
#' @title taxaTF object created from HNF4A binding data for 4 mice species
#' @name TF.objects
#' @description large \code{taxaTF} object created from
#' HNF4A-binding data of four mice species
#' @docType data
#' @format a \code{taxaTF} object, contains 4 \code{taxonExp}:
#' with raw binding score values on 22698 genes.
#' @references
#' Wong,ES. et al. (2015) Decoupling of evolutionary changes
#' in transcription factor binding and gene expression in mammals. Genome Res 25: 167-178.
#' @examples
#' data(TF.objects)
#' TF.objects
#' TF.objects[[1]]
jingwyang/AnceTran documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:57 a.m.