#' Map Site Locations in Google Maps
#' Add site markers and polygon objects to \href{https://www.google.com/maps}{Google Maps}.
#' @param sites data.frame.
#' Site information, see 'Details'.
#' @param polygons gpc.poly.
#' Polygon information
#' @param map.id character.
#' Unique identifier in map URL
#' @details The \code{sites} data table has components of \code{lat}, \code{lng},
#' \code{alt}, \code{site}, \code{name}, \code{agency}, and \code{type}.
#' Where \code{lat} and \code{lng} are the latitude and longitude based on the
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System#WGS84}{WGS84} datum;
#' \code{alt} is the altitude of the site referenced to the specified vertical datum
#' (\href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Level_Datum_of_1929}{NGVD29} or \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Vertical_Datum_of_1988}{NAVD 88});
#' \code{site} is the unique site identification number;
#' \code{name} is the name of the site;
#' \code{agency} is the code for the agency reporting the data; and
#' \code{type} is the hydrologic setting of the site.
#' @return Writes a \href{https://www.json.org/}{JSON} data file (\file{.json}) to a temporary directory.
#' An Rhttpd object is created and started in the internal web server.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @seealso \code{\link{Rhttpd-class}}
#' @keywords aplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- data.frame(lat = c(43.5757402325, 43.5803046219, 43.8642317971),
#' lng = c(-112.934719019, -112.876178537, -112.742880208),
#' site = c(433433112560201, 433449112523101, 435152112443101),
#' name = c("CPP 1", "NPR Test", "ANP 6"),
#' agency = "USGS", type = "GW", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' MapSites(sites = s, map.id = "map01")
#' f <- system.file("extdata/ExamplePolygon.ply", package = "RNWIS")
#' p <- rgeos::read.polyfile(f, nohole = FALSE)
#' MapSites(sites = s, polygons = p, map.id = "map02")
#' }
MapSites <- function(sites, polygons=NULL, map.id="map") {
# build JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data table
BuildJSONTable <- function(d) {
idxs <- which(sapply(1:ncol(d), function(i) mode(d[, i])) == "character")
col.names <- names(d)
for (i in seq(along=col.names)) {
na.rows <- is.na(d[, i])
if (i %in% idxs) {
d[, i] <- paste0("\"", col.names[i], "\": \"", d[, i], "\"")
} else {
d[, i] <- paste0("\"", col.names[i], "\": ", d[, i])
d[na.rows, i] <- paste0("\"", col.names[i], "\": \"NA\"")
s <- apply(d, 1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=", "))
s <- paste0("{", s, "}")
s <- paste(s, collapse=",\n")
# check if polygon winding direction is clockwise
ClockWise <- function(x, y) {
num <- length(x)
if (num < 3) return()
count <- 0
m <- c(2:num, 1)
n <- c(3:num, 1:2)
for (i in 1:num) {
j <- m[i]
k <- n[i]
z <- (x[j] - x[i]) * (y[k] - y[j]) - (y[j] - y[i]) * (x[k] - x[j])
if (z < 0) {
count <- count - 1
} else if (z > 0) {
count <- count + 1
if (count > 0) {
} else if (count < 0) {
} else {
stop("incomputable winding")
# construct character string based on JSON format
is.sites <- !is.null(sites)
is.polygons <- !is.null(polygons) && inherits(polygons, "gpc.poly")
s <- "var data = {"
if (is.sites) {
sites <- sites[!is.na(sites[, "lng"]) & !is.na(sites[, "lat"]), ]
s <- c(s, "\"sites\": [", BuildJSONTable(sites))
s <- c(s, if (is.polygons) "]," else "]")
if (is.polygons) {
poly.pts <- rgeos::get.pts(polygons)
n <- length(poly.pts)
s <- c(s, "\"polygons\": [")
for (i in seq(along=poly.pts)) {
lng <- poly.pts[[i]]$x
lat <- poly.pts[[i]]$y
# Browser graphics engines require clockwise outer polygon(s) and
# counterclockwise inner polygon(s) for proper rendering of inner
# hole; this is not documented in the Google Maps API (wtf!).
# All polygons will be placed in a giant polygon that is bigger than
# North America so everything outside the user defined polygon is tinted.
is.clockwise <- ClockWise(lng, lat)
is.hole <- poly.pts[[i]]$hole
if ((is.hole & !is.clockwise) | (!is.hole & is.clockwise)) {
lng <- rev(lng)
lat <- rev(lat)
d <- as.data.frame(cbind(lat=lat, lng=lng))
s <- c(s, "[", BuildJSONTable(d))
s <- c(s, if (i < n) "]," else "]")
s <- c(s, "]")
s <- c(s, "}")
# Write JSON file to temporary directory
# TODO: Give JSON file a unique name; see ./inst/map/config.R for difficulty
# with implementing this. Required for proper browser refresh with
# older maps.
temp.dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "json")
dir.create(temp.dir, showWarnings=FALSE)
f.json <- file.path(temp.dir, "data.json")
con <- file(description=f.json, open="w")
cat(s, file=con, sep="\n", append=FALSE)
# give r application to internal web server
if ("package:RNWIS" %in% search())
map.path <- system.file("map", package="RNWIS")
map.path <- file.path(getwd(), "inst", "map")
try(tools::startDynamicHelp(start=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
server <- Rook::Rhttpd$new()
server$add(app=file.path(map.path, "config.R"), name=map.id)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.