
#' Calculate cluster performance metrics for fuzzy clusters
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @param metric a character representing the abbreviation of the metric, "fs",
#' "pe", "pc", or "propexp", see details
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
#' @export
fuzzySummary <- function(clres, metric = 'pe'){
  method  <- match.arg(metric, c("fs", "pe", "pc", "propexp"),
                       several.ok = FALSE)
  if(method == "fs"){
    score <- try(fukuyama.sugeno(clres))
  } else if(method == "pe"){
    score <- try(partition.entropy(clres))
  } else if(method == "pc"){
    score <- try(partition.coefficient(clres))
  } else if(method == "propexp"){
    score <- try(proportion.exponent(clres))
  score <- as.numeric(score)

#' Calculate cluster performance metrics for fuzzy clusters
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @param metric a character representing the abbreviation of the metric, see
#' \code{\link{clusterCrit}} for details, "Silhouette" is default
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
#' @importFrom clusterCrit intCriteria
#' @export
criteriaSummary <- function(clres, metric = 'Silhouette'){
  inp <- as.matrix(clres$x)
  clus <- as.integer(clres$cluster)
  crit <- getCriteriaNames(TRUE)[pmatch(metric, getCriteriaNames(TRUE))]
  stopifnot(class(crit) == "character")
  crit <- crit[1]
  #intCriteria cannot accept NA values
    warning("NA values found in cluster vector, criteria cannot be computed")
    score <- NA
    # you cannot put in 0 dimensional objects or intCriteria will segfault
  } else if(nrow(inp) != length(clus) | nrow(inp) ==0 | length(clus) == 0){
    warning("Non-conformable inputs, criteria cannot be computed")
    score <- NA
  } else {
    score <- try(clusterCrit::intCriteria(traj = inp,
                                      part = clus, crit = crit))

#' Calculate the Fukukama-Sugeno Cluster Metric
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
fukuyama.sugeno <- function(clres) {
  xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
  ncenters <- dim(clres$cent)[1]
  error <- clres$within
  k2 <- as.double(0)
  meancenters <- apply(clres$ce, 2, mean)
  for (i in 1:ncenters) {
    paronomastis3 <- as.double(0)
    for (j in 1:xrows) {
      paronomastis3 <- paronomastis3 + (clres$me[j,
    diff <- clres$ce[i, ] - meancenters
    diffdist <- t(diff) %*% t(t(diff))
    k2 <- k2 + paronomastis3 * diffdist
  fukuyamasugeno <- error - k2

#' Calculate the partition coefficient
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
partition.coefficient <- function(clres) {
  xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
  partitioncoefficient <- sum(apply(clres$me^2, 1, sum))/xrows

#' Calculate the partition entropy
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
partition.entropy <- function(clres) {
  xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
  ncenters <- dim(clres$centers)[1]
  partitionentropy <- 0
  for (i in 1:xrows) {
    for (k in 1:ncenters) {
      if (clres$me[i, k] != 0)
        partitionentropy <- partitionentropy + (clres$me[i,
                                                         k] * log(clres$me[i, k]))
  partitionentropy <- partitionentropy/((-1) * xrows)

#' Calculate the proportion exponent cluster performance metric
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
proportion.exponent <- function(clres) {
  k <- dim(clres$centers)[2]
  xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
  bexp <- as.integer(1)
  for (j in 1:xrows) {
    greatint <- as.integer(1/max(clres$me[j, ]))
    aexp <- as.integer(0)
    for (l in 1:greatint) {
      aexp <- aexp + (-1)^(l + 1) * (gamma(k + 1)/(gamma(l +
                                                           1) * gamma(k - l + 1))) * (1 - l * max(clres$me[j,
                                                                                                           ]))^(k - 1)
    bexp <- bexp * aexp
  proportionexponent <- -log(bexp)

#' Calculate the separation index cluster performance metric
#' @param clres results of a cluster algorithm
#' @param x a dataset that the cluster algorithm was fit on
#' @return a numeric value for the cluster performance
separation.index <- function(clres, x) {
  xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
  xcols <- dim(x)[2]
  ncenters <- dim(clres$centers)[1]
  maxcluster <- double(ncenters)
  minimum <- -1
  for (i in 1:ncenters) {
    maxcluster[i] <- max(dist(matrix(x[clres$cl == i],
                                     ncol = xcols)))
  maxdia <- maxcluster[rev(order(maxcluster))[1]]
  for (i in 1:(ncenters - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):(ncenters)) {
      for (m in 1:xrows) {
        if (clres$cl[m] == i) {
          for (l in 1:xrows) {
            if (clres$cl[l] == j) {
              diff <- x[m, ] - x[l, ]
              diffdist <- sqrt(t(diff) %*% t(t(diff)))
              fraction <- diffdist/maxdia
              if (minimum == -1)
                minimum <- fraction
              if (fraction < minimum)
                minimum <- fraction

# ------------------------------------------------------
# fclustIndex <- function (y, x, index = "all")
# {
#   clres <- y
#   gath.geva <- function(clres, x) {
#     xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
#     xcols <- dim(clres$ce)[2]
#     ncenters <- dim(clres$centers)[1]
#     scatter <- array(0, c(xcols, xcols, ncenters))
#     scatternew <- array(0, c(xcols, xcols, ncenters))
#     fhv <- as.double(0)
#     apd <- as.double(0)
#     pd <- as.double(0)
#     control <- as.double(0)
#     for (i in 1:ncenters) {
#       paronomastis <- as.double(0)
#       paronomastis2 <- as.double(0)
#       for (j in 1:xrows) {
#         paronomastis <- paronomastis + clres$me[j, i]
#         diff <- x[j, ] - clres$ce[i, ]
#         scatternew[, , i] <- clres$me[j, i] * (t(t(diff)) %*%
#                                                  t(diff))
#         scatter[, , i] <- scatter[, , i] + scatternew[,
#                                                       , i]
#       }
#       scatter[, , i] <- scatter[, , i]/paronomastis
#       for (j in 1:xrows) {
#         diff <- x[j, ] - clres$ce[i, ]
#         control <- (t(diff) %*% solve(scatter[, , i])) %*%
#           t(t(diff))
#         if (control < 1)
#           paronomastis2 <- paronomastis2 + clres$me[j,
#                                                     i]
#       }
#       fhv <- fhv + sqrt(det(scatter[, , i]))
#       apd <- apd + paronomastis2/sqrt(det(scatter[, , i]))
#       pd <- pd + paronomastis2
#     }
#     pd <- pd/fhv
#     apd <- apd/ncenters
#     retval <- list(fuzzy.hypervolume = fhv, average.partition.density = apd,
#                    partition.density = pd)
#     return(retval)
#   }
#   xie.beni <- function(clres) {
#     xrows <- dim(clres$me)[1]
#     minimum <- -1
#     error <- clres$within
#     ncenters <- dim(clres$centers)[1]
#     for (i in 1:(ncenters - 1)) {
#       for (j in (i + 1):ncenters) {
#         diff <- clres$ce[i, ] - clres$ce[j, ]
#         diffdist <- t(diff) %*% t(t(diff))
#         if (minimum == -1)
#           minimum <- diffdist
#         if (diffdist < minimum)
#           minimum <- diffdist
#       }
#     }
#     xiebeni <- error/(xrows * minimum)
#     return(xiebeni)
#   }
#   index <- pmatch(index, c("gath.geva", "xie.beni", "fukuyama.sugeno",
#                            "partition.coefficient", "partition.entropy", "proportion.exponent",
#                            "separation.index", "all"))
#   if (is.na(index))
#     stop("invalid clustering index")
#   if (index == -1)
#     stop("ambiguous index")
#   vecallindex <- numeric(9)
#   if (any(index == 1) || (index == 8)) {
#     gd <- gath.geva(clres, x)
#     vecallindex[1] <- gd$fuzzy
#     vecallindex[2] <- gd$average
#     vecallindex[3] <- gd$partition
#   }
#   if (any(index == 2) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[4] <- xie.beni(clres)
#   if (any(index == 3) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[5] <- fukuyama.sugeno(clres)
#   if (any(index == 4) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[6] <- partition.coefficient(clres)
#   if (any(index == 5) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[7] <- partition.entropy(clres)
#   if (any(index == 6) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[8] <- proportion.exponent(clres)
#   if (any(index == 7) || (index == 8))
#     vecallindex[9] <- separation.index(clres, x)
#   names(vecallindex) <- c("fhv", "apd", "pd", "xb", "fs", "pc",
#                           "pe", "pre", "si")
#   if (index < 8) {
#     if (index == 1)
#       vecallindex <- vecallindex[1:3]
#     else vecallindex <- vecallindex[index + 2]
#   }
#   return(vecallindex)
# }
jknowles/circus documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.