
Defines functions genNumeric genBinomialDV genFormula genFactor

Documented in genBinomialDV genFactor genFormula genNumeric

##' Generate a dataframe of numeric variables with known distributions and relationships
##' Quickly generate random numeric data with known properties 
##' @param n Number of rows of data to be generated
##' @param k Number of columns to be generated
##' @param rho Correlation coefficient between pairs of variables
##' @param seed A vector of numerics length n to be used to generate correlations for other variabes from
##' @param pattern List of attributes for columns of data in the data frame created
##' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether to fit the distribution excluding missing values 
##' or to fail on missing values
##' @return An R data frame of n rows and k columns with distributions specified in \code{\link{pattern}}.
##' If \code{\link{pattern}} is not specified then variables are normally distributed with sequential bivariate correlations
##' equal to rho. 
##' @details \code{\link{pattern}} allows the user to specify a list with three elements: dist, rho, and name. Each element should be
##' length k. Dist currently supports the options for norm (normal), binom (binomial), 
##' chisq (Chi-squared), pois (poisson), unif (uniform), weibull (Weibull), 
##' and gamma (gamma) distributions. Rho should be a numeric between -1 and 1 representing the 
##' correlation coefficient between that variable and the first column of the data frame. 
##' Names should be characters corresponding to the names of the columns in the resulting dataframe. 
##' @note For low n the value of rho will vary more greatly from the desired value.
##' @export
##' @author Jared E. Knowles
##' @note Currently, depending on the distribution the correlation is being built against, rho should be 
##' the correct sign, but it will not always result in the correct magnitude. 
##' @examples
##' dat1 <- genNumeric(1000, 3, rho=0.3)
##' cor(dat1[, 1], dat1[, 2])
##' cor(dat1[, 2], dat1[, 3])
##' # Specify a pattern
##' struc <- list(dist=c("norm", "pois", "unif"), rho=c(0.2, -.5, .5), 
##' names=c("super", "cool", "data"))
##' dat2 <- genNumeric(1000, pattern=struc)
##' cor(dat2[, 1], dat2[, 2])
##' cor(dat2[, 1], dat2[, 3])
genNumeric <- function(n, k, rho, seed, pattern, ...){
#   if(missing(na.rm)){
#     na.rm <- FALSE
#   } else{
#     na.rm <- TRUE
#   }
  covT <- array(runif(n*k, -2, 2), dim=c(n, k))
   for(i in 2:k){
    covT[, i] <- sapply(covT[, i-1], rnormcor, rho=rho)
  } else if(!missing(pattern)){
    covT <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = length(pattern$dist))
    covT <- cbind(rnorm(nrow(covT)), covT)
    for(i in 2:ncol(covT)){
      type <- match.arg(pattern$dist[i-1], c("norm", "binom", "chisq", "pois", "unif", 
                                           "weibull", "gamma", "negbinom"))
      covT[, i]  <- switch(type, 
                          norm = rnormcorV(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...),
                          binom = rbinomcor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...),
                          chisq = rchisqcor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...), 
                          pois = rpoiscor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...), 
                          unif = runifcor.cor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1]),
                          weibull= rweibullcor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...), 
                          gamma = rgammacor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...), 
                          negbinom = rnegbinomcor(covT[, i-1], rho=pattern$rho[i-1], ...))
      covT <- as.data.frame(covT)
      names(covT) <- c("seed", pattern$names)
  } else if(!missing(seed)){
      if(length(seed) != n) stop("Constant seed produces nonsense correlations.")
      covT <- array(runif(n*k, -2, 2), dim=c(n, k))
      covT <- cbind(seed, covT)
      for(i in 1:k+1){
        covT[, i] <- sapply(covT[, 1], rnormcor, rho=rho)
    } else if(!missing(pattern)){
      seed <- ifelse(is.logical(seed), pattern$seed, seed)
      covT <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = length(pattern$dist))
      #covT <- cbind(rnorm(nrow(covT)), covT)
      if(dim(pattern$seed)[2] < 2){
          for(i in 1:ncol(covT)){
          type <- match.arg(pattern$dist[i], c("norm", "binom", "chisq", "pois", "unif", 
                                               "weibull", "gamma", "negbinom"))
          covT[, i]  <- switch(type, 
                               norm = rnormcorV(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...),
                               binom = rbinomcor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...),
                               chisq = rchisqcor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               pois = rpoiscor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               unif = runifcor.cor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...),
                               weibull= rweibullcor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               gamma = rgammacor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               negbinom = rnegbinomcor(pattern$seed, rho=pattern$rho[i], ...))
      } else if(dim(pattern$seed)[2] > 1){
        for(i in 1:ncol(covT)){
          type <- match.arg(pattern$dist[i], c("norm", "binom", "chisq", "pois", "unif", 
                                               "weibull", "gamma", "negbinom"))
          covT[, i]  <- switch(type, 
                               norm = rnormcorV(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i], ...),
                               binom = rbinomcor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i], ...),
                               chisq = rchisqcor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               pois = rpoiscor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               unif = runifcor.cor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i]),
                               weibull= rweibullcor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i],, ...), 
                               gamma = rgammacor(pattern$seed[,i], rho=pattern$rho[i], ...), 
                               negbinom = rnegbinomcor(pattern$seed[, i], rho = pattern$rho[i], ...))
        covT <- as.data.frame(covT)
        names(covT) <- c(pattern$names)

##' Generate a binomial dependent variable
##' Allow the user to specify a formula for generating a binomial dependent variable
##' @param df dataframe to generate the dependent variable from
##' @param form A named list containing the variables in df to be used to calculate the binomial probability, and 
##' coefficients of those variables
##' @param errors The way the error structure of the DGP formula should be established
##' @param intercept An adjustment to the base probability
##' @param type Indicate whether the binary response is desired or the probability
##' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether to fit the distribution excluding missing values 
##' or to fail on missing values
##' @return A binomial vector by a formula generated out of the elements of form
##' @details Coefficients needs to be long enough to incorporate the factor levels
##' @note Yadda yadda yadda
##' @author Jared E. Knowles
##' @note Currently it can be easy for the user to build a formula that results in all 0 or 1 results. 
##' Use intercept to adjust accordingly. Additionally, coefficient scales don't make sense at the moment. 
##' Still need to add the ability to have confounders in place.
##' @export
genBinomialDV <- function(df, form, errors, intercept, type = c("binary", "response"), 
                          na.rm = FALSE){
  if (missing(type)){
    type <- "binary"
  } else {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    errors <- "low"
  } else {
    errors <- match.arg(errors)
  range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
  exp <- paste0(form$coefs, "*","mod$", genFormula(df, form$vars)[-1], collapse=" + ")
  form$exp <- parse(text=exp)
  mm <- eval(parse(text=paste0("terms(~", paste0(form$vars, collapse=' + '),")")))
  mod <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(mm, df))
  mod$z <- intercept + eval(form$exp) + runif(dim(mod)[1])
  mod$pr <- 1/(1+exp(-mod$z))
  mod$pr <- range01(scale(mod$pr, center=TRUE))
  if(errors == "low"){
    mod$y <- rbinom(dim(mod)[1], 1, mod$pr)
  } else {
    mod$y <- rbinom(dim(mod)[1], 1, plnorm(mod$pr + runif(length(mod$pr))^2))
  } else if(type=="response"){

##' Generate model matrix terms 
##' Allow the user to determine the number of coefficients needed 
##' @param df dataframe to generate the dependent variable from
##' @param vars A vector of variable names in df to generate the formula terms from
##' @return A character vector representing the terms in a formula resulting from using the 
##' terms in vars
##' @details Help figure out
##' @note Yadda yadda yadda
##' @export
##' @author Jared E. Knowles
##' @note Convenience  function to help user understand what factor terms need to be expanded 
genFormula <- function(df, vars){
  z <- eval(parse(text=paste0("terms(~", paste0(vars, collapse=' + '),")")))
  test <- model.matrix(z, df)

##' Generate a dataframe of unordered factors with known associations
##' Quickly generate random dataframes of unordered factor variables with known associations
##' @param n Number of rows in the resulting dataframe
##' @param k Number of columns in the resulting dataframe
##' @param nlevel Number of levels in the factor variables created
##' @param rho Level of association among the variables created
##' @param seed Allows an arbitrary seed of length n to be passed to generate starting values
##' @param keepSeed logical; do you want to return the initializing seed 
##' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{genNumeric}} behind the scenes
##' @details Rho is used to generate associations between preceding variables in the dataframe. 
##' Element 1 and 2 are associated at the level of rho. Element 2 and 3 are also associated at the level of 
##' rho. All variables have the same number of levels -- nlevels -- and currently factor level names 
##' are randomly generated from \code{\link{letters}}.
##' @note For low n the value of rho will vary more greatly from the desired value.
##' @export
##' @author Jared E. Knowles
##' @examples
##' dat1 <- genFactor(1000, 12, nlevel=6, rho=0.4)
##' gammaGK(dat1[, 1], dat1[, 2])
##' gammaGK(dat1[, 2], dat1[, 3])
##' # Not close to Rho
##' gammaGK(dat1[, 1], dat1[, 3])
##' # low n deviates further from rho
##' dat2 <- genFactor(50, 10, nlevel=6, rho=0.2)
##' gammaGK(dat2[, 1], dat2[, 2])
genFactor <- function(n, k, nlevel, rho, seed, keepSeed, ...){
    keepSeed <- TRUE
  } else {keepSeed <- keepSeed}
  if(nlevel >= length(letters)){
    zz <- expand.grid(letters, LETTERS)
    smp <- unique(paste0(zz[,1], zz[,2])) #
  } else if(nlevel < length(letters)) {
    smp <- letters
  covT <- genNumeric(n, k, rho, ...)
  covT <- as.data.frame(covT)
  for(i in 1:ncol(covT)){
    covT[, i] <- cut(covT[, i], breaks=nlevel)
    draw <- length(unique(covT[, i]))
    covT[, i] <- factor(covT[, i], labels=sample(draw, nlevel))
  if(keepSeed == TRUE){
  } else if(keepSeed == FALSE){
    covT <- covT[, 2:ncol(covT)]
    covT <- genNumeric(n, k, rho, seed)
    covT <- as.data.frame(covT)
    for(i in 1:ncol(covT)){
      covT[, i] <- cut(covT[, i], breaks=nlevel)
      draw <- length(unique(covT[, i]))
      covT[, i] <- factor(covT[, i], labels=sample(smp, draw))
    } else if(class(seed)!="numeric"){
      seed.tmp <- as.numeric(as.factor(seed))
      covT <- genNumeric(n, k, rho, seed.tmp)
      covT <- as.data.frame(covT)
      covT[, 1] <- seed
      for(i in 2:ncol(covT)){
        covT[, i] <- cut(covT[, i], breaks=nlevel)
        draw <- length(unique(covT[, i]))
        covT[, i] <- factor(covT[, i], labels=sample(smp, draw))
    if(keepSeed == TRUE){
    } else if(keepSeed == FALSE){
      covT <- covT[, 2:ncol(covT)]
jknowles/datasynthR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.