
Defines functions lgc

# PURPOSE: Main Wrapper for the lgc package.
# Authors: Stefanos Kechagias, Jiajie Kong, James Livsey, Robert Lund, Vladas Pipiras

# Final wrapper function
lgc = function(DependentVar   = NULL,
               Regressor      = NULL,
               EstMethod      = "PFR",
               CountDist      = NULL,
               ARMAModel      = NULL,
               ParticleNumber = 10,
               epsilon        = 0.5,
               initialParam   = NULL,
               TrueParam      = NULL,
               Task           = 'Optimization',
               SampleSize     = NULL,
               nsim           = NULL,
               no_cores       = 1,
               OptMethod      = "bobyqa",
               OutputType     = "data.frame",
               ParamScheme    = NULL,
               maxdiff        = 10^(-8) ){

  # parse all the parameters and the data into a list called mod
  mod = ModelScheme(DependentVar, Regressor, EstMethod, ARMAModel, CountDist,ParticleNumber, epsilon,
                    initialParam, TrueParam, Task,SampleSize, OptMethod, OutputType, ParamScheme, maxdiff)

  # if simulation task has been chosen simulate the data and compute initial estimates check me how fast is this?
    AllSimulatedSeries <- vector(mode='list', length=nsim)
    AllInitialParam    <- vector(mode='list', length=nsim)
    for (i in 1:nsim) {
      AllSimulatedSeries[[i]] = mod$DependentVar =sim_lgc(SampleSize, CountDist, MargParm, ARParm, MAParm)
      AllInitialParam[[i]]    = InitialEstimates(mod)

    # renew the task (after we simulated we need to fit)
    mod$Task = 'Optimization'

    # we need some cores in order to fit the data - we ll use all but one
    if(is.null(no_cores)) no_cores = detectCores() - 1

    # initiate and register the cluster
    cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)

    #clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 1001) #make the bootstrapping exactly the same as above to equate computation time

    # run foreach
    out = foreach(index = 1:nsim,
                .combine = rbind,
                .packages = c("ltsa", "optimx", 'tictoc', 'countsFun'))  %dopar%  {
                  mod$DependentVar =  AllSimulatedSeries[[index]]
                  theta  = mod$initialParam = AllInitialParam[[index]]


  if(Task %in% c('Evaluation', 'Optimization')){
    # compute initial parameters if they haven't been provided and save them in mod
    if (is.null(initialParam)){
      theta  = InitEst = InitialEstimates(mod)
      mod$initialParam = InitEst
      theta  = InitEst = mod$initialParam
    # fit the model using PF
      out = FitMultiplePF_Res(theta, mod)

# create an lgc object and save the initial estimate
class(out) = "lgc"


jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on March 9, 2023, 5:19 p.m.