
Defines functions ImitSim

Documented in ImitSim

# R Script to implement the Imitation model from WSS
# - Aim is to use base R functions and avoid APL/C/Java code that
#   was probably inaccessible to many people
# - Thought was also that APL is in many ways a precursor to R, so
#   that the migration should not be hard

# github was written by tech-morons

# Call:
# ImitSim(Replications, NumBurs=10, MaxIter=10, binary=TRUE, supervision="Relative")
#   - Returns:
#     $Version: "2.0a1"
#     $NumBurs: as set, or default=10
#     $MaxIter: as set, or default=10
#     $binary: as set, or default=TRUE. Produces an error for "FALSE" since connectivity
#       measures here use the igraph:: functions, and really, it only makes sense to look at the
#       actual observed instead of "probability" to observe.
#     $supervision: "Relative" (default), or "Fixed"
#       (in which case "Tolerance" is replaced by "Std")
#     $posprefs: TRUE or FALSE (default)
#     $ExecSummary: a dataframe containing SupUtilMean, SupUtilSD, PrefMean, PrefSD,
#      RespSD, SupObsMean, SupObsSD, BurObsMean, BurObsSD,
#       Tolerance, Punishment, Connectivity, ActualResponseMean, ActualResponseSD,
#       BurUtilMean, BurUtilSD
#     $PerformanceRecord: a matrix of (repl_ct, iter, response that iteration for each bureaucrat)
#     $ObstyRecord: a matrix of (repl_ct, obsty matrix for each trial)
#     $SeenRecord:  a matrix of (repl_ct, iter, vector of whether each bureaucrat was seen that iter and trial)
#   - e.g.,
#	wss <- BigLoop1a(1000)
#     conducts a simulation with default parameters at 1000 Replications (replications)

# Defined in ImitSim
#   Replications - Number of Replications (or replications of an original simulation)
#   ResponseParms - Response Parameters (mean, sd ~ unif)
#   SupObsParms - Observability of each bureaucrat (mean, sd ~ unif)
#   BurObsParms - Observability of each bureaucrat to one another (mean, sd ~ unif)                 #Needed???
#   Obsty - Symmetric (NumBurs x NumBurs) matrix of probabilities of observability ~ unif
#   SupObsty - Vector of probabilities that supervisor sees each bureaucrat ~ normal                #? why normal??
#   PrefParms - Preferences of the policy (~unif(-1,1))
#   Tolerance - # of Std Deviations from others that supervisor permits ~ unif(-2,0)
#   Std - Minimum acceptable performance (~unif)
#   Punishment - How much punishment is levied (unif(-2,0))
#   Performance - Record of each bureaucrat's performance (MaxIter x NumBurs)
#   supervision - "Relative" (1a) or Fixed" (1b/1c/2b/2c)
#   posprefs - FALSE (default) or TRUE (prefs > 0 (2a/2b/2c))
#   omniscient - FALSE (default) or TRUE (supervisor can see everyone, 1c, 2c)
#   quiet - FALSE (default) or TRUE (no output)

#' ImitSim
#' @param Replications integer
#' @param NumBurs integer
#' @param MaxIter integer
#' @param supervision character
#' @param posprefs logical
#' @param omniscient logical
#' @param Tolerance double
#' @param Std double
#' @param Punishment double
#' @param ... additional parameters
##' @param SupObsParms vector(2)
##' @param ResponseParms vector(2)
##' @param PrefParms vector(2)
##' @param BurObsParms vector(2)
##' @param quiet logical
##' @param debug logical
#' @return simulation object
#' @export
#' @import tidyverse
ImitSim <- function(Replications,
                    debug=FALSE) {
  # This routine randomly draws the assorted parameters
  # and stores the final mean supoutc as a dependent var
  # Version 1a calls policy 1a (relative punishment) based on punrate

  if (!quiet) {
    cat("Running ImitSim over", Replications, "Replications\n")
    cat(" with NumBurs", NumBurs, "\n")
    cat(" over MaxIter", MaxIter, "\n")

    cat("Other parameters:\n")
    cat(" supervision:", supervision, "\n")
    if (!posprefs) cat(" with random preferences\n")
      else cat(" with positive preferences\n")
    if (!omniscient) cat(" without omniscient supervisor\n")
      else cat(" with omniscient supervisor\n")

    if (SupObsParms[1] != -99 & !quiet) cat("SupObsParms", SupObsParms, "\n")
      Init_SupObsParms <- SupObsParms
    if (Tolerance != -99 & !quiet) cat("Tolerance", Tolerance, "\n")
      Init_Tolerance <- Tolerance
    if (Punishment != -99 & !quiet) cat("Punishment", Punishment, "\n")
      Init_Punishment <- Punishment
    if (Std != -99 & !quiet) cat("Std", Std, "\n")
      Init_Std <- Std
    if (ResponseParms[1] != -99 & !quiet) cat("ResponseParms", ResponseParms, "\n")
      Init_ResponseParms <- ResponseParms
    if (PrefParms[1] != -99 & !quiet) cat("PrefParms", PrefParms, "\n")
      Init_PrefParms <- PrefParms
    if (BurObsParms[1] != -99 & !quiet) cat("BurObsParms", BurObsParms, "\n")
      Init_BurObsParms <- BurObsParms
    if (debug) cat("DEBUGGING ACTIVE\n")

  ExecSummary <- array(data=rep(Replications*17,0), dim=c(Replications, 17))
  if (supervision == "Relative")
    colnames(ExecSummary) <- c("SupUtilMean", "SupUtilSD", "PrefMean", "PrefSD", "RespMean", "RespSD",
                         "SupObsMean", "SupObsSD", "BurObsMean", "BurObsSD",
                         "Tolerance", "Punishment", "Connectivity", "ActualResponseMean", "ActualResponseSD",
                         "BurUtilMean", "BurUtilSD")
  else if (supervision == "Fixed")
    colnames(ExecSummary) <- c("SupUtilMean", "SupUtilSD", "PrefMean", "PrefSD", "RespMean", "RespSD",
                               "SupObsMean", "SupObsSD", "BurObsMean", "BurObsSD",
                               "Std", "Punishment", "Connectivity", "ActualResponseMean", "ActualResponseSD",
                               "BurUtilMean", "BurUtilSD")

  # Store the results overall in Performance                                ## Do I want Performance Record to be global?
  Performance <- array(NA, dim=c(Replications*MaxIter,2+NumBurs))
  ObstyRecord <- array(NA, dim=c(0, 1+NumBurs))
  SeenRecord <- array(NA, dim=c(0, 2+NumBurs))

  # Loop starts here ("go")
  for (repl_ct in 1:Replications) {
    if (ResponseParms[1] == -99) {
      ResponseParms <- runif(2)
      ResponseParms[1] <- -1+2*ResponseParms[1]

    # draw SupObsParms randomly for policy 1a/1b/2a/2b
    if (SupObsParms[1] == -99) SupObsParms <- runif(2)

    # uncomment for policy 1c/2c
    if (BurObsParms[1] == -99) BurObsParms <- runif(2)

    ### Probably a bug from the original code: the Obsty matrix was always hyperconnected,
    ### which really shouldn't be the case.
    ### observability matrix (for bureaucrats) dist'd unif(0,1)
    ### symmetric (x sees y sees x equally), where each entry is
    ### probability of seeing
    ### (obsty has to be global for the connectivity check)
    ###Obsty <- array(runif(NumBurs^2),dim=c(NumBurs,NumBurs))               ## seems like numburs must be global??

    # observability matrix (for bureaucrats) dist'd normal(mean=BurObsParms[1], sd=BurObsBarms[2])
    # but then converted to PROBABILITIES

    # symmetric (x sees y sees x equally), where each entry is
    # probability of seeing
    # (obsty has to be global for the connectivity check)

    Obsty <- array(rnorm(NumBurs^2, mean=BurObsParms[1], sd=BurObsParms[2]),dim=c(NumBurs,NumBurs))
    Obsty <- pnorm(Obsty)
    Obsty[lower.tri(Obsty)] <- t(Obsty)[lower.tri(Obsty)]
    Obsty <- Obsty>.5
    Obsty[Obsty==0] <- NA

    diag(Obsty) <- 1

    ObstyRecord <- rbind(ObstyRecord,cbind(rep(repl_ct,NumBurs),Obsty))

    # Add to ObstyRecord
    #ObstyRecord[(repl_ct-1):(repl_ct-1)+NumBurs, ] <- Obsty

    # supervisor observability (see and be seen, here) dist'd unif(0,1)   ## I say unif in the code, but seems norm??
    SupObsty <- rnorm(NumBurs, mean=SupObsParms[1], sd=SupObsParms[2])
    SupObsty[SupObsty < 0] <- 0
    SupObsty[SupObsty > 1] <- 1

    # Set the range of Preferences (why did I call it popparms??)        ## NOT IN ORIGINAL CODE
    if (posprefs == FALSE & Init_PrefParms[1] == -99) PrefParms <- c(runif(1, min=-1, max=1), runif(1))
    else if (posprefs == TRUE & Init_PrefParms[1] == -99) PrefParms <- c(runif(1, min=0, max=1), runif(1))

    ### I'm not sure on the is.null call here. I *know* it's not null
    # "Relative" is for 1a/2a; "Fixed" is for 1b/1c/2b/2c
    if (supervision == "Relative" & Init_Tolerance != -99) Tolerance <- runif(1, min = -2, max=2)
    else if (supervision == "Fixed") Std <- runif(1, min=-1, max=1)

    if (Init_Punishment == -99) Punishment <- runif(1,min=0, max=2)

    Connectivity <- igraph::vertex_connectivity(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Obsty))

    # this version of the policy routine
    # assigns outcomes on the basis of dowhat * response
    # unless the saboteur is caught

    # Response - What Bureaucrats do this round (~ truncated normal ([-1,1], resp_parms))
    # Catch - Do I catch anyone? (dummy)
    # Prefs - Preferences of each Bureaucrat (~ trunc normal ([-1,1], prefs_parms))
    # BurUtil - Bureaucrats' Utility
    # SupUtil - Supervisor's Utility (mean and sd of bureaucrats' performance)
    # SupSeen - Who does supervisor see this round?
    # BurUtilSeen - Utility of Bureaucrats who are Seen by Bureaucrats
    # Envy - Which bureaucrat does each bureaucrat envy (highest utility)?

    # iter - iteration counter
    # get initial conditons
    # burs respond over -1 to 1, dist'd normally
    Response <- rnorm(NumBurs, mean=ResponseParms[1], sd=ResponseParms[2])
    Response[Response < -1] <- -1
    Response[Response > 1] <- 1

    # change call below to switch policy variation

    # set counters to zero, open result matrices
    Catch <- 0
    BurUtil <- array(0, dim=c(MaxIter, NumBurs))                 ## Do I want this to be global?
    SupUtil <- array(0, dim=c(MaxIter, 2))

    #getpolicy(mnpop)                                                       ## divergence!!! scope prevents this from working
    Prefs <- rnorm(NumBurs, mean=PrefParms[1], sd=PrefParms[2])  ## whoa! was I allowing Prefs outside of -1,1???
    if (posprefs == TRUE) {
      Prefs[Prefs < 0] = 0
      Prefs[Prefs > 1] = 1

    if (debug) {
      cat("\n============\nReplication:", repl_ct, "\n============\n")

    # play: go from here
    for (iter in 1:MaxIter) {

        # Do ranges from -1 (complete defection) to 1 (complete compliance)
        Do <- Response

        # Record Performance
        Performance[(repl_ct-1)*MaxIter+iter, 1:2] <- c(repl_ct, iter)
        Performance[(repl_ct-1)*MaxIter+iter, 3:(NumBurs+2)] <- Response

        # outcome equals desires times do
        if (debug) {
        BurUtil[iter,] <- Prefs*Do

        if (debug) {
          cat("BurUtil (before supervision)\n")

        # supervisor enforces against those she sees defecting
        SupUtil[iter,] <- c(mean(Do), sd(Do))

        Seen <- trunc(SupObsty+runif(1))

        if (debug) {

        SeenRecord <- rbind(SeenRecord, cbind(repl_ct, iter, t(Seen)))

        # Relative tolerance => deviants are those whose behavior is below "Mean - Tolerance*SD"
        # Fixed supervision => deviants are less than Std units (on a -1,1 scale)
        if (supervision == "Relative") deviants <- Do < (SupUtil[iter,1] - (Tolerance*SupUtil[iter,2]))
        else if (supervision == "Fixed") deviants <- Do < Std
        if (debug) {

        # ERROR???still have to be deviant even if omniscient
        # FIX? use "logical()" above to test for deviants
        if (!omniscient) seendeviants <- (deviants * as.integer(Seen))>0
        else seendeviants <- deviants>0

        if (debug) {

        WhoCaught <- which(as.logical(seendeviants))
        if (debug) {

        if(length(WhoCaught)!=0) {
          Catch <- Catch + 1
          BurUtil[iter,WhoCaught] <- BurUtil[iter,WhoCaught] - Punishment
        if (debug) {
          cat("---\nBurUtil (after supervision)\n")

        # adapt:
        BurUtilAll <- array(data=BurUtil[iter,], dim=c(NumBurs, NumBurs))
        if (debug) {

        BurUtilSeen <- array(NA, dim=c(NumBurs, NumBurs))

        for (i in 1:NumBurs) BurUtilSeen[i,] <- BurUtilAll[i,] * Obsty[i,]

        if (debug) {

        # choose response of the person you saw who did best

        Envy <- apply(BurUtilSeen, 2, which.max)
        if (debug) {
        if (debug) cat("\nOld Response:\n", Do)
        Response <- Do[Envy]
        if (debug) cat("\nNew Response:\n", Response)

        # play again, unless this iteration exceeds maxiter

    ExecSummary[repl_ct, 1:10] <- c(SupUtil[MaxIter,], PrefParms, ResponseParms, SupObsParms, BurObsParms)
    # will need to change punrate in line below to std for 1b/1c/2b/2c
    if (supervision == "Relative")
      ExecSummary[repl_ct, 11:15] <- c(Tolerance, Punishment, Connectivity, mean(Response), sd(Response))
    else if (supervision == "Fixed")
      ExecSummary[repl_ct, 11:15] <- c(Std, Punishment, Connectivity, mean(Response), sd(Response))
    ExecSummary[repl_ct, 16:17] <- c(mean(BurUtil[MaxIter,]), sd(BurUtil[MaxIter,]))

    if (Init_SupObsParms[1] == -99) SupObsParms <- c(-99,-99)
    if (Init_Tolerance == -99) Tolerance <- Init_Tolerance
    if (Init_Std == -99) Std <- -99
    if (Init_Punishment == -99) Punishment <- -99
    if (Init_PrefParms[1] == -99) PrefParms <- c(-99, -99)
    if (Init_ResponseParms[1] == -99) ResponseParms <- c(-99, -99)
    if (Init_BurObsParms[1] == -99) BurObsParms <- c(-99,-99)


    BigList <- list("Version" = "2.02",
                    "NumBurs" = NumBurs,
                    "MaxIter" = MaxIter,
                    "Replications" = Replications,
                    "supervision" = supervision,
                    "posprefs" = posprefs,
                    "omniscient" = omniscient,
                    "ExecSummary" = as.data.frame(ExecSummary),
                    "Performance" = Performance,
                    "ObstyRecord" = ObstyRecord,
                    "SeenRecord" = SeenRecord)
jjbrehm/BadApple documentation built on Dec. 27, 2020, 3:30 a.m.