
Defines functions gap_statistic

Documented in gap_statistic

gap_statistic <- function(x, # n x p data matrix
                          kseq, #sequence of ks to be checked 
                          steps = 10, # number of points on synthetic curves
                          method = 'unif', # 'bezier' for bezier curves, 'gauss' for a multivariate gaussian with cov=0, matching the dimension
                          dim = NULL,
                          lambda = .7, 
                          bezier = NULL,
                          xcor = c(0,1,-1), # x-coordinates of start ,nonselected, selected box inthatorder
                          ycor = c(0,1.5,1.5)) # y-coordinates
  # ----- aux function -----
  rBezier = function(x, y, w = 1, resol = 100) { 
    t = seq(0,1,length = resol)           #Resolution
    B = cbind( (1-t)^2, 2*t*(1-t),t^2 )   #Bernstein
    bx = ( B[,1] * x[1] + w * B[,2] * x[2] + B[,3] * x[3] ) /  (B[,1] + w * B[,2] + B[,3]) 
    by = ( B[,1] * y[1] + w * B[,2] * y[2] + B[,3] * y[3] ) /  (B[,1] + w * B[,2] + B[,3]) 
  # ----- generate synthetic data -----
  n <- dim(dist)[1]
  if(method=='bezier') {
    # create curves
    l_curves <- vector('list', length=n)
    l_curves <- lapply(l_curves, function(s) {
      bz <-  rBezier(xcor,ycor,w=rexp(1,lambda), resol=steps)
      bz <- matrix(c(bz$x, bz$y), nrow=1)
    # restruct data in dataframe
    syn_data <- do.call(rbind, l_curves)
    #colnames(syn_data) <- c('x', 'y')
    #syn_data$id <- rep(1:n, each=steps)
  } else {
    unif_dims <- list()
    for(i in 1:dim) unif_dims[[i]] <- runif(n, unifdims[i,1], unifdims[i,2])
    data_synt <- do.call(cbind, unif_dims)
  # ----- run k-means clustering -----
  empty_list <- vector('list', length=length(kseq))
  l_real <- list('clusters'=empty_list, 'WCD'=empty_list)
  l_syn <- list('clusters'=empty_list, 'WCD'=empty_list, 'SynData'=syn_data)
  l_all <- list(l_real, l_syn)
  l_silhouette <- list()
  for(type in 1:2) { # 1=real, 2=synthetic
    if(type==1) {
      data = x
    } else {
      data = data_synt
    for(k in kseq) {
      km_model <- flexclust::kcca(data, k=k, kccaFamily("kmeans")) #save whole model
      l_all[[type]][[1]][[k]] <- cl <- cutree(hc, k) # cut tree & define cluster
      # compute mean within cluster dissimilarity
      l_diss <- list()
      for(i in 1:k) l_diss[[i]] <- mean(dist[cl==i, cl==i])
      l_all[[type]][[2]][[k]] <- sum(unlist(l_diss)*table(cl)/sum(table(cl))) #weighting of dissimilarities
      # compute silhouette statistic
        if(k==1) { 
          l_silhouette[[k]] <- NA
        } else {
          l_silhouette[[k]] <- mean(silhouette(cl, dist)[,3])
  } # end of loop type
  # Prepare output Gap Statistic
  WCD_data = unlist(l_all[[1]][[2]]) # Within cluster D for Data
  WCD_syn = unlist(l_all[[2]][[2]])
  # take log
  WCD_data_log <- log(WCD_data)
  WCD_syn_log <- log(WCD_syn)
  WCD_data_log <- WCD_data_log - WCD_data_log[1]
  WCD_syn_log <- WCD_syn_log - WCD_syn_log[1]
  Gaps <- WCD_syn-WCD_data
  # Also Compute JUMP Statistic
  WCD_transf <- WCD_data^(- dim/2)
  jump <- (WCD_transf - c(0,WCD_transf[-length(WCD_transf)]))[-1]
  k_jump <- which.max(jump) + 1
  # Compute Slope Statistic
  sil <- unlist(l_silhouette)
  p <- 1
  slope <- -(sil[-1] - sil[-length(sil)]) * sil[-1]^p
  outlist <- list('WCD_data'=WCD_data, 
                  'Gaps'= Gaps,
} # EoF
jmbh/mta documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:51 p.m.