
#' Automated Stepwise Variance Inflation Factor Analysis
#' This function automatically select non-correlated metrics based on a Variance Inflation Factor analysis. To do so, we exclude the metric that has the highest VIF score above a threshold value (default = 5) since the metric is the most predictable by others. We repeat an application of VIF analysis on the remaining metrics until all remaining metrics have their VIF scores below a threshold value and free from multicollinearity.
#' @param dataset  a data frame for data
#' @param metrics  a characters or a vector of characters for independent variables
#' @param vif.threshold a numeric for a threshold of VIF score (default = 5)
#' @param verbose  TRUE for printing
#' @import rms
#' @importFrom stats as.formula lm rnorm
#' @keywords VIF
#' @export
stepwise.vif <-
    function (dataset,
              vif.threshold = 5,
              verbose = F)
        dataset$dummy <- rnorm(nrow(dataset))
        output <- metrics
        step.count <- 1
        output.results <- list()
        repeat {
            vif.scores <- vif(lm(as.formula(paste0(
                "dummy~", paste0(output,
                                 collapse = "+")
            )), data = dataset))
            na.coefficients <- Reduce('|', is.nan(vif.scores))
            if (na.coefficients) {
                stop("NA coefficient in a regression model.")
            output.results[[step.count]] <-
                sort(vif.scores, decreasing = F)
            vif.scores <- vif.scores[vif.scores >= vif.threshold]
            if (length(vif.scores) == 0)
            drop.var <-
                names(vif.scores[vif.scores == max(vif.scores)])[1]
            if (verbose) {
                    "Step ",
                    " - Exclude ",
                    " (VIF = ",
            step.count <- step.count + 1
            output <- output[!output %in% drop.var]
        names(output.results) <- paste0("Iteration ", 1:step.count)
        names(output.results)[length(output.results)] <- "Final"
jirayusjiar/Jmisc documentation built on Feb. 23, 2020, 3:14 p.m.