Man pages for jlaffy/scrabble
Perform Exploratory Computational Analyses on Pre-Processed Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data

annomapOne-bar annotation ggplot
annomapsmany-bar annotations ggplot
binGenerate Equally-Sized Bins
binmatchControl Signatures From Expression Bins
colcenterCenter a matrix column-wise
coldetectedNumber of non-zero values per column
complyApply a Function to All Combinations in One or between a Pair...
crorderOrdered correlation matrix
deaDifferential Expression Analysis
dims<dim> for many matrices
foldchangefold changes
grombineCombine ggplot grobs or plots
hcaHierarchical clustering analysis
hierarchyCell state hierarchy coordinates
jaccardCompute Jaccard Similarities between Pairs of Character...
maxcol_strictStrict Column Assign
ncols<ncol> for many matrices
nrows<nrow> for many matrices
pipePipe operator
plot_hierarchyPlot State Hierarchy (Quadrant plot)
range_rowmeansRange of the rowMeans of a matrix
reorderReorder matrix columns and rows
rowcenterCenter a matrix row-wise
rowdetectedNumber of non-zero values per row
sample_strictAssign Rows and Sample
scoreScore matrix columns for groups of rows
unpack-assignDestructuring assignment
unpack-assign-backDestructuring assignment
useDataLoad Example Data
jlaffy/scrabble documentation built on Nov. 16, 2019, 7:56 a.m.