
Defines functions DrawFGtv DrawFG

Documented in DrawFG DrawFGtv

# ---------- 1) Standard version for mgm() ----------

DrawFG <- function(object,
                   PairwiseAsEdge = TRUE, 
  if(Nodewise) PairwiseAsEdge = FALSE # pairwise as edge not possible for nodewise=TRUE
  # Take from model object
  list_ind <- object$interactions$indicator
  list_weights <- object$interactions$weightsAgg
  list_weightsUA <- object$interactions$weights
  list_signs <- object$interactions$signs
  p <- length(object$call$type)
  type <- object$call$type
  level <- object$call$level
  # Create empty matrix of node entities
  n_factors <- length(list_ind)
  size_factors <- rep(NA, n_factors)
  for(or in 1:n_factors) size_factors[or] <- length(list_ind[[or]]) / (or+1) # can't use apply, because list_ind might have only 1 row
  pF <- sum(size_factors) # how many factors in total
  # Subset of orders of interactions with at least 1 estimated interaction
  nz_ind <- which(size_factors > 0)
  # Make all list entries matrices to avoid trouble below
  one_ind <- which(size_factors == 1)
  for(i in one_ind) list_ind[[i]] <- matrix(list_ind[[i]], nrow = 1)
  # ----- I: Nodewise = FALSE -----
  if(!Nodewise) {
    # Create empty factor graph
    Gw <- matrix(0, p+pF, p+pF)
    Gsign <- matrix(NA, p+pF, p+pF)
    counter <- p+1
    # loop over order of interactions
    for(or in nz_ind) {
      # Loop over rows in fixed order
      Nro <- nrow(list_ind[[or]])  #  now nrow() possible in case there is only 1 interaction, then error because no 2d object
      if(length(Nro) > 0) {
        for(r in 1:Nro) {
          # Loop over k connections of k-order factor
          for(or2 in 1:(or+1)) {
            Gw[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- Gw[list_ind[[or]][r, or2], counter] <- list_weights[[or]][[r]]
            Gsign[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- Gsign[list_ind[[or]][r, or2], counter] <- list_signs[[or]][[r]]
          counter <- counter + 1
    Gnonzero <- matrix(1, p+pF, p+pF) # just fill 1s in, so this is always defined and we can use the lty argument in FactorGraph.R
  } # end if: !nodewise
  # ----- II: Nodewise = TRUE -----
  if(Nodewise) { 
    counter <- p+1
    # Create empty factor graph
    Gw <- matrix(0, p+pF, p+pF)
    Gsign <- Gnonzero <- matrix(NA, p+pF, p+pF)
    # browser()
    # loop over order of interactions
    for(or in nz_ind) {
      # Loop over rows in fixed order
      Nro <- nrow(list_ind[[or]])  #  now nrow() possible in case there is only 1 interaction, then error because no 2d object
      if(length(Nro) > 0) {
        # Loop over interaction of given order "or"
        for(r in 1:Nro) {
          # Loop over k connections of k-order factor
          for(or2 in 1:(or+1)) {
            # Compute nodewise aggregate parameter (no aggregation for interactions between continuous variables)
            nodewise_par <- list_weightsUA[[or]][[r]][[or2]]
            nodewise_par_agg <- mean(abs(unlist(nodewise_par)))
            nonzero <- 1
            if(nodewise_par_agg == 0) {
              nonzero <- 0
              nodewise_par_agg <- .1
            inter_r <- list_ind[[or]][r, ] # the indicator vector for interaction r of order "or"
            # Compute sign of nodewise parameter
            if(all(type[inter_r] != "c")) {
              sign <- sign(nodewise_par)
            } else if(!all(type[list_ind[[or]][r, ]] == "g") & object$call$binarySign & all(level[inter_r]<3)) {
              if(or == 1) {
                # Define set of continous and binary variables: for interactions between these we can assign a sign
                # Depends on binarySign
                if(object$call$binarySign) {
                  set_signdefined <- c(which(type == 'p'), which(type == 'g'), which(level == 2))
                } else {
                  set_signdefined <- c(which(type == 'p'), which(type == 'g'))
                # Create input for getSign()
                # indicator list
                m_perm <- permutations(n = or+1, 
                                       r = or+1, 
                                       v = inter_r)
                l_w_ind <- list()
                for(j in 1:nrow(m_perm)) l_w_ind[[j]] <- as.numeric(m_perm[j, ])
                # unaggregated parameter list
                which(object$interactions$indicator[[1]] == c(1,2), arr.ind = TRUE)
                ind_row <- apply(object$interactions$indicator[[or]], 1, function(x) all(x == inter_r))
                l_w_par <- list()
                for(j in 1:nrow(m_perm)) l_w_par[[j]] <- object$interactions$weights[[or]][[which(ind_row == TRUE)]][[j]]
                # Call getSign()
                sign_object <- getSign(l_w_ind = l_w_ind, 
                                       l_w_par = l_w_par,
                                       type = type,
                                       set_signdefined = set_signdefined,
                                       overparameterize = object$call$overparameterize,
                                       ord = or)
                sign <- sign_object$voteSign
              } else {
                sign <- 0 # not defined for k>2, see function in getSign.R
            } else {
              sign <- 0
            # Fill in directed graph
            Gw[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- nodewise_par_agg
            Gsign[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- sign
            Gnonzero[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- nonzero
          counter <- counter + 1
    # browser()
    # Create lty-matrix to indicate 
    Gnonzero[Gnonzero == 0] <- 2 # So i can use it as lty directly for plotting
  } # end if: nodewise
  # ----- Computations for both I & II ------
  # Calculate Color Matrix
  Gcol <- matrix('darkgrey', p+pF, p+pF)
  Gcol[Gsign == 1] <- 'darkgreen'
  Gcol[Gsign == -1] <- 'red'
  # Define shape
  nodetype <- c(rep(0, p), rep(1, pF))
  # Caclulate order indicator
  n_order <- length(size_factors)
  l_oi <- list()
  for(i in 1:n_order) l_oi[[i]] <- rep(i, size_factors[i])
  order_ind <- c(rep(0,p), unlist(l_oi))
  # Simplify Factor Graph by dropping factors for pairwise (2way) interactions, and putting edges back in  
  if(PairwiseAsEdge) {
    # Edges
    Gw <- Gw[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gw[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$wadj
    Gsign <- Gsign[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gsign[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$signs
    Gcol <- Gcol[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gcol[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$edgecolor
    Gnonzero <- Gnonzero[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    nodetype <- nodetype[order_ind != 1]
    order_ind <- order_ind[order_ind != 1]
  # browser()
  # Export
  outlist <- list('weightedgraph' = Gw,
                  'signs' = Gsign,
                  'signcolor' = Gcol,
                  'nonzero' = Gnonzero,
                  'nodetype' = nodetype,
                  'order' = order_ind)
} # eOF

# ---------- 2) Time-varying version for mgm() ----------

# Includes all factors that are at least once present in the time series
# (Important to investigate factor weight across time)

DrawFGtv <- function(object, # list of all interactions that are estimated nonzer at at least one estimation point
                     PairwiseAsEdge = TRUE, 
                     Nodewise = FALSE,
                     estpoint # number of (initial) variables
  if(Nodewise) PairwiseAsEdge = FALSE # pairwise as edge not possible for nodewise=TRUE
  list_ind <- object$interactions$indicator
  list_weights <- object$interactions$weightsAgg
  list_weightsUA <- object$interactions$weights
  list_signs <- object$interactions$signs
  # ----------- Obtain set of all interactions that are present at least once ----------
  d <- object$call$k - 1
  p <- length(object$call$type)
  type <- object$call$type
  level <- object$call$level
  no_estpoints <- length(object$call$estpoints)
  # Obtain set of all interactions that occur at least once in the time series
  l_all_indicators <- list()
  l_unique_indicators <- vector('list', length = d)
  l_unique_indicators <- lapply(l_unique_indicators, function(x) vector('list', length=no_estpoints))
  for(i in 1:no_estpoints)  {
    l_all_indicators[[i]] <- object$tvmodels[[i]]$interactions$indicator
    for(ii in 1:d) l_unique_indicators[[ii]][[i]] <- l_all_indicators[[i]][[ii]]
  # get unique set of interactions for each order
  l_unique_indicators <- lapply(l_unique_indicators, function(x) {
    x_comb <- do.call(rbind, x)
  # Select output of selected estpoint:
  list_ind <- object$tvmodels[[estpoint]]$interactions$indicator
  list_weightsAgg <- object$tvmodels[[estpoint]]$interactions$weightsAgg
  list_weightsUA <- object$tvmodels[[estpoint]]$interactions$weights
  list_signs <- object$tvmodels[[estpoint]]$interactions$signs
  list_ind_all <- l_unique_indicators
  # ----------- Loop over Time points ----------
  # Create empty matrix of node entities
  n_factors <- length(list_ind_all)
  # all factor list
  size_factors <- rep(NA, n_factors)
  for(or in 1:n_factors) size_factors[or] <- length(list_ind_all[[or]]) / (or+1)
  # factor at hand list
  size_factors_fixed <- rep(NA, n_factors)
  for(or in 1:n_factors) size_factors_fixed[or] <- length(list_ind[[or]]) / (or+1)
  pF <- sum(size_factors) # how many factors in total
  # Subset of orders of interactions with at least 1 estimated interaction
  nz_ind <- which(size_factors_fixed > 0)
  one_ind <- which(size_factors_fixed == 1)
  # Make all list entries matrices to avoid trouble below
  for(i in one_ind) list_ind[[i]] <- matrix(list_ind[[i]], nrow = 1)
  # ----- I: Nodewise = FALSE -----
  if(!Nodewise) {
    # Create empty factor graph
    Gw <- matrix(0, p+pF, p+pF)
    Gsign <- matrix(NA, p+pF, p+pF)
    counter <- p+1
    # loop over order of interactions
    for(or in nz_ind) {
      # Loop over rows in fixed order
      Nro <- nrow(list_ind_all[[or]])  #  now nrow() possible in case there is only 1 interaction, then error because no 2d object
      if(length(Nro) > 0) {
        for(r in 1:Nro) {
          # is the present row in list_ind_all contained in list_ind?
          ind_where <- apply(list_ind[[or]], 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), list_ind_all[[or]][r, ])
          # if yes:
          if(any(ind_where)) {
            # Loop over k connections of k-order factor
            for(or2 in 1:(or+1)) {
              # browser()
              Gw[counter, list_ind_all[[or]][r, or2]] <- Gw[list_ind_all[[or]][r, or2], counter] <- list_weightsAgg[[or]][[which(ind_where)]]
              Gsign[counter, list_ind_all[[or]][r, or2]] <- Gsign[list_ind_all[[or]][r, or2], counter] <- list_signs[[or]][[which(ind_where)]]
          } # if no: just leave the zero
          counter <- counter + 1
      } # end if: at least 1 row present?
    Gnonzero <- matrix(1, p+pF, p+pF) # just fill 1s in, so this is always defined and we can use the lty argument in FactorGraph.R
  } # end if: Nodewise=TRUE?
  # ----- II: Nodewise = TRUE -----
  if(Nodewise) { 
    counter <- p+1
    # Create empty factor graph
    Gw <- matrix(0, p+pF, p+pF)
    Gsign <- Gnonzero <- matrix(NA, p+pF, p+pF)
    # browser()
    # loop over order of interactions
    for(or in nz_ind) {
      # Loop over rows in fixed order
      Nro <- nrow(list_ind_all[[or]])  #  now nrow() possible in case there is only 1 interaction, then error because no 2d object
      if(length(Nro) > 0) {
        # Loop over interaction of given order "or"
        for(r in 1:Nro) {
          # is the present row in list_ind_all contained in list_ind?
          ind_where <- apply(list_ind[[or]], 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), list_ind_all[[or]][r, ])
          # if yes:
          if(any(ind_where)) {
            # Loop over k connections of k-order factor
            for(or2 in 1:(or+1)) {
              # browser()
              # Compute nodewise aggregate parameter (no aggregation for interactions between continuous variables)
              nodewise_par <- list_weightsUA[[or]][[r]][[or2]]
              nodewise_par_agg <- mean(abs(unlist(nodewise_par)))
              nonzero <- 1
              if(nodewise_par_agg == 0) {
                nonzero <- 0
                nodewise_par_agg <- .1
              inter_r <- list_ind[[or]][which(ind_where), ] # the indicator vector for interaction r of order or
              # Compute sign of nodewise parameter
              if(all(type[inter_r] != "c")) {
                sign <- sign(nodewise_par)
              } else if(!all(type[list_ind[[or]][r, ]] == "g") & object$call$binarySign & all(level[inter_r]<3)) {
                if(or == 1) {
                  # Define set of continous and binary variables: for interactions between these we can assign a sign
                  # Depends on binarySign
                  if(object$call$binarySign) {
                    set_signdefined <- c(which(type == 'p'), which(type == 'g'), which(level == 2))
                  } else {
                    set_signdefined <- c(which(type == 'p'), which(type == 'g'))
                  # Create input for getSign()
                  # indicator list
                  m_perm <- permutations(n = or+1, 
                                         r = or+1, 
                                         v = inter_r)
                  l_w_ind <- list()
                  for(j in 1:nrow(m_perm)) l_w_ind[[j]] <- as.numeric(m_perm[j, ])
                  # unaggregated parameter list
                  which(list_ind[[1]] == c(1,2), arr.ind = TRUE)
                  ind_row <- apply(list_ind[[or]], 1, function(x) all(x == inter_r))
                  l_w_par <- list()
                  for(j in 1:nrow(m_perm)) l_w_par[[j]] <- list_weightsUA[[or]][[which(ind_row == TRUE)]][[j]]
                  # Call getSign()
                  sign_object <- getSign(l_w_ind = l_w_ind, 
                                         l_w_par = l_w_par,
                                         type = type,
                                         set_signdefined = set_signdefined,
                                         overparameterize = object$call$overparameterize,
                                         ord = or)
                  sign <- sign_object$voteSign
                } else {
                  sign <- 0 # not defined for k>2, see function in getSign.R
              } else {
                sign <- 0
              # Fill in directed graph
              Gw[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- nodewise_par_agg
              Gsign[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- sign
              Gnonzero[counter, list_ind[[or]][r, or2]] <- nonzero
            counter <- counter + 1
          } # end if: this interaction contained in given estimation point?
    # Create lty-matrix to indicate 
    Gnonzero[Gnonzero == 0] <- 2 # So i can use it as lty directly for plotting
  } # end if: nodewise
  # ----- Computations for both I & II ------
  # Calculate Color Matrix
  Gcol <- matrix('darkgrey', p+pF, p+pF)
  Gcol[Gsign == 1] <- 'darkgreen'
  Gcol[Gsign == -1] <- 'red'
  # Define shape
  nodetype <- c(rep(0, p), rep(1, pF))
  # Caclulate order indicator
  n_order <- length(size_factors)
  l_oi <- list()
  for(i in 1:n_order) l_oi[[i]] <- rep(i, size_factors[i])
  order_ind <- c(rep(0,p), unlist(l_oi))
  # Simplify Factor Graph by dropping factors for pairwise (2way) interactions, and putting edges back in  
  if(PairwiseAsEdge) {
    # browser()
    # Edges
    Gw <- Gw[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gw[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$wadj[, , estpoint]
    Gsign <- Gsign[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gsign[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$signs[, , estpoint]
    Gcol <- Gcol[order_ind!=1, order_ind!=1]
    Gcol[1:p, 1:p] <- object$pairwise$edgecolor[, , estpoint]
    nodetype <- nodetype[order_ind != 1]
    order_ind <- order_ind[order_ind != 1]
  # Export
  outlist <- list('weightedgraph' = Gw,
                  'signs' = Gsign,
                  'signcolor' = Gcol,
                  'nodetype' = nodetype,
                  'order' = order_ind)
} # eOF
jmbh/mgm documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 9:20 a.m.