
Defines functions rank.predict

Documented in rank.predict

#' Generate predicted ranks for new observations given a new covariate profile
#' This function is called by \code{\link[coxed]{coxed}} when \code{method="gam"} and new data
#' are specified, and is not intended to be used by itself.
#' @param x A vector of linear predictors for the estimation sample
#' @param v A vector of linear predictors for the new data
#' @param warn If \code{TRUE} the function warns the user when linear predictors in the new data are greater than
#' or less than all of the linear predictors in the estimation sample
#' @details The purpose of \code{rank.predict} is to determine for a single new observation what the rank of that
#' observation's linear predictor would have been had the observation been in the original estimation sample.
#' It calculates the predicted rank by appending the new observation to the vector of linear predictors for the
#' estimation sample and calculating the \code{\link[base]{rank}} of the observation in the new vector. If
#' the new data contain more than one observation, \code{rank.predict} calculates the predicted rank for each
#' observation independently, without taking the other observations in the new data into account.
#' Any observation with a linear predictor less than the minimum linear predictor in the estimation sample will have a predicted
#' rank of 1; any observation with a linear predictor greater than the maximum linear predictor in the estimation
#' sample will have a predicted rank of \code{length(v)}. If either condition exists, the function provides a warning.
#' @return A numeric vector containing the predicted ranks for the observations in \code{x}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[coxed]{coxed}}, \code{\link[base]{rank}}
#' @author Jonathan Kropko <jkropko@@virginia.edu> and Jeffrey J. Harden <jharden2@@nd.edu>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' estimationLPs <- rnorm(20)
#' cbind(estimationLPs, rank(estimationLPs))
#' newLPs <- rnorm(5)
#' newLP.rank <- rank.predict(x=newLPs, v=estimationLPs)
#' cbind(newLPs, newLP.rank)
rank.predict <- function(x, v, warn=TRUE){
     d <- rbind(cbind(rank(v),v, "v", NA), cbind(NA, x, "x", 1:length(x)))
     d <- d[order(d[,2]),]

     # thanks to Ruben for this code: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7735647/replacing-nas-with-latest-non-na-value
     repeat.before = function(x) {   # repeats the last non NA value. Keeps leading NA
          ind = which(!is.na(x))      # get positions of nonmissing values
          if(is.na(x[1]))             # if it begins with a missing, add the
               ind = c(1,ind)        # first position to the indices
          rep(x[ind], times = diff(   # repeat the values at these indices
               c(ind, length(x) + 1) )) # diffing the indices + length yields how often

     d[,1] <- repeat.before(d[,1])
     d <- d[d[,3]=="x",]
     if(!is.matrix(d)) d <- t(d)
     d[is.na(d[,1]),1] <- 1
     d <- d[order(as.numeric(d[,4])),]
     d[is.na(d[,2]),1] <- NA
     r <- as.numeric(d[,1])
     c1 <- sum(r==1, na.rm=TRUE)
     c2 <- sum(r > length(v), na.rm = TRUE)
     paste1 <- paste(c("New data contain", c1,
                       "observations with linear predictors less than or equal to all linear predictors in the estimation sample. These observations will all have the same predicted duration"),
                     collapse=" ")
     paste2 <- paste(c("New data contain", c2,
                       "observations with linear predictors greater than or equal to all linear predictors in the estimation sample. These observations will all have the same predicted duration"),
                     collapse=" ")
     if(warn & min(r, na.rm=TRUE)==1) warning(paste1)
     if(warn & max(r, na.rm=TRUE)>length(v)) warning(paste2)
jkropko/coxed documentation built on March 31, 2021, 3:03 p.m.