#' Prepare \code{smerc_cluster}
#' \code{smerc_cluster} prepares a \code{smerc_cluster}.
#' @param tobs The vector of observed test statistics for each zone
#' @param zones A list of zones
#' @param pvalue The p-value associated with each test statistic
#' @inheritParams flex.test
#' @param d A precomputed distance matrix based on \code{coords}
#' @param method A character string indicating the method
#' used to construct the \code{smerc_cluster}.
#' @param rel_param A names list with the relevant parameters
#' associated with \code{method}.
#' @param a A single value >= 0 indicating the penalty to use
#' for \code{\link{elliptic.test}}.
#' @param shape_all A vector of shape parameters associated
#' with \code{zones}.
#' @param angle_all A vector of angle parameter associated with
#' \code{zones}.
#' @param alpha The significance level of the test.
#' @param weights A vector of weights that multiply the \code{cases}, \code{ex}, and
#' \code{pop} prior to computing summary statistics.
#' @inheritParams scan.test
#' @return A \code{smerc_cluster} object. The object
#' generally has the following components:
#' \item{clusters}{A list containing information about the significant
#' clusters. See further details below.}
#' \item{coords}{The matrix of centroid coordinates.}
#' \item{number_of_regions}{The number of regions considered.}
#' \item{total_population}{The total population in the regions.}
#' \item{total_cases}{The total number of cases in the regions.}
#' \item{cases_per_100k}{The rate of cases per 100,000 persons.}
#' \item{method}{The name of the method applied.}
#' \item{rel_param}{A list of relevant method parameters.}
#' \item{alpha}{The significance level.}
#' \item{longlat}{A logical value indicating which type
#' of distance was used.}
#' Each element of the \code{clusters} component has:
#' \item{locids}{The ids of the regions in the cluster.}
#' \item{centroid}{The cluster centroid.}
#' \item{r}{The radius of the region (from the starting
#' region to last region of the cluster).}
#' \item{max_dist}{The maximum intercentroid distance between
#' all the regions in the cluster.}
#' \item{population}{The total population in the cluster.}
#' \item{cases}{The number of cases in the cluster.}
#' \item{expected}{The expected number of cases in the cluster.}
#' \item{smr}{Standardized mortality ratio
#' (\code{cases/expected}) in the cluster.}
#' \item{rr}{Relative risk in the cluster window. This is
#' \code{(cases/pop)/((total_cases - cases)/
#' (total_population - population))}.}
#' \item{loglikrat}{The log of the likelihood ratio test
#' statistic for the cluster. Only valid for the scan-type
#' tests.}
#' \item{test_statistic}{The test statistic for the cluster.}
#' \item{pvalue}{The p-value of the test statistic
#' associated with the cluster.}
#' \item{w}{The adjacency information for the cluster.}
#' For \code{\link{elliptic.test}}, \code{clusters}
#' additionally has:
#' \item{semiminor_axis}{The semi-minor axis length for the
#' ellipse.}
#' \item{semimajor_axis}{The
#' semi-major axis length for the ellipse.}
#' \item{angle}{The rotation angle of the ellipse.}
#' \item{shape}{The shape of the ellipse.}
#' @export
smerc_cluster <- function(tobs, zones, pvalue,
coords, cases, pop, ex, longlat,
method, rel_param,
w = NULL, d = NULL,
a = NULL, shape_all = NULL,
angle_all = NULL,
weights = NULL) {
tobs = tobs, zones = zones,
pvalue = pvalue, coords = coords,
cases = cases, pop = pop, ex = ex,
longlat = longlat,
method = method,
rel_param = rel_param,
w = w, d = d, a = a,
shape_all = shape_all,
angle_all = angle_all,
tobs = tobs, zones = zones,
pvalue = pvalue, coords = coords,
cases = cases, pop = pop, ex = ex,
longlat = longlat,
method = method,
rel_param = rel_param, alpha = alpha,
w = w, d = d, a = a,
shape_all = shape_all,
angle_all = angle_all,
weights = weights
#' Construct \code{smerc_cluster}
#' Doesn't check arguments, which is done in
#' \code{smerc_cluster}
#' @return A \code{smerc_cluster}
#' @noRd
new_smerc_cluster <- function(tobs, zones, pvalue, coords,
cases, pop, ex, longlat,
method, rel_param, alpha, w, d,
a, shape_all, angle_all,
weights) {
# total cases and population
ty <- sum(cases)
tpop <- sum(pop)
# for the unique, non-overlapping clusters in order of significance,
# find the associated centroid,
# zone radius, cases in window, expected cases in window,
# population in window, standarized mortality ratio, relative risk
centroid_id <- sapply(zones, utils::head, n = 1)
boundary_id <- sapply(zones, utils::tail, n = 1)
if (!is.null(d)) {
zone_r <- d[cbind(centroid_id, boundary_id)]
} else {
zone_r <- rep(NA, length(centroid_id))
# maximum centroid distance
max_dist <- unname(sapply(zones, function(x) {
max(gedist(coords[x, , drop = FALSE], longlat = longlat))
# zone centroid
# cases, expected, population in zone
centroid <- coords[centroid_id, , drop = FALSE]
yin <- zones.sum(zones, cases)
ein <- zones.sum(zones, ex)
popin <- zones.sum(zones, pop)
if (!is.null(weights)) {
yin <- sapply(seq_along(zones), function(i) {
sum(cases[zones[[i]]] * weights[[i]])
ein <- sapply(seq_along(zones), function(i) {
sum(ex[zones[[i]]] * weights[[i]])
popin <- sapply(seq_along(zones), function(i) {
sum(pop[zones[[i]]] * weights[[i]])
smr <- yin / ein
rr_num <- yin / popin
rr_den <- (ty - yin) / (tpop - popin)
rr <- rr_num / rr_den
if (is.null(w)) {
sig_w <- lapply(zones, function(x) {
matrix(c(0, rep(1, length(x) - 1)), nrow = 1)
} else {
sig_w <- sapply(zones, function(x) {
w[x, x, drop = FALSE]
}, simplify = FALSE)
if (!is.null(a)) {
minor <- unname(sapply(seq_along(zones), function(i) {
first <- zones[[i]][1]
last <- utils::tail(zones[[i]], 1)
dist.ellipse(coords[c(first, last), , drop = FALSE],
shape = shape_all[i],
angle = angle_all[i]
)[1, 2]
major <- minor * shape_all
loglikrat <- stat.poisson(yin, ty - yin, ein, ty - ein)
} else if (method == "Besag-Newell") {
loglikrat <- NA
} else {
loglikrat <- tobs
# reformat output for return
clusters <- vector("list", length(zones))
for (i in seq_along(clusters)) {
clusters[[i]]$locids <- zones[[i]]
clusters[[i]]$centroid <- centroid[i, , drop = FALSE]
clusters[[i]]$r <- zone_r[i]
clusters[[i]]$max_dist <- max_dist[i]
if (!is.null(a)) {
clusters[[i]]$semiminor_axis <- minor[i]
clusters[[i]]$semimajor_axis <- major[i]
clusters[[i]]$angle <- angle_all[i]
clusters[[i]]$shape <- shape_all[i]
clusters[[i]]$population <- popin[i]
clusters[[i]]$cases <- yin[i]
clusters[[i]]$expected <- ein[i]
clusters[[i]]$smr <- smr[i]
clusters[[i]]$rr <- rr[i]
clusters[[i]]$loglikrat <- loglikrat[i]
clusters[[i]]$test_statistic <- tobs[i]
clusters[[i]]$pvalue <- pvalue[i]
clusters[[i]]$w <- sig_w[[i]]
clusters = clusters,
coords = coords,
number_of_regions = length(cases),
total_population = tpop,
total_cases = ty,
cases_per_100k = ty / tpop * 1e5,
method = method,
rel_param = rel_param,
alpha = alpha,
longlat = longlat
class = "smerc_cluster"
#' Check arguments for \code{smerc_cluster}
#' \code{smerc_cluster} prepares and returns a
#' \code{smerc_cluster}.
#' @param tobs The vector of observed test statistics for each zone
#' @param zones A list of zones
#' @param pvalue The p-value associated with each test statistic
#' @inheritParams flex.test
#' @param d A precomputed distance matrix based on \code{coords}
#' @param method A character string indicating the method
#' used to construct the \code{smerc_cluster}.
#' @param rel_param A names list with the relevant parameters
#' associated with \code{method}.
#' @param a A single value >= 0 indicating the penalty to use
#' for \code{\link{elliptic.test}}.
#' @param shape_all A vector of shape parameters associated
#' with \code{zones}. Relevant for \code{\link{elliptic.test}}.
#' @param angle_all A vector of angle parameter associated with
#' \code{zones}. Relevant for \code{\link{elliptic.test}}.
#' @param alpha The significance level.
#' @return A \code{smerc_cluster} object
#' @noRd
arg_check_smerc_cluster <- function(tobs, zones, pvalue,
coords, cases, pop, ex,
longlat, method,
rel_param, w, d, a,
shape_all, angle_all,
alpha) {
Ntobs <- length(tobs)
arg_check_zones(zones, Ntobs)
arg_check_pvalue(pvalue, Ntobs)
N <- nrow(coords)
arg_check_cases(cases, N)
arg_check_pop(pop, N)
arg_check_ex(ex, N)
if (!is.null(w)) {
arg_check_w(w, N)
if (!is.null(d)) {
arg_check_d(d, N)
if (!is.null(a)) {
if (!is.null(shape_all)) {
arg_check_shape_all(shape_all, Ntobs)
if (!is.null(angle_all)) {
arg_check_angle_all(angle_all, Ntobs)
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