted vars
    # end result - all of these variables become character values
    if (!is.null(substitute(address))) address <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(address)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(street))) street <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(street)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(city))) city <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(city)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(county))) county <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(county)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(state))) state <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(state)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(postalcode))) postalcode <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(postalcode)))
    if (!is.null(substitute(country))) country <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(country)))
    lat <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(lat)))
    long <- rm_quote(deparse(substitute(long)))

    stopifnot(is.logical(return_input), is.logical(unique_only), is.null(return_addresses) || is.logical(return_addresses))

    if (unique_only == TRUE) return_input <- FALSE

    # if return_addresses is NULL (default) then set based on return_input
    if (is.null(return_addresses)) return_addresses <- if (return_input == TRUE) FALSE else TRUE

    # capture all function arguments including default values as a named list
    all_args <- as.list(environment())

    if (!(is.data.frame(.tbl))) {
      stop(".tbl is not a dataframe. See ?geocode", call. = FALSE)

    # This check prevents a address-results misalignment issue https://github.com/jessecambon/tidygeocoder/issues/88
    check_limit_return_input(limit, return_input)

    # convert .tbl to tibble if it isn't one already
    .tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.tbl)

    # put all non-NULL address components into a named list
    # create address parameters to be passed to the geo function as a named list of lists
    addr_parameters <- list()
    for (var in pkg.globals$address_arg_names) {
      if (!is.null(all_args[[var]])) {

        # throw error if the an address parameter doesn't specify a column in the dataset
        if (!(all_args[[var]] %in% colnames(.tbl))) {
          stop(paste0('"', all_args[[var]], '" is not a column name in the input dataset.'), call. = FALSE)
        addr_parameters[[var]] <- .tbl[[all_args[[var]]]]

    # Arguments to pass to geo()
    # remove any arguments specific to geocode() that geo() doesn't have
    geo_args <- c(
      all_args[!names(all_args) %in% c(".tbl", "return_input", pkg.globals$address_arg_names)], list(...)

    # Pass addresses to the geo function
    results <- do.call(geo, geo_args)

    if (return_input == FALSE) {
    } else {
      # cbind the original dataframe to the coordinates and convert to tibble
      # change column names to be unique if there are duplicate column names
      return(dplyr::bind_cols(.tbl, results))
jessecambon/tidygeocoder documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 4:03 p.m.