#' Performs a specified number of eztune results
#' eztune_results runs eztune with the specified arguments. It saves
#' a matrix with the results.
#' @param x Matrix or data frame containing the dependent variables.
#' @param y Vector of responses. Can either be a factor or a numeric vector.
#' @param data_name Name of the dataset. Used to name the output file and
#' as an identifier within the output dataset.
#' @param method Model to be fit. Choices are "ada" for adaboost, "en" for
#' elastic net, "gbm" for gradient boosting machines, and "svm" for support
#' vector machines.
#' @param optimizer Optimization method. Options are "ga" for a genetic
#' algorithm and "hjn" for a Hooke-Jeeves optimizer.
#' @param fast Indicates if the function should use a subset of the
#' observations when optimizing to speed up calculation time. A value of
#' TRUE will use the smaller of 50% of the data or 200 observations for
#' model fitting, a number between 0 and 1 specifies the proportion of
#' data to be used to fit the model, and a positive integer specifies the
#' number of observations to be used to fit the model. A model is computed
#' using a random selection of data and the remaining data are used to
#' validate model performance. The validation error measure is used as
#' the optimization criterion.
#' @param cross If an integer k > 1 is specified, k-fold cross-validation
#' is used to fit the model. This method is very slow for large datasets.
#' If it is "Resub" it will do resubstitution. This parameter is ignored
#' unless fast = FALSE.
#' @param loss The type of loss function used for optimization. Options for
#' models with a binary response are "class" for classification error and
#' "auc" for area under the curve. Options for models with a continuous
#' response are "mse" for mean squared error and "mae" for mean absolute
#' error. If the option "default" is selected, or no loss is specified,
#' the classification accuracy will be used for a binary response model
#' and the MSE will be use for models with a continuous model.
#' @param iterations Number of times to run the model.
#' @param path Where the file should be saved.
#' @return Saves a matrix to the indicated path that contains the results
#' for each of the runs. The final file contains the following variables:
#' \item{data}{Name of the dataset.}
#' \item{method}{Type of model that was fit. It will an abbreviation
#' for adaboost, elastic net, gradient boosting machines, or
#' support vector machines.}
#' \item{optimizer}{Type of optimizer used. It will either be ga
#' for a genetic algorithm or hjn for a Hookes-Jeeves algorithm.}
#' \item{fast}{The argument passed to the fast option. If it is a 1,
#' a value of TRUE was passed and if it was 0 a value of FALSE was
#' passed.}
#' \item{cross}{n for n-fold cross-validation in the optimization. It
#' was only used if fast was FALSE.}
#' \item{loss_type}{Type of loss used as an optimizer. If the dataset has a
#' continuous response, the options are mse for mean squared error and
#' mae for mean absolute error. If the response is binary, the options
#' are acc for accuracy and auc for area under the ROC curve.}
#' \item{time}{Number of seconds to complete the calculations.}
#' \item{loss}{Loss value returned by eztune.}
#' \item{loss_mse_acc_10}{Estimate of the accuracy or mean squared error
#' as computed using the eztune_cv function with 10 fold cross validation.}
#' \item{loss_mae_auc_10}{Estimate of the area under the curve or mean absolute
#' error as computed using the eztune_cv function with 10 fold cross
#' validation.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_opt_data}}, \code{\link{average_metric}}
#' @export
eztune_results <- function(x, y, data_name, method = NULL, optimizer = NULL,
fast = NULL, cross = NULL, loss = NULL,
iterations = 10, path = ".") {
if(is.null(x) | is.null(y) | is.null(data_name) | is.null(method) |
is.null(optimizer) | is.null(fast) | is.null(loss)) {
stop("x, y, data_name, method, optimizer, fast, cross, loss, and path all must be specified")
if(is.null(cross)) cross2 <- "resub" else cross2 <- cross
file_name <- paste(data_name, method, optimizer, fast, cross2, loss, sep = "_")
loc <- paste(path, "/", file_name, ".csv", sep = "")
loc <- gsub("//", "/", loc)
mat <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = iterations, ncol = 10))
colnames(mat) <- c("data", "method", "optimizer", "fast", "cross",
"loss_type", "time", "loss", "loss_mse_acc_10",
mat$data <- data_name
mat$method <- method
mat$optimizer <- optimizer
mat$fast <- fast
mat$cross <- cross2
mat$loss_type <- loss
write.csv(mat, loc, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
for(i in 1:iterations) {
t1 <- Sys.time()
tmp <- eztune(x, y, method = method, optimizer = optimizer, fast = fast,
cross = cross, loss = loss)
mat$loss[i] <- tmp$loss
tmp_cv <- eztune_cv(x, y, model = tmp, cross = 10)
if(is.null(tmp_cv$accuracy)) {
mat$loss_mse_acc_10[i] <- tmp_cv$mse
mat$loss_mae_auc_10[i] <- tmp_cv$mae
} else {
mat$loss_mse_acc_10[i] <- tmp_cv$accuracy
mat$loss_mae_auc_10[i] <- tmp_cv$auc
t2 <- Sys.time()
mat$time[i] <- as.numeric(difftime(t2, t1, units = "secs"))
write.csv(mat, loc, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
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