Man pages for jlaffy/infercna
Infer Copy Number Alterations And Clonality In (Single-Cell) RNA-seq Data

addGenomeAdd your own Genome
availableGenomesList of available genomes
bt771scRNA-seq data from a patient with Glioblastoma
clipSquish matrix values into range
cnaCorCell - Tumour CNA Correlations
cnaHotspotCellsFind the Cells with the highest CNA signal
cnaHotspotGenesFind the Genes with the highest CNA signal
cnaParamsPlotPlot CNA parameters to evaluate cell CNAs
cnaScatterPlotVisualise Malignant and Non-Malignant Subsets
cnaSignalCalculate the Means of Squared CNA Values
currentGenomeList the current genome name
filterGenesFilter Genes by their Genome Features
findClonesFind Clones
findMalignantFind Malignant Subset of Cells
fitBimodalFit a Bimodal Gaussian Distribution
fitModalFit a Bimodal Gaussian Distribution
genesOnRetrieve Genes by their Genome Features
ggcnaPlot a CNA heatmap
infercnaInfer Copy-Number Alterations From Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
mgh125scRNA-seq data from a patient with Glioblastoma
modalityTest Distribution For Modality
orderGenesOrder Genes by their Genomic Positions
pipePipe operator
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
refCellsNormal Cell IDs in a cohort of 28 Glioblastoma samples.
refCorrectConvert Relative CNA Values To Absolute
retrieveGenomeRetrieve genome data
runMeanRolling Means
splitGenesSplit Genes By Chromosome (Arm)
theme_scalopscalop ggtheme
useDataLoad Example Data
useGenomeSelect a Genome for infercna to use
jlaffy/infercna documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 11:24 p.m.