
#' Bioclim - Bioclimatic Variables
#' \code{bioclim} recreates the standard 19 bioclimatic variables (BIOCLIM)
#' created using ANUCLIM
#' \url{http://fennerschool.anu.edu.au/publications/software/anuclim.php} or
#' used by Worldclim \url{http://www.worldclim.org/}. \cr \cr These measures
#' are described below but include annual and quarterly summaries of
#' temperature and precipitation.
#' The variables created here are based primarily on BIOCLIM variables created
#' \url{http://fennerschool.anu.edu.au/publications/software/anuclim.php}.
#' Below is a description of the variables and how they are calculated from the
#' ANUCLIM website, with Temperature Seasonality description modified for the
#' different method Worldclim uses.\cr\cr The descriptions below assume you are
#' using a weekly time step. If you are using months, the monthly values rather
#' than the weekly values will be used when calculating these parameters.\cr\cr
#' The quarterly parameters are not aligned to any calendar quarters. BIOCLIM's
#' definition of a quarter is any 13 consecutive weeks, (or any consecutive 3
#' months if running with a monthly time step). For example, the driest quarter
#' will be the 13 consecutive weeks that are drier than any other set of 13
#' consecutive weeks.\cr\cr \enumerate{ \item \bold{Annual Mean Temperature}\cr
#' The mean of all the weekly mean temperatures. Each weekly mean temperature
#' is the mean of that week's maximum and minimum temperature.  \item
#' \bold{Mean Diurnal Range(Mean(period max-min))}\cr The mean of all the
#' weekly diurnal temperature ranges. Each weekly diurnal range is the
#' difference between that week's maximum and minimum temperature.  \item
#' \bold{Isothermality 2/7}\cr The mean diurnal range (parameter 2) divided by
#' the Annual Temperature Range (parameter 7).  \item \bold{Temperature
#' Seasonality}\cr ANUCLIM (\code{cov}=TRUE) returns the temperature
#' Coefficient of Variation (C of V) as the standard deviation of the weekly
#' mean temperatures expressed as a percentage of the mean of those
#' temperatures (i.e. the annual mean). For this calculation, the mean in
#' degrees Kelvin is used. This avoids the possibility of having to divide by
#' zero, but does mean that the values are usually quite small.\cr Worldclim
#' (\code{cov}=FALSE) returns the the standard deviation of the weekly mean
#' temperatures.  \item \bold{Max Temperature of Warmest Period}\cr The highest
#' temperature of any weekly maximum temperature.  \item \bold{Min Temperature
#' of Coldest Period}\cr The lowest temperature of any weekly minimum
#' temperature.  \item \bold{Temperature Annual Range (5-6)}\cr The difference
#' between the Max Temperature of Warmest Period and the Min Temperature of
#' Coldest Period.  \item \bold{Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter}\cr The
#' wettest quarter of the year is determined (to the nearest week), and the
#' mean temperature of this period is calculated.  \item \bold{Mean Temperature
#' of Driest Quarter}\cr The driest quarter of the year is determined (to the
#' nearest week), and the mean temperature of this period is calculated.  \item
#' \bold{Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter}\cr The warmest quarter of the
#' year is determined (to the nearest week), and the mean temperature of this
#' period is calculated.  \item \bold{Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter}\cr
#' The coldest quarter of the year is determined (to the nearest week), and the
#' mean temperature of this period is calculated.  \item \bold{Annual
#' Precipitation}\cr The sum of all the monthly precipitation estimates.  \item
#' \bold{Precipitation of Wettest Period}\cr The precipitation of the wettest
#' week or month, depending on the time step.  \item \bold{Precipitation of
#' Driest Period}\cr The precipitation of the driest week or month, depending
#' on the time step.  \item \bold{Precipitation Seasonality(C of V)}\cr The
#' Coefficient of Variation (C of V) is the standard deviation of the weekly
#' precipitation estimates expressed as a percentage of the mean of those
#' estimates (i.e. the annual mean).  \item \bold{Precipitation of Wettest
#' Quarter}\cr The wettest quarter of the year is determined (to the nearest
#' week), and the total precipitation over this period is calculated.  \item
#' \bold{Precipitation of Driest Quarter}\cr The driest quarter of the year is
#' determined (to the nearest week), and the total precipitation over this
#' period is calculated.  \item \bold{Precipitation of Warmest Quarter}\cr The
#' warmest quarter of the year is determined (to the nearest week), and the
#' total precipitation over this period is calculated.  \item
#' \bold{Precipitation of Coldest Quarter}\cr The coldest quarter of the year
#' is determined (to the nearest week), and the total precipitation over this
#' period is calculated.  }
#' @param tmin a data.frame or matrix with 12 or 52 columns representing
#' monthly or weekly minimum temperature data; rows represent different
#' locations.
#' @param tmax a data.frame or matrix as with \code{tmin} representing maximum
#' temperature data.
#' @param prec a data.frame or matrix as with \code{tmin} representing
#' precipitation data.
#' @param tmean a data.frame or matrix as with \code{tmin} representing mean
#' temperature data.
#' @param vois a vector of values between 1 & 19 defining the bioclimatic
#' variables to be calculated; see details for variable description.
#' @param cov a boolean value where TRUE represents Temperature seasonality (4)
#' is calculated as in ANUCLIM and FALSE is calclated as with Worldclim; see
#' details for further information.
#' @param t.as.int a boolean value where TRUE will convert all temperature
#' values to integers by rounding(temp*10); FALSE will leave temperater values
#' as is.
#' @param period can be either "month" or "week" representing the temporal
#' period for which values are calculated; see details for further description.
#' @return a matrix with columns representing variables requested and the
#' number of rows(and order of them) the same as the input \code{tmin},
#' \code{tmax}, \code{prec} or \code{tmean}.
#' @author Jeremy VanDerWal \email{jjvanderwal@@gmail.com}
#' @useDynLib climates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #need to fill in
#' }
bioclim=function (tmin = NULL, tmax = NULL, prec = NULL, tmean = NULL,
    vois = 1:19, cov = FALSE, t.as.int = TRUE, period = "month") 
# Fuction that calculates all or subsets of the 19 BIOCLIM variables (not all subsets possible)
# 	tmin, tmax and prec must be specified in the function call; if you have tmean you may pass
# 	it, else it will be caculated as (tmax+tmin)/2
# 	Period can be either "month" or "week" see ?bioclim for other vars
    tmin.vois = c(2, 3, 5, 6)  # If requested BIOCLIM variables (vois) are in this set,
    tmax.vois = c(2, 3, 5, 7)  #   corresponding var is needed.
    prec.vois = c(8, 9, 12:19)
    tmean.vois = c(1, 4:6, 8:11, 18:19)
    tsize = NULL
	m.per.indx=function(x){c(x,(x:(x+1))%%12+1)} # index for 3 month quarter
	w.per.indx=function(x){c(x,(x:(x+11))%%52+1)} # index for 13 week quarter
# Function to check for various input errors, stop program and print an error message
		if (is.null(datum)) 
			stop(paste(datum.name,"is needed for the variables selected"))
		else if (is.data.frame(datum) | is.matrix(datum)) {
			if (!(dim(datum)[2] %in% c(12, 52))) # check for correct number of columns
				stop(paste(datum.name,"must have 12 or 52 columns -- one for each month or week."))
			dsize = c(dsize, dim(datum)[1])
			stop(paste(datum.name,"must be a data.frame or matrix"))

# Check for valid input data
	if (any(vois %in% tmin.vois))   #  tmin is always needed
    if (any(vois %in% tmax.vois))   #  tmax is always needed
	if (any(vois %in% prec.vois))   # prec is always needed
	if (any(vois %in% tmean.vois)) { # if needed and not supplied, calculate tmean
        if (is.null(tmean)) {
			print("Calculated tmean as (tmax+tmin)/2")
    if (!all(tsize == mean(tsize))) # Check all input vars are the same length
        stop("all input data must be of the same length") # redundant?
    out = matrix(NA, nrow = tsize, ncol = 19)  # Set up output matrix
# Start calculating BIOCLIM variables and putting them in output matrix
    if (any(vois %in% c(1, 4)))  # 1 Annual Mean Temperature for each location
        out[, 1] = rowMeans(tmean, na.rm = T)
    if (any(vois %in% c(2,3)))  # 2 Mean Diurnal Range(Mean(week/month max-min))
        out[, 2] = rowMeans(tmax - tmin, na.rm = T)
    if (any(vois == 4)) { # 4 Temperature Seasonality
        if (cov) { # ANUCLIM
            out[, 4] = (apply(tmean, 1, function(x) {return(sd(x, na.rm = T))})
				/(out[, 1] + 273.15)) * 100
        else { # WORLDCLIM
            out[, 4] = apply(tmean, 1, function(x) {return(sd(x, na.rm = T))})
    if (any(vois %in% c(5, 3, 7))) { # 5 Max Temperature of Warmest week/month
        out[, 5] = apply(tmax, 1, function(x) {return(max(x, na.rm = T))})
    if (any(vois %in% c(6, 3, 7))) { # 6 Min Temperature of Coldest week/month
        out[, 6] = apply(tmin, 1, function(x) {return(min(x, na.rm = T))})
    if (any(vois %in% c(3, 7)))  # 7 Temperature Annual Range (5-6)
        out[, 7] = out[, 5] - out[, 6]
    if (any(vois == 3))  # 3 Isothermality 2/7
        out[, 3] = out[, 2]/out[, 7]
    if (any(vois == 12)) # 12 Annual Precipitation
        out[, 12] = rowSums(prec, na.rm = T)
    if (any(vois == 13)) { # 13 Precipitation of Wettest week/month
        out[, 13] = apply(prec, 1, function(x) {return(max(x, na.rm = T))})
    if (any(vois == 14)) { # 14 Precipitation of Driest week/month
        out[, 14] = apply(prec, 1, function(x) {return(min(x, na.rm = T))})
    if (any(vois == 15)) { # 15 Precipitation Seasonality(Coef. of Variation)
        out[, 15] = apply(prec, 1, function(x) {return(sd(x, na.rm = T))})/rowMeans(prec, na.rm = T)
    if (any(vois %in% c(8:11, 16:19))) { # Warmest/coldest and wettest/driest quarter sums and means
        if (period == "month") {
            tt1 = matrix(NA, nrow = tsize, ncol = 12)
            tt2 = matrix(NA, nrow = tsize, ncol = 12)
            for (ii in 1:12) {  # Find temperature means for 3 month quarters
                tt1[, ii] = rowMeans(tmean[, m.per.indx(ii)], na.rm = T)
                tt2[, ii] = rowSums(prec[, m.per.indx(ii)], na.rm = T)
            } # These are time consuming, so I do them once here
        } # May be able to add some if statements to only do them when needed
        else {
            tt1 = matrix(NA, nrow = tsize, ncol = 52)
            tt2 = matrix(NA, nrow = tsize, ncol = 52)
            for (ii in 1:52) {  # Find temperature means for 13 week quarters
                tt1[, ii] = rowMeans(tmean[, w.per.indx(ii)], na.rm = T)
                tt2[, ii] = rowSums(prec[, w.per.indx(ii)], na.rm = T)
    if (any(vois %in% c(10:11, 18:19))) { # Warmest and coldest quarter stuff
        if (any(vois %in% c(10, 18))) { # 10 Mean Temperature of Warmest quarter; might be better to use which.max
            out[, 10] = apply(tt1, 1, function(x) {return(max(x, na.rm = T))})
        if (any(vois %in% c(11, 19))) { # 11 Mean Temperature of Coldest quarter
            out[, 11] = apply(tt1, 1, function(x) {return(min(x, na.rm = T))})
        if (any(vois %in% 18:19)) {
            if (any(vois == 18)) { # 18 Precipitation of Warmest Quarter
                tt = NULL
                for (ii in 1:tsize) {
					tt = which(tt1[ii, ] == out[ii, 10]) # Finds index of warmest Quarters for each location
					if(length(tt)>1) tt=tt[1] # Ignores ties, uses first; could use max.col or which.is.max in nnet
			  } # Index tt indicates month or week of first warmest Quarter.
            if (any(vois == 19)) { # 19 Precipitation of Coldest Quarter
				tt = NULL
				for (ii in 1:tsize) {
					tt = which(tt1[ii, ] == out[ii, 11]) # Finds indexes of coldest Quarters
					if(length(tt)>1) tt=tt[1] # Ignores ties, uses first
					out[ii, 19] = tt2[ii, tt]
    if (any(vois %in% c(8:9, 16:17))) { # Wettest and driest Quarter stuff
        if (any(vois %in% c(8, 16))) { # 16 Precipitation of Wettest Quarter
            out[, 16] = apply(tt2, 1, function(x) {return(max(x, na.rm = T))})
        if (any(vois %in% c(9, 17))) { # 17 Precipitation of Driest Quarter
            out[, 17] = apply(tt2, 1, function(x) {return(min(x, na.rm = T))})
        if (any(vois %in% 8:9)) {
            if (any(vois == 8)) { # 8 Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter
                tt = NULL
                for (ii in 1:tsize) {
                  tt =which(tt2[ii, ] == out[ii, 16])
				  if(length(tt)>1) tt=tt[1] # Ignores ties, uses first
				  out[ii, 8] = tt1[ii, tt]
            if (any(vois == 9)) { # 9 Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter
                tt = NULL
                for (ii in 1:tsize) {
                  tt =which(tt2[ii, ] == out[ii, 17])
				  if(length(tt)>1) tt=tt[1] # Ignores ties, uses first
				  out[ii, 9] = tt1[ii, tt]
    colnames(out) = paste("bioclim", 1:19, sep = "_")
    return(out[, vois])
jjvanderwal/climates documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:41 a.m.