
Defines functions filter_pair_motifs

Documented in filter_pair_motifs

#' @title Filter significant motif interactions
#' @description
#' Multiple hypothesis correction applied to filter for significant motif
#' interactions.
#' @param interaction_data an interactionData object of paired genomic regions
#' @param method statistical method for multiple hypothesis correction,
#' defaults to Benjamini-Hochberg (\code{"fdr"}) (see
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} for options)
#' @param threshold p-value threshold for significance cut-off
#' @return an interactionData object where \code{obj$pair_motif_enrich} contains
#' multiple hypothesis corrected p-values for significance of seeing a
#' higher co-occurrence than what we get by chance and
#' \code{obj$pair_motif_enrich_sig} contains only motifs that have at least one
#' significant interaction.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genome_id <- "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9"
#' if (!(genome_id %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages()))) {
#'   BiocManager::install(genome_id, update = FALSE, ask = FALSE)
#' }
#' genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome_id)
#' motifs_file <- system.file("extdata/motifs_subset.txt.gz",
#'                            package = "spatzie")
#' motifs <- TFBSTools::readJASPARMatrix(motifs_file, matrixClass = "PFM")
#' yy1_pd_interaction <- scan_motifs(spatzie::interactions_yy1, motifs, genome)
#' yy1_pd_interaction <- filter_motifs(yy1_pd_interaction, 0.4)
#' yy1_pd_score_corr <- anchor_pair_enrich(yy1_pd_interaction, method = "score")
#' yy1_pd_score_corr_adj <- filter_pair_motifs(yy1_pd_score_corr)
#' }
#' res <- filter_pair_motifs(spatzie::anchor_pair_example_count,
#'                           threshold = 0.5)
#' @author Jennifer Hammelman
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMins
#' @importFrom matrixStats colMins
#' @export
filter_pair_motifs <- function(interaction_data,
                               method = "fdr",
                               threshold = 0.05) {
  adjusted_p_interactions <- matrix(stats::p.adjust(
    as.vector(as.matrix(interaction_data$pair_motif_enrich, method = method))),
    ncol = dim(interaction_data$pair_motif_enrich)[2])
  rownames(adjusted_p_interactions) <- names(
  colnames(adjusted_p_interactions) <- names(

  anchor1_mask <- which(
    matrixStats::rowMins(adjusted_p_interactions) < threshold)
  adjusted_p_interactions_sig <- as.matrix(
    adjusted_p_interactions[anchor1_mask, ])
  if (length(anchor1_mask) == 1) {
    adjusted_p_interactions_sig <- t(adjusted_p_interactions_sig)
  anchor2_mask <- which(
    matrixStats::colMins(adjusted_p_interactions) < threshold)
  adjusted_p_interactions_sig <- adjusted_p_interactions_sig[, anchor2_mask]

  interaction_data <- list(
    interactions = interaction_data$interactions,
    anchor1_motifs = interaction_data$anchor1_motifs,
    anchor2_motifs = interaction_data$anchor2_motifs,
    anchor1_motif_indices = interaction_data$anchor1_motif_indices,
    anchor2_motif_indices = interaction_data$anchor2_motif_indices,
    pair_motif_enrich = adjusted_p_interactions,
    pair_motif_enrich_sig = adjusted_p_interactions_sig,
    pair_motif_scores = interaction_data$pair_motif_scores,
    is_multiple_hypothesis_corrected = TRUE)
  class(interaction_data) <- "interactionData"
jhammelman/spatzie documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 8:50 a.m.