
Defines functions fastICAgeneExpr

# ICA analysis based on the package fastICA
# Minor tweak to fastICA to make it faster
# @param X Phenotype matrix with diemnsions g x N
# @param n.comp Number of components to be estimated or method to estimate it.
# @param approx_fun Function to be used in ICA estimation
# @param alpha alpha for ICA, should be in range [1,2].
# @param scale_pheno Logical value specifying the scaling of rows of X.
# @param maxit Maximum iterations
# @param tol Threshold for convergence
# @param verbose If TRUE details of the estimation process are shown.
# @param w.init Initial value for W, if left unspecified random numbers will be used.
# @export
#' @import MASS
#' @import stats
fastICAgeneExpr <-function(X, n.comp, approx_fun = "logcosh", alpha = 1,
                            scale_pheno = FALSE, maxit = 200, tol = 1e-04,
                            verbose = TRUE, w.init=NULL, random_seed = NULL) {
    dd <- dim(X)       # dimensions g x N
    d <- dd[dd != 1L]
    if (length(d) != 2L)
        stop("data must be matrix-conformal")
    X <- if (length(d) != length(dd)) matrix(X, d[1L], d[2L])
    else as.matrix(X)

    if (alpha < 1 || alpha > 2)
        stop("alpha must be in range [1,2]")
    #    method <- match.arg(method)
    #    alg.typ <- match.arg(alg.typ)
    #    approx_fun <- match.arg(approx_fun)
    n <- nrow(X)         # g
    p <- ncol(X)         # N

    if (n.comp > min(n, p)) {
        message("'n.comp' is too large: reset to ", min(n, p))
        n.comp <- min(n, p)
        w.init <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n.comp^2),n.comp,n.comp)
    else {
        if(!is.matrix(w.init) || length(w.init) != (n.comp^2))
            stop("w.init is not a matrix or is the wrong size")

    pca.X <- stats::prcomp(X)         # X is still g x N

    K.comp <- pca.X$rotation[,c(seq_len(n.comp))]        # k principal components
    Diag <- diag(c(1/pca.X$sdev[c(seq_len(n.comp))]))    # k standard deviation diagonal matrix

    K <- K.comp %*% Diag

    X1 <- X %*% K   # g x N %*% N x k %*% k %*% k

    X1 <- t(X1)
    X <- t(X)
    ### part where ICA is done
    a <- icaRpar(X1, n.comp, tol = tol, approx_fun = approx_fun, alpha = alpha, maxit = maxit, verbose = verbose, w.init = w.init)

    # reconstructing data before output
    w <- a %*% t(K)    # k x k %*% k x N = k x N
    S <- w %*% X    # k x N %*% N x g = k x g
    A <- t(w) %*% MASS::ginv(w %*% t(w)) # N x k x k x k  = N x k

    X <- t(X) # g X N
    W <- t(a) # N x k
    A <- t(A) # k x N
    S <- t(S) # g x k
    return(list(X = X, K = t(K), W = a, A = A, S = S))

# ICA parameter estimation function
# Adopted from fastICA package
# @param X Phenotype matrix with diemnsions g x N
# @param n.comp Number of components to be estimated or method to estimate it.
# @param approx_fun Function to be used in ICA estimation
# @param alpha alpha for ICA, should be in range [1,2].
# @param maxit Maximum iterations
# @param tol Threshold for convergence
# @param verbose If TRUE details of the estimation process are shown.
# @param w.init Initial value for W, if left unspecified random numbers will be used.
# @export
#' @import MASS
#' @import stats
icaRpar <- function (X, n.comp, tol, approx_fun, alpha, maxit, verbose, w.init) {
    Diag <- function(d) if(length(d) > 1L) diag(d) else as.matrix(d)
    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)
    W <- w.init
    sW <- La.svd(W)
    W <- sW$u %*% Diag(1/sW$d) %*% t(sW$u) %*% W
    W1 <- W
    lim <- rep(1000, maxit)
    it <- 1
    if (approx_fun == "logcosh") {
        if (verbose)
            message("Running FastICA ( logcosh approx. ) \n")
        while (lim[it] > tol && it < maxit) {
            wx <- W %*% X
            gwx <- tanh(alpha * wx)
            v1 <- gwx %*% t(X)/p
            g.wx <- alpha * (1 - (gwx)^2)
            v2 <- Diag(apply(g.wx, 1, FUN = mean)) %*% W
            W1 <- v1 - v2
            sW1 <- La.svd(W1)
            W1 <- sW1$u %*% Diag(1/sW1$d) %*% t(sW1$u) %*% W1
            lim[it + 1] <- max(Mod(Mod(diag(W1 %*% t(W))) - 1))
            W <- W1
            if (verbose)
                message("\r Iteration ", it, " tol = ", format(lim[it + 1]))
            it <- it + 1
    if (approx_fun == "exp") {
        if (verbose)
            message("Symmetric FastICA using exponential approx. to neg-entropy function \n")
        while (lim[it] > tol && it < maxit) {
            wx <- W %*% X
            gwx <- wx * exp(-(wx^2)/2)
            v1 <- gwx %*% t(X)/p
            g.wx <- (1 - wx^2) * exp(-(wx^2)/2)
            v2 <- Diag(apply(g.wx, 1, FUN = mean)) %*% W
            W1 <- v1 - v2
            sW1 <- La.svd(W1)
            W1 <- sW1$u %*% Diag(1/sW1$d) %*% t(sW1$u) %*% W1
            lim[it + 1] <- max(Mod(Mod(diag(W1 %*% t(W))) - 1))
            W <- W1
            if (verbose){
                message("Iteration ", it, " tol = ", format(lim[it + 1]),"\r")

            it <- it + 1
jinhyunju/picaplot documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m.