#' kelvin
#' Kelvin functions of the second kind ker and kei and order 0 to 1.
#' @param z value to evaluate the kelvin functions
#' @return data.table of real and imaginary kelvin functions
#' @importFrom data.table ":=" "data.table" "setnames"
#' @export
kelvin <- function(z, nSeq = 2) {
n <- 0:(nSeq-1)
c1 <- exp(1i * pi / 4.0)
c2 <- matrix(zapsmall(exp(-pi * n * 1i / 2.0), digits = 64),
ncol = nSeq,
nrow = length(z),
byrow = TRUE)
k <- collapse::mctl(c2 * Bessel::BesselK(z * c1, nu = 0, nSeq = nSeq))
nms_k <- c(paste0('k_', n),
paste0('ker_', n),
paste0('kei_', n))
k <- append(k, append(lapply(k, Re),lapply(k, Im)))
setNames(k, nms_k)
#' tidal_cooper_1965
#' Cooper Jr, H.H., Bredehoeft, J.D., Papadopulos, I.S. and Bennett, R.R., 1965.
#' The response of well‐aquifer systems to seismic waves. Journal of Geophysical Research, 70(16), pp.3915-3926.
#' @param frequency
#' @param storativity
#' @param transmissivity
#' @param thickness_aquifer
#' @param height_water
#' @param radius_well
#' @param gravity
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('hsieh_1987_fig_2_3')
#' storativity <- 1e-07
#' transmissivity <- 1e-03
#' radius_well <- 0.05
#' frequency <- 10^seq(-5, 2, by = 0.1)
#' tau <- 1 / frequency
#' cooper <- tidal_cooper_1965(frequency, storativity, transmissivity, thickness_aquifer = 1, height_water = 1, radius_well)
#' plot(Mod(response)~dimensionless_frequency, cooper,
#' type='l',
#' log = 'x',
#' xlim = c(1, 1000))
#' points(response~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh_1987_fig_2_3[variable=='gain' & S == storativity])
#' plot(unwrap(Arg(response)) * 180/pi~dimensionless_frequency, cooper,
#' type='l',
#' log = 'x',
#' xlim = c(1, 1000),
#' ylim = c(0, -90))
#' points(response~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh_1987_fig_2_3[variable=='phase' & S == storativity])
tidal_cooper_1965 <- function(frequency,
radius_casing = radius_well,
gravity = 9.80665) {
h_e <- .calc_effective_height(height_water, thickness_aquifer)
omega <- .calc_omega(frequency)
alpha <- .calc_alpha_w(omega, storativity, transmissivity, radius_well)
t1 <- .calc_dimensionless_frequency(omega, radius_casing, transmissivity)
kel <- kelvin(alpha, nSeq = 1L)
ker_0 <- kel[['ker_0']]
kei_0 <- kel[['kei_0']]
# Equation 28
e <- 1.0 - (t1 * kei_0) - ((omega)^2 * h_e) / gravity
f <- t1 * ker_0
out <- data.table::data.table(frequency = frequency, period = 1/frequency)
out[, dimensionless_frequency := transmissivity / (frequency * radius_casing^2)]
out[, Q := .calc_dimensionless_frequency(omega, height_water, transmissivity/storativity)]
out[, response := 1.0 / (e + f * 1i )] # convert to imaginary
out[, vertical_motion := response * 4.0 * pi^2 * h_e / (period^2 * gravity)]
#' tidal_hsieh_1987
#' Solution for estimating transmissivity and storativity from earth tides.
#' Hsieh, P.A., Bredehoeft, J.D. and Farr, J.M., 1987.
#' Determination of aquifer transmissivity from Earth tide analysis. Water resources research, 23(10), pp.1824-1832.
#' @param frequency
#' @param storativity
#' @param transmissivity
#' @param radius_well
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('hsieh_1987_fig_2_3')
#' storativity <- 1e-07
#' transmissivity <- 1e-03
#' radius_well <- 0.05
#' frequency <- 10^seq(-5, 2, by = 0.05)
#' tau <- 1 / frequency
#' hsieh <- tidal_hsieh_1987(frequency, storativity, transmissivity, radius_well)
#' plot(Mod(response)~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh,
#' type='l',
#' log = 'x',
#' xlim = c(1, 1000))
#' points(response~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh_1987_fig_2_3[variable=='gain' & S == storativity])
#' plot(unwrap(Arg(response)) * 180/pi~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh,
#' type='l',
#' log = 'x',
#' xlim = c(1, 1000),
#' ylim = c(0, -90))
#' points(response~dimensionless_frequency, hsieh_1987_fig_2_3[variable=='phase' & S == storativity])
tidal_hsieh_1987 <- function(frequency,
radius_casing = radius_well) {
omega <- .calc_omega(frequency)
# equation 10
alpha <- .calc_alpha_w(omega, storativity, transmissivity, radius_well)
kel <- kelvin(alpha, nSeq = 2)
ker_0 <- kel[['ker_0']]
kei_0 <- kel[['kei_0']]
ker_1 <- kel[['ker_1']]
kei_1 <- kel[['kei_1']]
# equations 8 & 9
denom <- (sqrt(2.0) * alpha * (ker_1^2 + kei_1^2))
phi <- (-ker_1 - kei_1) / denom
psi <- (-ker_1 + kei_1) / denom
# equations 13 & 14
t1 <- .calc_dimensionless_frequency(omega, radius_casing, transmissivity)
e <- 1.0 - t1 * (psi * ker_0 + phi * kei_0)
f <- t1 * (phi * ker_0 - psi * kei_0)
# return data.table of frequency and response
out <- data.table::data.table(frequency = rep(frequency, times = length(transmissivity)), psi, phi, e, f)
out[, dimensionless_frequency := transmissivity / (frequency * radius_casing^2)]
#out[, a_prime := (1.0 / storativity) * (e^2 + f^2)^(-0.5)]
out[, response := 1.0 / (e + f * 1i)] # convert to imaginary
#' #' tidal_liu_1989
#' #' Liu, L.B., Roeloffs, E. and Zheng, X.Y., 1989. Seismically induced water level fluctuations in the Wali well, Beijing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 94(B7), pp.9453-9462.
#' #' @param frequency
#' #' @param storativity
#' #' @param transmissivity
#' #' @param thickness_aquifer
#' #' @param height_water
#' #' @param radius_well
#' #' @param radius_casing
#' #' @param gravity
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' data('liu_1989_fig_8')
#' #' storativity <- 5e-4
#' #' transmissivity <- 0.5
#' #' radius_well <- 0.117
#' #' tau <- seq(10, 50, 0.001)
#' #' frequency <- 1/tau
#' #' liu <- tidal_liu_1989(frequency, storativity, transmissivity, thickness_aquifer = 565, height_water = 92, radius_well, radius_casing = radius_well/2)
#' #' cooper <- tidal_cooper_1965(frequency, storativity, transmissivity, thickness_aquifer = 565, height_water = 92, radius_well, radius_casing = radius_well/2)
#' #' plot(response~period, liu_1989_fig_8, type='p')
#' #' points(Mod(response)~(tau), liu,
#' #' type='l',
#' #' ylim = c(0.0, 8), col = 'red')
#' #' points(Mod(response)~tau, cooper,
#' #' type='l',
#' #' col = 'blue')
#' #'
#' #' plot(unwrap(Arg(response)) * 180/pi~tau, liu,
#' #' type='l',
#' #' log = 'x')
#' #' points(unwrap(Arg(response)) * 180/pi~tau, cooper,
#' #' type='l',
#' #' col = 'blue')
#' tidal_liu_1989 <- function(frequency,
#' storativity,
#' transmissivity,
#' thickness_aquifer,
#' height_water,
#' radius_well,
#' radius_casing = radius_well,
#' gravity = 9.80665) {
#' omega <- .calc_omega(frequency)
#' alpha <- .calc_alpha_w(omega, storativity, transmissivity, radius_well)
#' kel <- kelvin(alpha, nSeq = 1)
#' k_0 <- kel[['k_0']]
#' # ker_0 <- kel[['ker_0']]
#' # kei_0 <- kel[['kei_0']]
#' # Liu equation A13
#' u <- (thickness_aquifer / transmissivity) * (k_0)
#' # Liu equation A16
#' beta <- sqrt((2.0 * 1i * omega) / (radius_well^2 * gravity * u))
#' # Liu equation A20
#' beta_term <- exp( -beta * thickness_aquifer)
#' beta_term_2 <- exp(2.0 * -beta * thickness_aquifer)
#' e <- -(omega^2 / gravity) *
#' (height_water + (1.0 - beta_term) / (beta * (1.0 + beta_term))) + 1.0
#' f <- -(1i * omega * u * radius_well^2) *
#' ((beta * beta_term) / (1 - beta_term_2))
#' out <- data.table::data.table(frequency)
#' out[, dimensionless_frequency := transmissivity / (frequency * radius_casing^2)]
#' out[, Q := .calc_dimensionless_frequency(omega, height_water, transmissivity/storativity)]
#' # Here we make a modification so that the modulus and phase are correct.
#' #complex(modulus = Mod(1/(e+f)), argument = Arg(e+f))
#' out[, response := complex(modulus = Mod(1 / (e + f)),
#' argument = -Arg(e - f))] # convert to imaginary
#' }
#' #' tidal_wang_2018
#' #'
#' #' @param frequency
#' #' @param storativity
#' #' @param transmissivity
#' #' @param k_vertical
#' #' @param thickness_confining
#' #' @param radius_well
#' #' @param radius_casing
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' tidal_wang_2018 <- function(frequency,
#' storativity,
#' transmissivity,
#' k_vertical,
#' thickness_confining,
#' radius_well,
#' radius_casing = radius_well
#' ) {
#' omega <- .calc_omega(frequency)
#' t1 <- 1i * omega * storativity
#' k_div_b <- k_vertical / thickness_confining
#' beta <- sqrt(k_div_b / (transmissivity) + (t1 / transmissivity))
#' beta_rw <- beta * radius_well
#' k0 <- Bessel::BesselK(beta_rw, nu = 0, nSeq = 2, expon.scaled = FALSE)
#' numer <- radius_casing^2 * 1i * omega * k0[,1]
#' denom <- radius_well * 2.0 * transmissivity * beta * k0[,2]
#' xi <- 1.0 + (numer / denom)
#' x0 <- t1 / (xi * (t1 + (k_div_b)))
#' return(x0)
#' }
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