#' Center and Range Method for Interval-Valued Data Regression
#' \code{CRM()} is used to fit a linear regression model based on the Center and Range Method(Lima Neto and De Carvalho, 2008)
#' @param formula an object of class \code{\link[stats]{formula}}, a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data an data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' @details
#' The basic idea is to estimate models independently for each of center points and range points of the interval variables. The coefficients of the model are estimated by least square method.
#' @note In dataset, a pair of the interval variables should always be composed in order from lower to upper bound. In order to apply this function, the data should be composed as follows:
#' \tabular{cccccc}{
#' \eqn{y_L}     \tab  \eqn{y_U}     \tab  \eqn{x1_L}    \tab  \eqn{x1_U}    \tab  \eqn{x2_L}    \tab  \eqn{x2_U}\cr
#' \eqn{y_L1}  \tab  \eqn{y_U1}  \tab  \eqn{x_L11} \tab  \eqn{x_U11} \tab  \eqn{x_L12} \tab  \eqn{x_U12}\cr
#' \eqn{y_L2}  \tab  \eqn{y_U2}  \tab  \eqn{x_L21} \tab  \eqn{x_U21} \tab  \eqn{x_L22} \tab  \eqn{x_U22}\cr
#' \eqn{y_L3}  \tab  \eqn{y_U3}  \tab  \eqn{x_L31} \tab  \eqn{x_U31} \tab  \eqn{x_L32} \tab  \eqn{x_U32}\cr
#' \eqn{y_L4}  \tab  \eqn{y_U4}  \tab  \eqn{x_L41} \tab  \eqn{x_U41} \tab  \eqn{x_L42} \tab  \eqn{x_U42}\cr
#' \eqn{y_L5}  \tab  \eqn{y_U5}  \tab  \eqn{x_L51} \tab  \eqn{x_U51} \tab  \eqn{x_L52} \tab  \eqn{x_U52}\cr
#' }
#' @note The upper limit value of the variable should be unconditionally greater than the lower limit value. Otherwise, it will be output as \code{NA} or \code{NAN}, and the value can not be generated.
#' @return \item{coefficients.Center}{Coefficients for the Center variable.}
#' @return \item{coefficeints.Range}{Coefficients for the Range variable.}
#' @return \item{fitted.values}{The fitted values for the lower and upper interval bound.}
#' @return \item{residuals}{The residuals for the lower and upper interval bound.}
#' @references Billard, L. and Diday, E.(2000), Regression analysis for interval-valued data. \emph{Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods.} Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 369-374
#' @references Lima Neto, E.A. and De Carvalho, F.A.T(2008), Centre and range method to fitting a linear regression model on symbolic interval data. \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52}, 1500-1515
#' @examples
#' data(example3)
#' m1 <- CRM(cbind(Sepal.Length_L, Sepal.Length_U) ~ Sepal.Width_L + Sepal.Width_U + Petal.Length_L + Petal.Length_U + Petal.Length_L + Petal.Length_U, data = example3)
#' m1
#' m1$coefficients
#' @seealso \code{\link{RMSE}} \code{\link{symbolic.r}}
#' @import stats
#' @export
CRM <- function(formula = formula, data = data) {

  n = nrow(data)

  # input formula for regression
  formula1 = as.formula(formula)
  model_interval = model.frame(formula = formula1, data = data)

  # response variable interval value
  yinterval = model.response(model_interval)
  y = as.matrix(yinterval)
  y.C = (y[, 1] + y[, 2]) / 2   # center point of y
  y.R = y[, 2] - y[, 1]         # range point of y

  # predictor variable interval matrix (each left: Lower, each right: Upper)
  xinterval = model.matrix(attr(model_interval, "terms"), data = data)
  x = as.matrix(xinterval)

  p = ncol(x) - 1 # num. of predictor variable except intercept
  var.names = colnames(x)[(1:{p/2})*2]

  x.C <- matrix(NA, n, {p/2})   # center point of x
  colnames(x.C) <- var.names
  x.R <- matrix(NA, n, {p/2})   # range point of x
  colnames(x.R) <- var.names
  for (j in 1:{p/2}) {
    for (i in 1:n) {
    x.C[i, j] = (x[i, 2*j] + x[i, 2*j+1]) / 2
    x.R[i, j] = (x[i, 2*j+1] - x[i, 2*j])

  ### coefficient estimate STEP ###
  model.C = model.frame(y.C ~ x.C)
  y.C = model.response(model.C)
  x.C = model.matrix(attr(model.C, "terms"))
  model.R = model.frame(y.R ~ x.R)
  y.R = model.response(model.R)
  x.R = model.matrix(attr(model.R, "terms"))

  var.names = colnames(x)[(1:{p/2})*2]
  colnames(x.C) <- c("Intercept", var.names)
  colnames(x.R) <- c("Intercept", var.names)

    # Center point
  coef.C <- solve.qr(qr(x.C), y.C)
  coef.C <- as.matrix(coef.C)
  df.C = nrow(x.C) - ncol(x.C)  # degree of freedom

    # Range point
  coef.R <- solve.qr(qr(x.R), y.R)
  coef.R <- as.matrix(coef.R)
  df.R = nrow(x.R) - ncol(x.R)  # degree of freedom

  colnames(coef.C) <- c("coefficeints")
  colnames(coef.R) <- c("coefficeints")

  # fitted values (Lower & Upper)
  fitted_L <- (x.C %*% coef.C) - ((x.R %*% coef.R) / 2)
  fitted_U <- (x.C %*% coef.C) + ((x.R %*% coef.R) / 2)
  fitted_values <- cbind(fitted_L, fitted_U)
  colnames(fitted_values) <- c("fitted.Lower", "fitted.Upper")

  # residuals (Lower & Upper)
  residual_L <- (y.C - y.R / 2) - fitted_L
  residual_U <- (y.C + y.R / 2) - fitted_U
  residuals <- cbind(residual_L, residual_U)
  colnames(residuals) <- c("resid.Lower", "resid.Upper")

  ### final STEP ###
  result <- list(call = match.call(),
                 response = y,
                 predictor = x,
                 coefficients.Center = coef.C,
                 coefficeints.Range = coef.R,
                 fitted.values = fitted_values,
                 residuals = residuals)
jjt7549/intervalreg documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:40 a.m.